

Comprehensive Utilization and Processing of Asbestos Tailings

【作者】 宋贝

【导师】 郑水林;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 矿物加工工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 石棉尾矿是一种对人体和环境有害的固体矿物残渣,应当对其进行合理利用。本文以石棉尾矿为原料,全面研究了利用石棉尾矿制备氢氧化镁/碳酸钙复合阻燃材料和硅酸锂固碳材料的技术路线、工艺条件以及原理。研究了石棉尾矿硫酸铵焙烧工艺、焙烧机理和焙烧动力学,研究了焙烧产物水溶滤液的氧化除杂工艺,探索了利用除杂滤液(硫酸镁溶液)制备氢氧化镁/碳酸钙复合阻燃材料和利用水溶渣制备硅酸锂固碳材料的工艺。结果表明:优化工艺条件下,焙烧-水溶过程中氧化镁的溶出率为95.29%;氧化除杂过程中铁的沉淀率为99.69%;改性后氢氧化镁/碳酸钙复合阻燃材料,其氢氧化镁复合量为11.02%、拉伸强度为11.88Mpa、断裂伸长率为103.4%、氧指数为25%;水溶渣制备的硅酸锂固碳材料,其CO2吸附容量为25.94%,吸附率为84.85%。

【Abstract】 Asbestos tailings are kind of solid mineral wastes which are harmful to the people’s health andenvironment, and should be recovered and utilized. In this paper, asbestos tailings as raw material,the technique routine, processing parameter and principles are investigated, that the prepare ofmagnesium hydroxide/calcium carbonate composite flame retardant materials and carbonsequestration lithium silicate materials by the utilities of the asbestos tailings. The prosessing,mechanism and dynamics of calcinations of asbestos tailings and ammonium sulphate werereaearched. The prosessing of oxidation and impurity of calcined product filtrate was reaearched.The prepare and mechanism of magnesium hydroxide/calcium carbonate composite flameretardant materials and carbon sequestration lithium silicate materials were also reaearched.Theresults showed that under optimized conditions, the magnesium leaching rate ofcalcinations–solution prosessing is95.29%; the iron precipitation of oxidation-impurity is99.69%;the magnesium hydroxide/calcium carbonate composite flame retardant materials that the amountof magnesium of11.02%, a tensile strength of11.88Mpa, elongation at break of103.4%, anoxygen index of25%; and carbon sequestration lithium silicate materials that the adsorptioncapacity of25.94%, the adsorption rate of84.85%.


