

Transport Capacity Resources Optimizing Allocation of Passenger Dedicated Line

【作者】 海晓伟

【导师】 张润彤;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 2013年以来,随着宁杭、杭甬、盘营客运专线的相继开通,客运专线新增运营里程1107公里,中国客运专线总里程达到11028公里,“四纵”干线基本成型,客货分线势在必行,这必将极大缓解运能与需求之间的矛盾。主要繁忙干线实现客货分线,“人便其行、货畅其流”的目标将成为现实。这对提高铁路运输能力和安全性、提高运输效率、提高客货运输服务质量都有着重要的意义。但是中国铁路运力资源从总体上看相对短缺的问题在一个很长的时间内依然严重。研究先进的、有效的、适合我国铁路客货分线新模式下的客运专线运力资源优化配置机制,使管理效应倍增,实现铁路运输组织水平、投资回报能力、铁路盈利能力、运输服务质量的显著提高进而最终达到充分利用客运专线运力资源,这是中国铁路建设大发展的同时亟待研究的一个重要的课题。本研究以铁道部项目《铁路运输通道运力资源配置模型研究》为依托,围绕客运专线运力资源优化配置这一研究主题,综述了国内外研究现状,采用了优化理论、神经网络方法、系统建模、定性与定量分析相结合等研究方法,构建了客运专线运力资源优化配置的理论体系。从固定设施、客运专线运输组织相关资源、旅客列车开行方案三方面来研究客运专线运力资源优化配置问题。本文的主要研究内容如下:(1)在客运专线固定设施优化方面,重点研究客运专线客运站层次优化,从客运站数据中提取一些客观的指标数据,利用本文提出的基于自组织神经网络SOM(Self-Organizing Map)和k-means的聚类算法将客运专线中的客运站划分成不同层次。过程是首先使用SOM对客运站数据进行初步分类,得到数据对应的BMU(Best Matching Unit);然后使用DBI(Davies-Bouldin Index)指数确定聚类个数k值;最后使用k-means算法对BMU进行精确分类,得到客运站的层次划分结果。另外,还分别对客运专线线路通过能力和客运专线客运站能力进行研究。(2)在客运专线运输组织相关资源优化方面,分别对客票定价优化、开行时刻优化和旅客时间花费优化进行研究。以客运专线旅客出行费用最小和铁路企业总收益最大为目标,以客运站始发能力、客运站终到能力、载客能力等为约束建立了客运专线客票定价优化模型。在研究开行时刻优化时,对列车的出发时刻进行计算来判断开行时刻是否合理。在分析旅客旅行时间组成的基础上,以客运专线旅客旅行时间花费最小为目标,以停站次数、线路能力、列车开行数目为约束建立了客运专线旅客旅行时问花费优化模型。(3)在客运专线旅客列车开行方案优化方面,以前面的研究成果为基础,分别研究开行方案的模型、求解算法和算例。首先,以旅客利益为中心,同时考虑铁路运输企业利益,建立了客运专线列车开行方案的多目标双层规划模型。其次,设计了客运专线列车开行方案优化模型的遗传算法求解过程。最后,以京沪客运专线为例进行仿真实验,得出京沪客运专线旅客列车开行方案。在研究已有文献中有关旅客列车开行方案评价体系的基础上,提出了一种旅客列车开行方案的评价指标体系,包括定性指标和定量指标两类,并应用该指标体系对仿真实验得到的京沪客运专线旅客列车开行方案与现行实际开行方案做了对比分析。

【Abstract】 Since2013, along with the opening of Nanjing-Hangzhou, Hangzhou-Ningbo and Panjin-Yingkou passenger dedicated line one after another, passenger dedicated line operation mileage has increased1,107km and its total mileage reached11,028km in China."Four vertical" railway trunk lines have basically taken shape, the separation of passenger and freight traffic is imperative, this will greatly ease the contradiction between transport capacity and demand. The main busy trunk lines will realize the separation of passenger and freight traffic,"convenient travel and unimpeded logistics" will become a reality. It has important significance for improving railway transport capacity, transport safety, transport efficiency and the service quality of passenger and freight transport.But the overall relative shortage of China railway transport capacity resources is still a serious problem in a very long period of time. While China railway is developing rapidly, it is also an important issue to study a transport capacity resources optimizing allocation mechanism of passenger dedicated line which is advanced, effective and suitable for the separation mode of passenger and freight traffic. This mechanism can greatly improve management effect, the organization level of railway transport, the ability of investment returns, railway profitability and transport service quality, and then finally realize making full use of transport capacity resources of passenger dedicated line.This study relies on Ministry of Railways Project named Research on Model of Railway Transport Corridor Capacity Resources Allocation. Around the theme of passenger dedicated line transport capacity resources optimizing allocation, this dissertation summarizes the research status at home and abroad, and builds the theoretical system of passenger dedicated line transport capacity resources optimizing allocation, adopting some research methods such as optimization theory, neural network method, system modeling, the combination method of qualitative and quantitative analysis, etc. We study transport capacity resources optimizing allocation of passenger dedicated line from the three aspects which are the fixed infrastructure, related resources of transport organization and train operation scheme. The main research contents of this dissertation are as follows: (1)In the study of passenger dedicated line fixed infrastructure optimization, this dissertation focuses on passenger station hierarchical optimization, in which we extract some objective indicators data from passenger stations and then passenger stations are divided into different levels based on the self-organizing neural network SOM (Self-Organizing Map) clustering algorithm and k-means algorithm. Firstly, we roughly classify the passenger station data to get BMU (Best Matching Unit) by using SOM; secondly, we use DBI (Davies Bouldin Index) to determine the clustering number k; finally, we use k-means algorithm to accurately classify BMU to get the levels of passenger stations. In addition, we study passenger dedicated line through capacity and passenger station capacity.(2)In the study of passenger dedicated line related resources of transport organization optimization, we respectively study on ticket pricing optimization, train departure time optimization and travel time optimization. The ticket pricing optimization model is established, taking passenger travel cost minimization and railway enterprise profit maximization as the goals, taking passenger station departure capacity, passenger station arriving capacity, carrying capacity, etc as the constraints. When researching on train departure time optimization, we calculate the departure time to judge whether it is reasonable. On the basis of analyzing the composition of passenger travel time, the passenger travel time cost optimization model is established, taking passenger travel time minimization as the goal, taking stop number, line capacity and train number as the constraints.(3)In the study of passenger dedicated line train operation scheme optimization, based on the previous research results, we focus on its model, algorithm and example. Firstly, taking passenger interests as the center and considering railway transport enterprise benefits, we establish multi-objective bilevel programming model of passenger dedicated line train operation scheme. Secondly, we design the genetic algorithm solving process of passenger dedicated line train operation scheme optimization model. Finally, we conduct the simulation experiment of Beijing-Shanghai passenger dedicated line to get the Beijing-Shanghai passenger dedicated line train operation scheme. After studying some evaluation systems of train operation scheme in the existing literatures, we propose the evaluation system of passenger dedicated line operation scheme which include qualitative index and quantitative index, then we apply it to do a comparison analysis between the experimental train operation scheme of Beijing-Shanghai passenger dedicated line and the actual one.


