

3D Geostress Measurement by Sleeve Fracturing Technique and Engineering Application

【作者】 郝朋伟

【导师】 刘殿书; 高全臣;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 岩土工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 首先对比分析了现有地应力测试方法的主要特点及各自的局限性,总结了地应力测试的主要成果,而后提出了套筒致裂法三维地应力测试的基本构想。套筒致裂法三维地应力测试技术通过三个异面的致裂钻孔的测试结果综合分析原始地应力、求解应力主单元体、计算测点上下相邻岩层地应力。自主研发的套筒致裂测试仪器可以很好地规避致裂液体在围岩孔隙的渗流问题,测试结果准确性较高。套筒致裂法三维地应力测试技术在孙疃煤矿、许疃煤矿得到了应用,测试地点5个,共涉及测试钻孔18个。测试结果显示两矿均存在较大的构造应力,且构造应力最大主应力方向与岩层倾向一致,第二主应力方向与岩层走向一致,岩层的法线方向基本无构造应力,构造应力主单元体与自重应力主单元体叠加的结果就是原始应力主单元体。有了较为准确的地应力测试结果,文章分析了地应力对采煤工作面及巷道的影响。

【Abstract】 Firstly, the main characteristics and limitations of the existing geostressmesasurement methods are comparatively analyzed, and the achivement of geostresstest is ummarized, then the author put forward the basic concept of3D geostressmeasurement by sleeve fracturing technique. The technique of3D geostressmeasurement by sleeve fracturing comprehensively analyzes in-situ stress, solutes thestress of the main cell and calculates stress of adjacent stratas neighboring the testingsite through the testing results of three fracturing boreholes in different planes. Theself-developed sleeve fracturing instrument can commendably prevent seepageproblem of crack liquid in the fracturing borehole, so the test result is more accurate.The technique of3D geostress measurement by sleeve fracturing was applied inSuntuan and Xutuan coal mine, including5testing sites involving18fracturingboreholes. The testing results show that there exists high tectonic stress in the twotesting coal mine area, and the direction of the maximum principal tectonic stresscoincides with the tendency of strata, the second principal tectonic stress direction isconsistent with the strata’s strike, in addition, little tectonic stress exists along thenormal direction of strata.Sperposing the main element of tectonic stress and gravitystress we can get the in-situ stress main element. After obtaining the comparativelyaccurate in-situ stress measuring result, the article also analyzed the influence ofin-situ stress on the mining faces and roadways.


