

Surface Modification Effects of Microorganisms on Coal and the Application Flotation

【作者】 陈瑜

【导师】 朱书全;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 矿物加工工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以从肥煤中筛选的煤源细菌黄单胞杆菌、实验室前期从褐煤中分离的胶红酵母及微生物表面改性中常用的草分枝杆菌为研究对象,考察了不同种类的微生物对煤的表面改性作用以及煤泥生物浮选的效果。首先研究了微生物菌体细胞在肥煤原煤表面的吸附,并以细胞在石英、高岭土、黄铁矿及浮选尾煤表面的吸附作为对照;通过分析微生物处理前后样品ζ电位和接触角的变化,证明了菌体细胞能够选择性吸附在煤粒表面,并不同程度地增大煤表面的ζ电位绝对值和接触角,有利于提高浮选的选择性;同时借助红外光谱分析、扫描电镜观察和吸附等温方程的构建,并结合DLVO理论,深入分析了微生物在煤表面的选择性吸附模式和作用机理;利用其选择性吸附和表面改性作用,将上述三种微生物的菌体细胞作为浮选药剂对不同煤质和粒度的原煤进行生物浮选,结果表明在一定细胞浓度和原煤粒度条件下,微生物能够促进煤泥浮选。微生物浮选药剂选择性好、作用力强、对细粒煤的作用效果显著,且环境友好,深入的研究和开发切实可行。

【Abstract】 For the purpose of this paper, surface modification of microbial adhesion on coal surface and coal bio-flotation effects were researched. Bacteria Xanthomonas hortorum which was newly separated from fat coal, lignite-source Yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and a in-depth studied actinomyce in bio-mineral processing Mycobacterium phlei were chosen as research objects. First, the adhesion of three different kinds of microorganisms on raw coal surface were through researched; respective studies of bio-adhesion of typical coal gangue minerals and flotation tailing were performed, the changes of ξ potential and contact angel of minerals after microbial treatment proved that microbes had different surface modification abilities to minerals, their adhesion on coal surface were selective and stronger than others, the adhesion enlarged ξ potential and contact angel of coal suface and was able to improve the selectivity in flotation process. Infrared spectrum analysis, scanning electron microscope test and adsorption isotherm equation simulation as well as DLVO theory were used to analyze the mechanism. Based on their remarkable surface modification abilities, microorganisms were used as bio-reagents in coal flotation; the effects of different coal types and particle size distributions were compared. According to their high efficiency, good selectivity, remarkable effects for fine particle and nontoxic properties, further research and application of microbial flotation reagents are feasible.


