

A Theoretical and Practical Study on Regional Logistics Cooperation

【作者】 邢虎松

【导师】 刘凯;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在经济全球化以及我国区域经济一体化发展的大背景下,区域物流一体化发展是区域经济一体化的客观要求,也是我国物流业发展的必然趋势。目前,以地方政府为主导的区域物流合作逐步开展,在促进区域物流资源整合、优化物流业的区域布局等区域物流一体化发展方面发挥了一定的作用。然而,目前区域物流合作的发展速度及质量尚不能适应区域物流一体化的发展要求,主要存在如下问题:(1)区域物流合作能否并且是怎样促进区域物流发展的,合作的紧密程度对区域物流增长发展的影响?这个问题关系着合作参与主体的态度,也决定着合作能否顺利进行;(2)对区域物流合作的内涵认识不足,导致合作过程中存在合作主体缺位、错位的问题,影响合作组织与合作协调机制的建立;(3)缺乏有效合理并易于监管的区域物流资源配置方法,引致难以协调和监管参与合作的各地区的物流资源的配置,区域物流基础设施资源的重复建设问题依然存在。为了解决上述区域物流合作发展中存在的理论与应用问题,本论文综合运用现代物流学、经济学、区域规划等理论,采用实证分析与规范分析、定性分析与定量分析相结合的研究方法,对区域物流合作理论及应用方法进行系统深入研究,论文研究工作对于丰富区域物流发展理论、指导我国区域物流合作发展,具有重要的现实意义和理论价值。本论文主要包括以下五个方面的研究内容。(1)梳理我国区域物流合作发展状况,总结区域物流合作发展存在的问题,深入探讨问题产生的原因,对区域物流合作的发展趋势做出判断;(2)阐述区域物流合作对区域物流增长的作用机制,建立包含合作程度要素的区域物流增长模型和区域物流合作程度测算体系,定量探讨区域物流合作对区域物流增长的贡献程度;(3)科学界定区域物流合作的参与主体,分析合作参与主体的利益要求及冲突,探讨并明确各参与主体在区域物流合作发展中的任务与作用,构建区域物流合作发展的主体组织体系;(4)研究区域物流合作对区域物流资源配置的影响,改进基于BP神经网络的物流需求综合预测方法,建立基于区域物流合作的区域物流资本空间优化配置的方法;(5)将本文研究的理论与方法应用于深圳、东莞、惠州三市区域物流合作发展的实践中,定量测算1991-2011年深莞惠区域物流合作对区域物流增长的贡献,构建深莞惠区域物流主体组织管理体系,并对2012-2016年深莞惠区域物流资本进行空间配置。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT:Under the background of the development of economic globalization and regional economic integration of China, regional logistics integration is the objective requirement of the development of regional economic integration, which is also the inevitable development trend of the logistics industry in China. Currently the regional logistics cooperation dominated by local governments is gradually developing, which plays an important part in promoting the integration of the logistics industry, such as integrates the regional logistics resources, optimizes the layout of regional logistics and so on. However, the development speed and quality of regional logistics does not meet the development requirements of regional logistics integration, mainly exist the following problems:(1) Whether the regional logistics cooperation can promote the development of regional logistics, and how to make it? How the degree of cooperation affects regional logistics growth? These issues relates to the attitude of cooperation participators, which determine the cooperation can be carried out smoothly;(2) Because of insufficient understanding of the connotation of regional logistics cooperation, there are problems of the vacancy and dislocation of cooperation participators existing in the cooperation processes, which affect the establishment of cooperation organization and coordination mechanism;(3) Because of the lack of effective and reasonable and easy to regulation allocation method of regional logistics resources, it is still difficult to coordinating and supervising the logistics resources allocation of the cooperation areas, which result in there is existing the problems of repeated construction of regional logistics infrastructure resources.In order to solve the above problems existing in practice of the regional logistics cooperation, this paper use the theoretical sciences of Modern Logistics, Economics, Regional Panning and the research methods of Empirical Analysis and Normative Analysis, Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Analysis to study the theory and application of regional logistics cooperation, which can enrich the theory of regional logistics development, guide the development of Chinese regional logistics cooperation, and have significance practical and theoretical values. The main research contents include the following five points.(1) Card an overview of regional logistics cooperation of China, sum up the problems existing in the development of regional logistics cooperation, explore the reasons for the existence of problems in depth, and make a judgment for the development trends of regional logistics cooperation;(2) Expound mechanisms of regional logistics cooperation impact on regional logistics growth, establish a regional logistics growth model that contains cooperation elements and a estimates system for measure the level of regional logistics cooperation, measure contribution degree of regional logistics cooperation to regional logistics growth quantitatively;(3) Define the participators of regional logistics cooperation, analyze the interests requirements and conflicts among participators, explore and clarify the participators’ main tasks and functions in the development of regional logistics cooperation, build the main participators organizational system of the regional logistics cooperation;(4) Research the impact of regional logistics cooperation on the allocation of regional logistics resources, improve integrated logistics demand forecasting method based on BP neural network and the optimal space-based allocation method of regional logistics capital under the condition of regional logistics cooperation;(5) Apply the theories and methods obtained this paper to the practice of regional logistics cooperation of Shenzhen, Dongguan, Huizhou(SGH for short), measure contribution degree of SGH regional logistics cooperation to regional logistics growth from the year1991to2011quantitatively, build SGH logistics cooperation participators organization and management system, and allocate the regional logistics capital spacially of SGH from the year2012to2016.


