

The Highgroundwater Area of Coal Village Migrationin Occupies Fillingbalance by the Theoretical Model and Application

【作者】 杨耀淇

【导师】 胡振琪;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 土地资源管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 众所周知在我国东部平原高潜水位地区的土地资源和煤炭资源都十分重要,在高潜水位地区的煤炭资源与地表耕地和村庄存有高度重合,这便形成了煤-粮复合区和压煤村庄区。在高潜水位的矿区,煤炭资源开采引起了地表的下沉导致潜水位出入地表,大量耕地积水,粮食减产甚至绝产,良田失去了粮食的生产能力,同时由于高潜水位地区的人口密度大,村庄密集,煤炭开采引起的压煤村庄搬迁的用地问题十分严重,因此压煤村庄搬迁是当前政府和煤炭企业面临的共同难题,也是社会矛盾的集中点,是制约矿区和矿业城市可持续发展的主要瓶颈问题。本研究在借鉴土地复垦与生态重建研究所已有的成果基础上,根据耕地占补平衡土地政策,设计出了围绕压煤村庄搬迁用地为中心的“占-补”平衡用地新理论模型。本研究根据压煤村庄搬迁“占-补”用地新理论,先对搬迁占地和补地影响因素进行了详细分析;然后根据“占-补”用地新理论要求构建了基于PSO的压煤村庄搬迁用地调控模型,同时构建了基于AHP-CA的压煤村庄搬迁选址布局模型;最后本研究以山东某矿区为例进行了案例分析,同时结合开发的压煤村庄搬迁辅助决策系统,设计出研究区的压煤村庄搬迁“占-补”用地最优方案。方案结果表明,压煤村庄搬迁“占-补”用地新理论不但能够满足压煤村庄搬迁用地指标需求,还能够保证区域空间内粮食产量不降低,最终实现能源安全、社会安全和粮食安全共赢的局面。

【Abstract】 As we all known,In the eastern of China,the land resources and coal resources in high ground-water level plain areas are very important, In these area,coal resources and arable land and villagesare high degree of coincidence, which formed the coal grain complex area and coal mining undervillage area.In the high ground-water level mining, coal mining caused the surface subsidence thatresult in groundwater out, a large number of cultivated land submerged, food production declineor even no kernels or seeds are gathered, Lots of farmland lost the capacity of grain production,Due to the plain area population density higher, the village higher concentrated, land reserveresources reducing, making the contradiction between people and land manifest. So, coal undervillage moving becoming the common problem of current government and coal enterprises, It alsothe focus of social concerning, and limited the sustainable development of mining city or area.The study based on many achievements which possessed by the land reclamation andecological reconstruction, According to the policy of arable land requisition-compensationbalance, designed a new model which dim the village migration in coal mining land as the center.According to the new theory about village migration in coal mining, First of all, we have a detailedanalysis to the factors which influence land requisition and compensation. Next, Constructed land control model which based on coal under villages PSO relocation.And based on the "AHP-CA"build the coal mining under village site layout model. Finally, In this study, take the Shandongmining area as an example, designed the village migration optimization scheme. The resultsshowed that the new theory can be used not only to meet the village migration in coal mining landdemand, but also to ensure the grain yield in the regional space not reducing, and Ultimately toachieve energy security, social security and food security and win-win situation.

  • 【分类号】F301.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】188
  • 攻读期成果

