

Collaborative Innovation Mechanism and Factors of House Industry

【作者】 谢夫海

【导师】 高全臣;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 工程管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 针对住宅产业化在产业创新中存在的协同创新环境尚未形成、整体科技贡献率低、协同创新政策扶持力度不够、技术协同创新能力不足等问题,首先研究找出产业化协同创新的主要影响因素,提取了11个影响因子,以产业演进论与博弈论的方法研究产业创新及不同主体的协同创新的需求,住宅产业产业化的协同创新的动力机制,分析不同类型产业化基地的协同创新机制。建立住宅产业化协同创新的协同度评价模型,提出了住宅产业协同创新的制度协同、技术协同、组织协同、管理协同、市场协同的协同创新建议;基于实证研究北京住总集团的产业化规划、产业化技术创新研究工作的层级分级,提出建立住宅产业全产业链协同创新体系。

【Abstract】 There has been lots of problem of the housing industry‘s industrial innovation, Unformedenvironment of collaborative innovation, Low contribution rate of science and technology as a wholeindustry,unsufficient synergy innovation ability of technology, this paper which with the maininfluencing actors of collaborative innovation research getting the11factors, using industry evolutiontheory and game theory to analyze the demand of different collaborative innovation subjects, has setup a new mechanism of synergy innovation theory for house industry. It has formed synergyinnovation mechanism of the different house industry base. We has set up housing industrializationcollaborative innovation synergy degree evaluation model, and the housing industry system ofcollaborative innovation synergy, coordination, organization, coordination, management techniquesand market coordination of collaborative innovation Suggestions. On the base of the industrializationof technological innovation, the hierarchical classification of industrial the research work of BUCC,has established housing industry industrial chain synergy innovation system.

  • 【分类号】F273.1;F299.233.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】558
  • 攻读期成果

