

Study of Quality Optimization of Middle School Ideological and Political Teachers in China

【作者】 朱坤

【导师】 苏杭;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 提高实效性、增强吸引力是改革开放以来思想政治教育发展的重要诉求和趋势,也是新形势下进一步加强和改进思想政治教育的基本思路。中学思想政治教育作为整体思想政治教育研究中的关键一环,业界对其关注较少。中学思想政治教育实践本身是一个宏观工程,提高其实效和水平,关键在于中学思想政治教师。高素养的教师队伍,是高质量教育的一个基本条件。笔者以中学思想政治教师素质优化为切入点探讨此话题,展示中学思想政治素质的现状,通过一线调查、问卷等形式,勾勒出我国当下中学思想政治教师素质的轮廓,对成效与问题客观描述,接着分析造成问题之成因,力图从一个全新的视角呈现中学思想政治教育实践中存在的问题与不足,为提高其实效性尽微薄之力。

【Abstract】 Improving the actual effect is not only important demands for ideological and politicaleducation since the reform and opening up, is also the basic train of thought in strengthening andimproving it under the new situation The scientific implementation of middle school ideologicaland political education as a key part in the study of ideological and political education, we pay lessattention to it. Scientific implementation of middle school ideological and political education is amacro thesis, To improve the quality of middle school ideological and political education, torealize scientific implementation of middle school ideological and political education, teachers arethe most importmant."middle quality teachers’ team, is a basic condition of middle qualityeducation. Through the optimization of the middle school ideological and political teachers’quality, the author discuss this topic, shows the present situation of the middle school politicalquality, by investigation, questionnaires and other forms, constructs the outline of the presentmiddle school ideological and political teachers’ quality in our country, objectivly describes theachievements and problems, and then analyzes causes of the problem, trying to find the problemsand deficiencies of middle school ideological and political education from a new perspective, totry my best to study the scientific implementation of ideological and political education of middleschool.


