

Study on the Ideological and Political Education Functions of Mass Media

【作者】 刘胜君

【导师】 荆学民;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在中国的语境下,思想政治教育本来就是政治生活乃至社会生活内在的规定性之一,而大众传媒作为思想政治教育主要的载体由来已久,但就实际情况看,大众传媒的思想政治教育仍然面临许多亟待厘清的认识和急需解决的问题,本论文就是面对当前思想政治教育的实际状况,以解决当前思想政治教育面临的新情况、新课题为目的,充分发挥大众传媒的思想政治教育功能,把我国大众传媒的思想政治教育功能置于历史与现实、中国与世界、当下与未来的多重维度中进行全方位的审视与观照。本论文共分六章。第一章为绪论部分,主要内容包括选题的背景和意义、研究的思路、方法和可能的创新、研究的框架和理论依据等,以及大众传媒思想政治教育功能研究综述。第二章是大众传媒及其功能理论。分为大众传媒的形态、大众传媒的功能、大众传媒功能的双向性、大众传媒的思想政治教育功能。第三章则从大众传媒作为思想政治教育载体的角度探讨了传统媒体的思想政治教育功能、新媒体的思想政治教育功能、传统媒体与新媒体思想政治教育功能关系之辩、以及大众传媒与其他思想政治教育载体的关系。第四章从意识形态灌输、社会舆论压力、不同方式及不同传媒的交叉使用以及新媒体思想政治教育方式的变化等角度论述大众传媒进行思想政治教育的方式。第五章研究影响大众传媒思想政治教育功能的因素,包括社会因素、传媒因素和受众因素。第六章基于大众传媒思想政治教育的现状提出了改善大众传媒思想政治教育效果的对策。

【Abstract】 The ideological and political education has internal necessity in the background of Chinese politics and society. Mass media has been the main tool of the ideological and political education for a long time, but, in fact, there are still many serious issues to deal with in the field of mass media ideological and political education. This article is to face the current situations and based on several dimensions between the history and the reality, China and the world, the present and the future,in order to solve the new problem and to improve the ideological and political education of mass media in China.This article has six chapters. In chapter l,the main context are the background,the significance, researching methods, innovations, frame, theories resources and summarizing on current study on the ideological and political education functions of mass media. Chapter2is " mass media and its function theories". This chapter include modes,functions, dual functions of mass media and the ideological and political education functions of mass media. Chapter3focus on this direction:mass media act as the main tool or channel, including the ideological and political education functions of traditional mass media, the ideological and political education functions of traditional new media,the relations between traditional media and new media,and the relations between mass media and other channel of the ideological and political education.Next chapter discuss the ideological inculcating and the pressure of public opinions,different using of different modes and different media and the change of the ideological and political education of new media.Chapter5focus on the influencing reasons on the ideological and political education functions of mass media,including social aspect,media aspect and audiences aspect.Basing on the present situations,last chapter give some specific measures to improve the ideological and political education of mass media.


