

Research on the Dynamic Mechanical Response of Driving Affected Zone in Coal Roadway and Its Effect on Dynamic Disaster

【作者】 吕秀江

【导师】 李成武;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 安全技术及工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 综合运用理论分析、实验研究、数值模拟等研究方法,采用“假设-求证-结论-建议”的研究思路,研究了煤巷掘进影响区动态应力响应及对动力灾害的影响。提出观点“掘进引起采动应力动态响应是煤岩动力灾害重要影响因素”,并运用弹性力学、塑性力学并结合矿压理论通过掘进影响区内煤的微元体进行力学分析并建立掘进引起采动应力动态响应理想模型,从理论上论证了煤巷掘进影响区采动应力具有动态性特征;研制了可模拟多个埋深掘进速度可调可控能实现动态掘进的三维模拟实验系统,为本文研究提供实验基础;通过多组实验,实验验证了煤巷工程中采动应力存在动态性和拉伸性特征,持续掘进过程中采动应力存在差异性和压缩性动态应力响应特征,间歇性掘进中采动应力存在缩伸交替变化特征;提出动态应力响应对煤岩动力灾害的影响机理并提出防治措施。研究表明,不同掘进速度下采动应力呈现不同程度的动态性规律,掘进引起采动应力动态响应使升高了的集中应力作用在缩短了的煤柱上是煤岩动力灾害的重要因素。

【Abstract】 This thesis adopts the thought of “hypothesis-proof-conclusion-recommendation” to analyzethe dynamic response of driving-induced stress and its effect on dynamic disaster in the drivingaffected zone of coal roadway through theoretical analysis and experimental study. The hypothesisof “dynamic stress response plays an important part in coal or rock dynamic disaster” waspresented. With using the theory of mechanics of elastic and plastic and underground pressuretheory, the micro unit of coal in the driving affected zone was analyzed mechanically, and anidealized model of dynamic stress response behavior was built up. Then the hypothesis above wastheoretically demonstrated. The three-dimensional simulation experiment system is developedfor future research, which can achieve dynamic tunneling and drivage speed is adjustable andcontrolled. Through several sets of experiments, the calculation results demonstrate that dynamiccharacteristics and tractility of driving-induced stress in the coal mining roadway, thecompressibility and diversity characteristics of driving-induced stress under the processing ofcontinuous driving, and the compressibility-stretch alteration characteristics of driving-inducedstress under the processing of intermittent driving are do exist. The mechanism of dynamic stressresponse on coal or rock dynamic disaster and the controlling measures were presented. The studyhas shown that different dynamic rules and dynamic response effects show up according to thedifferent driving speed. And the key factor gestating disaster is that the risen abutment stresscaused by stress dynamic response effect in driving presses shortened coal block.

  • 【分类号】TD263;TD77
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】253
  • 攻读期成果

