

【作者】 马慧强

【导师】 韩增林;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 建国60多年以来,我国经济社会发展迅速,但贫富差异却日益扩大,基本公共服务空间分异明显,社会分层显著,居住、医疗、教育、养老等公共服务供求矛盾现象日益突出,已成为考验我国建设社会主义和谐社会,保持社会稳定发展的重要问题。随着区域协调发展总体战略的实施,我国东北地区经济和社会不断发展进步,但是基本公共服务的非均等化却越来越成为东北地区振兴崛起的制约瓶颈,成为社会不稳定的诱发因素。本文从社会学、公共管理学、福利经济学、伦理学等视角对基本公共服务的内涵做了深刻剖析,依据基本公共服务的内涵,按照科学性、系统性和数据可获得性等原则,以教育服务、文化服务、卫生服务、信息化服务、生态环境服务、基础设施服务、社会保障服务7个一级指标,以及万人财政教育支出、万人普通中小学数、人均医师数等28个二级指标构建了东北地区地级及以上城市基本公共服务质量水平测度指标体系,然后通过定性和定量分析相结合,理论研究和典型区域调研相结合的方式,对东北大区基本公共服务的质量特征与空间分异格局、非均等化时空演变做了实证分析,在此基础上,本文提炼出了东北基本公共服务非均等化的影响因素与动力因子,并从整体上重新思考和研究,提出东北地区基本公共服务均等化的策略和建议,对理论研究和实践实施有很好的参考作用。具体内容主要包括以下九个章节:第1章为绪论,主要阐述本文的选题背景、研究意义、研究方法、拟解决的问题和技术路线。第2章为基本公共服务的国内外研究综述,主要从公共服务均等化的理论渊源、概念鉴定、均等化的原则与实现模式、多元化评价指标、供给模式等进行归纳研究,从不同研究角度、研究方法和研究对象进行比较、讨论,并选取出本文研究视角。第3章为核心概念辨析与基础理论介绍,分析服务、公共服务、基本公共服务、基本公共服务均等化等基本概念,同时梳理本文研究涉及的理论,主要有功利主义均等论、罗尔斯公平正义论、公共治理理论、福利经济学理论和“点—轴”渐进扩散理论等。第4章为东北地区基本公共服务质量评价指标体系建立与具体研究方法的选取研究。依据基本公共服务的内涵,按照科学性、系统性和数据可获得性等原则,以教育服务、文化服务、卫生服务、信息化服务、生态环境服务、基础设施服务、社会保障服务7个一级指标,以及万人财政教育支出、万人普通中小学数、人均医师数等28个二级指标构建了东北地区地级及以上城市基本公共服务质量水平测度指标体系,并用熵值法对其进行计量分析。第5章为东北地区基本公共服务质量水平特征测度分析,文章从东北地区地级及以上城市基本公共服务质量特征综合分析、聚类分析、东三省整体质量特征、公共服务与城市规模耦合等几个方面对东北地区基本公共服务质量水平进行分析测度。第6章为东北地区基本公共服务空间分异研究。主要从东北地区基本公共服务整体分异格局、空间分异时空演变、基本公共服务趋势测度、各类型单项公共服务时空演化等方面测度分析第7章为东北地区基本公共服务非均等化的影响因素与动力机制分析。主要从外部动力机制、内部动力机制和微观动力机制三个层面对造成东北地区基本公共服务非均等化的原因进行分析。第8章为促进东北地区基本公共服务非均等化对策建议分析。本章从协调东北区域经济发展、构建公共服务型政府、促进公共服务参与主体多元化、建立健全统筹城乡的基本公共服务制度、建立和规范更加完善合理的转移支付制度以及结合主体功能区和小城镇规划推进人口迁移等六个方面来提出促进东北地区基本公共服务的对策和建议。第9章为主要结论总结、创新点与研究展望的阐述。

