

【作者】 于萌

【导师】 李永化;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 大连市体育新城是近年来大连市精心打造的一种城市功能发展地区,是在以承办体育赛事、兴建大型体育场馆的契机下发展起来的以体育设施为核心的城市新城区。该区域位于大连市城市区域与乡村之间的过渡地带,城市与乡村各种资源禀赋在此区域梯度变化剧烈,发展环境相当复杂。由于其区位位置和功能定位的特殊性,而且处于发展的探索时期,所以对体育新城的研究显得尤为必要和迫切。可持续发展思想是我国现阶段社会经济发展的重要目标,对于体育新城这一新兴的发展区域来说,将这种管理目标贯穿于它的发展之中具有很大的现实意义。文章基于生态足迹理论和能值理论的理论和方法,对体育中心场馆的建设、运营情况进行了可持续发展的全生命周期评价,并在新城区的视角下,对体育新城地区近10年的区域可持续发展水平进行了综合评价。得出的主要结论如下:1.体育新城所在区域在2003~2012年间的发展呈明显的阶段性,分别是稳步上升阶段、发展停滞阶段和快速上升阶段。其中从2008年开始的快速上升阶段与体育新城的规划建设是有很大关系的。其中准则层的状态指数在前5年一直没有太大的变化,2007年以来,呈现明显的上升趋势,说明体育新城的规划和建设给当地提供了人员、资金和产业的拉动,形成了局部的吸引力。驱动力指数呈明显的波动性,近年来也呈上升态势。响应指标在这10年间一直处于稳步上升的状态。2.采用体育中心自主运营方案,在整个生命周期中,处于生态赤字状态,至少需要运营54年才能弥补为兴建和维护其运营所消耗的自然资源;采用配套开发土地与自身运营相结合的收益模式,体育中心在全生命周期中呈生态盈余状态,正常运营25年即可弥补自然资源损耗。其中后一种方案是对体育中心项目可持续发展模式的有益探索。3.大连市体育中心现实运营态势良好,在消费者的旅游生态足迹中,交通、餐饮、住宿、游览娱乐的生态足迹分别为:276111.31hm2,25774.76hm2,2150.66hm2,350.28hm2,其中“行”的生态占用量达到了90.71%,而“娱”、“住”、“游”、“购”、“食”的总消费占用还不足10%,这与席建超等人的研究结果是相一致的。4.基于SWOT分析法对大连体育新城的未来可持续发展态势进行分析,结果表明:体育新城的发展机遇在于发展政策、发展资源优势(人力资源、财力资源、区位优势等),挑战在于自然环境本底较弱,发展基础条件不够好,对体育新城的发展模式没有成功的经验可以借鉴等。

【Abstract】 Sports New City of Dalian is a well-built functional development region. The new citywhich has become the core zone based on sports facilities is built in the opportunity of hostingsporting events and constructs large scale stadiums. The region is located in the transitionzone between urban areas and rural and there is a lot of urban and rural resource which hasgradient variation and complex environment. Because of the special geographical location andfunction and on the road to development, this district is very worth to study on and veryurgent.Sustainable development is the key goal of socio-economic development at the presentstage in our country. It is of great practical significance for the sports new city to achieve thisgoal. Based on the method of ecological footprint and energy, this paper evaluates the fulllife-cycle of central sports halls’ construction and operation situation. Furthermore,comprehensive assessment of the sustainable development level is done to the relative cityarea in recent10years under the view of rural-urban balance. The main conclusions are asfollows:1. The development of Sports New City area from2003to2012lies in three stages,namely the stage of steady rise, stagnation and rapidly rising phase. The rapid rise stagestarting from2008and the construction of New City Planning are very closely related. Thestate index has not changed much in the last5years. There has been, since2007, showed anupward trend, when Sports New City start planning and building to the pulling of theprovision of personnel, funds and industries, and formed part of the attraction. Driving forceindex showed volatility, is also on the rise in recent years. Response indicators have been asteady increase state during the last10years.2. Sports Center operation is in a state of ecological deficit throughout their life cycle. Itneeds to operate at least54years to make up for the construction and maintenance of theiroperational consumption of natural resources; Using a combination of ancillary landdevelopment and its own operating revenue model, Sports Centre is in the state of ecologicalsurplus during the full life-cycle and it would take25years to compensate for the depletionwith normal operations. The latter programmer is an essential mode to the sustainabledevelopment of Sports Center project exploration.3. Dalian City Sports Center runs well currently.. Consumers’ touristic ecologicalfootprint, of transportation (T), catering (C), accommodation (A) and tour entertainment (E)are respectively276111.31hm2,25774.76hm2,2150.66hm2and350.28hm2, among whichthe ecological footprint of ‘T’ is as high as90.71%whilst the sum of the others is even lowerthan10%. This finding is consistent with Xi, Jianchao et. al4. Based on SWOT method, this paper analyze the future sustainable development ofDalian Sports City and, the results show: The opportunities for development of Sports New City lies in the development of policies, develop resources (human resources, financialresources, location, etc) and the challenge are the weak natural environment, the sick basicconditions, little successful experiences about the development of Sports New City and so on.

  • 【分类号】F299.2;X22
  • 【下载频次】238

