

Study of Instability Mechanism and Control Technology of Coal Bump under Conditions of Thick Conglomerate Synergiesing with Thrusts

【作者】 曾宪涛

【导师】 姜耀东;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 岩土工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 通过现场调研、地质建模、理论分析、现场监测、相似模拟及数值模拟实验等多种研究手段的融合,研究出了义马矿区巨厚砾岩与逆冲断层共同作用下冲击地压发生机理,并提出相应的防治技术。论文首先通过地质分析并结合案例研究得出了义马矿区巨厚砾岩与逆冲断层诱发冲击地压的两种作用形式,分别利用三维相似模拟实验和数值模拟分析了采动影响下巨厚砾岩的破坏机理和不同厚度上覆砾岩对于工作面矿压的影响规律,并建立理论模型确定了巨厚砾岩破坏准则。其次,通过对义马矿区的地应力实测数据的分析,运用神经网络法,对义马千秋矿进行了地应力反演,并通过数值模拟分析了工作面回采时断层对工作面的影响规律,揭示了断层对于原岩应力及采动应力的影响规律。再次,通过滑移试验及滑移准则的建立,研究了逆冲断层处巨厚砾岩的滑移条件,并建立逆冲断层滑移引发巨厚砾岩破断的准则。最后,建立义马矿区冲击地压防治体系,并对跃进矿25110工作面进行了防冲支护优化的评价。

【Abstract】 According to the fusion of research methods such as field survey, geologicalmodeling, theoretical analysis, field monitoring, similar simulation and numericalsimulation experiment, etc., mechanism of coal bumps occurred under the combinedaction of huge thick conglomerate and thrust fault of Yima mine is analysed and thecorresponding preventing and governing technology are put forward.Firstly, bycombining geological analysis and case studies, the two affect form of coal bumpsinduced by huge thick conglomerate and thrust fault of Yima mine are obtained. Byusing the three dimensional similarity simulation experiment and numericalsimulation. the failure mechanism of huge thick conglomerate influnced by miningand regularity of overlying conglomerate with different thickness influencing themining pressure of working face respectively are analyzed and through building atheoretical model the failure criterion of huge thick conglomerate is established.Secondly, through the actual analysis of measured data of ground stress of Yima minelot and the neural network method, the ground stress inversion in Qianqiu mine ofYima is carried out, and the law of the workface of stress under the action of faults isfound through numerical simulation to reveal the influence that the fault for the stressof primary rock and mining stress.Thirdly, the slip condition of huge thickconglomerate located in the thrust fault had been analyzed in the procedure of slip testand the establishment of the slide rule, and the criterion of fracture of huge thickconglomerate induced by the slip of thrust fault is established.Finally, the coal bumpsprevention and treatment system in Yima mine is established and the evaluation ofanti-bump support optimizing of working face25110of Yuejin mine is evaluated.