【Abstract】 In recent years, China’s economic and social development developed rapidly, butthe differences between rich and poor was widening, basic public services has manydifferences in significant spatial, social stratification differs significantly, housing,health care, education, pensions and other public services, supply and demand isbecoming more prominent, maintaining social stability and development of importantissues.Withthe implementation of the overall strategy of balanced-regional-development, China’s northeast region’s economic and social development have madea progress, but the basic public services are increasingly becoming non-equalizationbecomes the bottleneck of Northeast Revitalization. This paper does a deep analysisof sociology, public administration, welfare economics, and ethics perspective on themeaning of basic public service, based on the meaning of basic public services,according to the scientific, systematic and data availability principles to7first-levelindicators including education services, cultural services, health services, informationservices, environmental services, infrastructure services, social security services, aswell as28quality secondary indicators including people fiscal expenditure oneducation, the number of people of ordinary schools, the number of physicians percapita, etc., constructed northeast cities above prefecture level and the level of qualitymeasurement indicator system of basic public services, and through a combination ofqualitative and quantitative analysis, in both theory and typical combination ofregional research for the Northeast Region of basic public services characteristics andspatial variation patterns, spatial and temporal evolution of non-equalization empiricalanalysis has been done on this basis. This paper extracted from the northeastequalization of basic public services, non-impact factor and power factor, re-thinkingand research as a whole, makes northeast basic public services equalization strategiesand recommendations for the implementation of the theory and practice have a goodreference. Specific content includes the following nine chapters:Chapter1is an introduction, describes the background, significance, researchmethods, and technical problems to be solved route.On review of domestic and foreign research of basic public services, Chapter2ismainly for inductive research equalization of public services from the theoreticalorigins, concept identification, implementation of the principle of equalization modes,diverse evaluation, supply mode. Takes examples from the perspective of different studies, research methods and compare objects, discuss, and then selects a researchperspective in this article.Chapter3is the core concept of discrimination and introduces basic theory, in thispart the author combing theory this study involved mainly utilitarian doctrine ofequivalents, basic concepts of analysis services, public services, basic public services,such as the equalization of basic public services, Rolls fair the Theory of Justice,public governance theory, welfare economics theory and the "point-axis" progressivediffusion theory.Chapter4is to establish and specific research methods for basic public servicesquality evaluation index system of northeast China. Based on the7level indicatorsincluding connotation of basic public services, according to the scientific, systematicand data availability principles to education services, cultural services, health services,information services, environmental services, infrastructure services, social securityservices and28secondary indicators including million fiscal expenditure oneducation, the number of primary and secondary ordinary people, the number ofphysicians per capita constructed northeast cities above prefecture level and quality ofbasic public services Measurement Indicator System, then uses entropy method to dosome econometric analysis.Chapter5is for the basic characteristics of public service quality levels Northeastmeasure analysis. The article researches from the Northeast cities above prefecturelevel and quality of basic public services, features comprehensive analysis, clusteranalysis, the overall quality characteristics Northeast, public service coupled with afew urban scale aspects of the quality of basic public services in Northeast.Chapter6is for the northeastern differentiation research of region spatial basicpublic services. Mainly from the northeast region of basic public services overalldifferentiation pattern, spatial and temporal evolution of spatial variation, the trendmeasure of basic public services, public services all types of space-time evolution ofa single measure analysis, etc.Chapter7is for the factors that affecting the northeastern region of non-basicpublic services analysis and dynamic equalization mechanism. Mainly from theexternal dynamic mechanism, internal dynamic mechanism and micro-dynamicmechanism which causes the three levels of basic public services to the northeasternregion of non-equalization for analysis.Chapter8is for analysis and suggestions about basic public services to promotenon-equalization Northeast region. This chapter gives suggestions from the Northeast regional economic development coordination, building public service-orientedgovernment, the promotion of basic public services, public services involved in thediversification of the system, establish and improve the urban and rural areas toestablish and regulate a reasonable system of transfer payments and the combinationof the main functional areas and small towns advance planning to propose six areas ofbasic public services to promote the northeastern region of countermeasures andsuggestions population migration.Chapter9is a summary of the main conclusions to explain innovation and researchprospects.


