

Research on the Education in Marxist National Concept

【作者】 李美清

【导师】 颜吾佴;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义民族观教育是正确处理民族问题、实现各民族和谐共处的基础。开展马克思主义民族观教育是中国共产党思想政治工作的重要组成部分。长期以来,我国在马克思主义民族观教育方面历经考验、富有成效,值得进行认真研究和总结并上升为指导今后工作的规律性认识。当前,马克思主义民族观教育面临的机遇和挑战并存,马克思主义民族观教育研究还有待进一步加强。本研究拟解决三个核心问题:一是少数民族马克思主义民族观教育核心内容以及发展脉络问题;二是当前国内民族地区马克思民族观教育存在的共性问题;三是面对新形势新挑战我国如何加强马克思主义民族观教育、构建马克思主义民族观教育新体系的问题。本文以马克思主义历史唯物主义和马克思主义民族理论为指导,从概念研究入手,通过对民族、民族问题、民族观等核心概念进行再学习再研究,全面研究马克思主义民族观及马克思主义民族观教育的理论内涵及发展。同时,以广西壮族自治区作为马克思主义民族观教育实证研究对象,从左右江革命根据地的创建至广西壮族自治区成立50周年共80多年的史实入手,全面分析研究广西壮族自治区马克思主义民族观教育的历史与现状。通过对广西壮族自治区马克思主义民族观教育的发端与发展进行分析研究,进一步总结广西壮族自治区马克思主义民族观教育的主要成效,力求从中找出影响马克思主义民族观教育成效的实践因素和理论依据,分析研讨马克思主义民族观教育面临的挑战和时代要求以及当前国内民族地区马克思民族观教育存在的共性问题。在进行理论和现实的具体研究分析后,通过深入研究广西壮族自治区马克思主义民族观教育的模式和特点,以及形成和发展的规律,提炼、概括和升华出马克思主义民族观教育的理论模式,探索和建构思想政治教育视阈下的马克思主义民族观教育理论与实践体系,从组织与管理、实施与保障等方面研讨我国加强马克思主义民族观教育的对策,最终建构出加强马克思主义民族观教育的教育体系,以期提出有操作性的有效方案。

【Abstract】 Carrying out the education of Marxist national concept is an essential part of the ideological and political work of the Communist Party of China. Having proved to be remarkably effective based on previous experiences, it’s certainly necessary to conduct in-depth research on the education of Marxist national concept.Reinforcing the education of Marxist national concept and properly addressing national issues are key indicators when evaluating the governing ability of the Party and leadership skills of Party and governmental organizations at all levels. Currently faced with great opportunities and challenges, the education of Marxist national concept is to be further strengthened.This paper intends to explore three main areas:firstly, the core value and development path of the education of Marxist national concept for ethnic minorities; secondly, common problems encountered in current education of Marxist national concept for ethnic minorities; the construction of theoretical and operational systems to consolidate the education of Marxist national concept for ethnic minorities.Starting from concept study and approaching the subject through examining focal concepts like nation, national relations and national viewpoint, this paper researches in an overall way on the theoretical value and development of Marxist national concept and the education of it.Taking Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region as an study object of education of Marxist national concept, and drawing on historical facts in80years from the founding of the revolutionary base area of Zuojiang and Youjiang, this paper administers a holistic review upon the history and current state of the education of Marxist national concept for ethnic minorities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.By studying the origin and development of the education of Marxist national concept for ethnic minorities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and summarizing major positive effects that has been achieved by far, the author attempts to identify the theorectical foundation and implementation factors which affect the effectiveness of the education of Marxist national concept for ethnic minorities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The author also makes an effort in analysing common problems in the education of Marxist national concept for ethnic minorities in ethnic areas in China, as well as the challenges and requirements that the times have brought along. After the above theoretical and pratical research, the author looks more in depth into the model and features of the education of Marxist national concept for ethnic minorities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and laws of its formation and development, in order to summarize the theoretical model of the education of Marxist national concept for ethnic minorities, to outline the theoretical and operational system for the education of Marxist national concept for ethnic minorities in the contexts of ideological and political education, and to propose strategies to strengthen the education of Marxist national concept for ethnic minorities in terms of organization, management, implementation and supporting measures, and finally, to build up the structure of the educational system for the education of Marxist national concept for ethni minorities and attempt to offer pragmatic plans for field operation.

  • 【分类号】D633;D64
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】294

