

Surround Pressure Characters and Key Supporting Technology of Tunnelling along Goaf without Coal Pillar in Xutuan Coal Mine

【作者】 李敬佩

【导师】 高全臣;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 岩土工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以淮北许疃煤矿8214风巷为研究对象,较为详细地分析了中厚煤层无煤柱沿空掘巷实施的前提条件、应力分布规律、上覆岩层的赋存状态及相关的支护技术。运用现场实测、实验室试验、数值模拟、理论计算分析等手段,对相邻采空区积水的排放、瓦斯防治对策、采空区余煤自燃、相关位置地应力数值、巷道上覆关键块的尺寸与断裂位置、支护压力的非对称性、非对称性支护压力情况下的支护技术等内容展开了研究,提出了制约完全沿空掘巷顺利实施的三个重要因素,并给出了切实可行的解决对策;应用现场实测与几何分析等手段,给出了计算关键块长度、关键块在实体煤中断裂位置的准确的计算方法;揭示了完全沿空掘巷支护压力的非对称性特征,并给出了帮、顶支护压力随工作面移动的变化规律,设计并应用了非对称锚架组合结构与拱腰部位铺设双抗布相互结合的关键支护技术。

【Abstract】 Taking the8214wind roadway of xu Tuan coal mine in huaibei as the researchbackground, this doctoral dissertation analyzes the in-situ stress distribution rule, thepremise condition, the occurrence state of overlying rock and related supportingtechnology in the roadway along next goaf in the thick coal seam. Using researchmethods of in-situ test and laboratory test, numerical simulation and theoreticalcalculation separately, the adjacent goaf water emissions, natural gas controlcountermeasures, spontaneous combustion of coal residue in goaf, geostressnumerical in related position, size and fracture position of the overlying key block, theasymmetry of the supporting pressure, and the supporting technology of supportingpressure in asymmetry situation are studied, which gets some very importantfirst-hand data and results. It proposed three important factors restricting road alongnext goaf implementation and presents a feasible solution. Application of fieldmeasurement and geometric analysis, the paper provides a key block length, and theaccurate calculation method of key block in the entity coal fracture location. Througha series of field tests, it revealed the asymmetry characteristic of supporting pressurein roadway along next goaf and gived the side, the roof supporting pressure changinglaws with the worke face advancement. It proposed the key technologies of theasymmetric anchor frame combination structure and laying the double resistanceclothon the arch and waist.


