

Rib Spalling and Control in Fully-mechanized Top-coal Caving Face with Large Mining Height

【作者】 殷帅峰

【导师】 何富连;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 采矿工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 为预防和控制大采高综放面煤壁严重片帮事故,本文对大采高综放面煤壁片帮机理开展了深入研究,提出了合理有效且具有针对性的煤壁片帮控制技术。结合正交试验和弹塑性岩梁有限变形理论,研究得出大采高综放面顶煤塑性变形与煤壁前方机采高度范围内煤体塑性变形具有明显时间差异性特点;建立了大采高综放面煤壁片帮尖点突变模型和弧形滑动失稳模型,推导出坚硬煤层煤壁片帮力学条件判据和软弱煤层煤壁片帮安全系数计算式,并结合夹矸强度弱化理论研究了夹矸煤壁失稳判别准则;综合三角模糊算法和数值模拟计算,确定了8107大采高综放面煤壁片帮关键影响因素:支架故障率、工作阻力和端面距;建立了综放支架系统可靠性共因失效计算模型,得出支架关键固体构件和液压元件失效概率,提出了以降低支架故障率为核心的“固液同步型”故障检测煤壁片帮控制方法,并对比分析了综放面不同故障率区段和故障检修前后煤壁片帮控制效果;结合煤壁片帮控制数据库系统,运用C++语言开发出一套大采高综放面煤壁片帮安全评价系统,并通过现场应用检验。上述研究成果运用于同忻煤矿8107大采高综放面及其他典型矿井综放面,取得了良好的社会和经济效益。

【Abstract】 In order to prevent and control serious accidents of rib spalling in fully-mechanized top-coalcaving face with large mining height, rib spalling mechanism is studied in detail and a proper,effective and specific controlling technology is put forward. Then, the orthogonal test andelastic-plastic finite deformation theory are combined to produce reselts that the plastic zones areobviously different in deformation process between top coal and the rib. The cusp catastrophicmodel and rib curve slipping mechanical model are established to derived the mechanicalconditional criterion of hard rib spalling and the safety coefficient formula of weak rib spallingrespectively. Based on the intensity weakening theory of rock parting, rib instability discriminationis researched strictly. Combined with triangular fuzzy algorithm and numerical simulation, keyinfluence factors to rib spalling at workface NO.8107are as follows: support failure rate, workingresistance and tip-to-face distance. According to the support failure rate of solid and hydrauliccomponents coming from the calculation of common cause failure (CCF) model, a combination ribcontrol technology called “Solid-liquid synchronization type”(SLST) failure detection method toreduce support failure rate is proposed, and then the rib control effects are compared amongdifferent regions of work face and before&back failure maintenance. Combined with the databasesystems of rib spalling in fully-mechanized top-coal caving face with large mining height, a set ofrib safety evaluation system is developed in C++language program. The research achieves havebeen applied to8107workface of Tongxin coalmine and other typical coalmine to monitor ribstability, and have brought social and finical benefits promptly.


