

The Research of the Ecological Culture and Shaping the National Ecological Consciousness

【作者】 王丹

【导师】 路日亮;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 文化的本质是人的生存方式,是人与自然相互交往的结果。人类正是在认识自然、改造自然的过程中创造了丰富的物质文化财富和精神文化财富,形成了自身的存在方式。迄今为止,人类历史上已经出现了原始文化、农业文化、工业文化三种文化形态,原始文化是人屈从于自然的生存方式;农业文化是人有限改造自然的生存方式;工业文化是人征服、控制自然的生存方式。人类正是在工业文化的引导下创造了前所未有的物质财富,极大提升了人类物质文明水平,但同时也酿成了愈演愈烈的生态危机,使生态环境问题从早期的工业化国家逐渐蔓延至全球,演变为世界性的难题。后工业化时期,人类开始以文化为视角审视生态问题,认识到生态危机是人类不合理的生存方式的必然结果。人类正积极寻求一种生态化的生存方式,这种新的生存方式就是生态文化。生态文化是人与自然和谐的生存方式,是人类文化发展的新阶段。构建生态文化有赖于科学技术的创新,有赖于制度的重新设计,有赖于文明的生产方式和生活方式养成,但从根本上必须首先塑造人的生态观念,使人与自然和谐的生态意识牢固树立。生态意识是人对人与自然关系的自觉认知,树立生态意识是生态文化建设的关键所在。近年来,在工业文化的驱动下,我国经济社会快速发展与资源环境有限承载之间的矛盾不断显现,生态问题已经制约着经济社会的可持续发展。不合理的生产方式和生活方式是造成我国生态状况总体恶化趋势难以有效扭转的原因。党的十七大明确指出我国要走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的发展之路,要将生态文明观念在全社会牢固树立。党的十八大更是指出只有在思想上牢固树立尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然的生态文明理念,并且主动地将生态文明建设融入中国特色社会主义建设的各个方面和全过程,才能实现美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。本论文认为,国民生态意识的塑造和培育是刻不容缓的,这需要生态文化的支撑、政府的制度设计、教育的大力培养、国民的实践参与。首要的是积极倡导以生态世界观、生态价值观、生态伦理观为核心的生态文化,促使社会生产方式和生活方式生态化。基于这样的思考和判断,论文分七个章节展开论述:第一章,导论。追问当今世界、当下中国生产生活面临的生态环境恶化问题背后的原因。以国内外哲学、生态、经济、社会、文化、伦理等领域已有研究成果为切入点,指出生态危机的实质是文化危机,化解生态危机的出路在于树立整体的生态意识,构建人与自然和谐的生态文化。同时指出构建生态文化的意义。第二章,生态与文化的生态转向。在文化的视角下对生态加以界定,阐释文化与生态的关系。本论文认为文化不仅仅是外部自然的“人化”,而且也是人自身自然的“人化”。文化不是自然发展的过程和自然过程的结果,而是人的创造活动以及这种创造活动的产物,是人的普遍的生存方式。人类创造文化必须以自然生态为基础,生态具有经济价值、社会价值和伦理价值。人类在与自然交往的过程中创造了原始文化、农业文化、工业文化,正在创造着生态文化,指出人类文化转型的必然性。第三章,生态文化的基本理论。从广义和狭义角度定义了生态文化。生态文化具有三个层次的选择:以物质生产方式和生活方式为主的生态物质层次;以生态化的生产制度和生活制度为主的生态制度层次;以人与自然和谐、人与社会和谐、人的物质需要与精神需要和谐的生态精神层次,三个层次构成了生态文化的基本结构。传承性、时代性、全球性、渗透性、永续性等是生态文化的特征。生态文化能够促进经济社会可持续发展、引领生态文明建设。论文挖掘了中国儒、释、道生态文化精髓,梳理了当代西方生态文化理论,阐释了马克思主义生态文化思想。第四章,国民生态意识现状及分析。指出生态意识是人对自然环境的整体性、规律性的认识。国民生态意识是对经济社会发展与自然环境保护关系的深层认识,是一种和谐发展的理念,是一种文明的价值观,是一种整体的思维方式。基于国家相关部门所做的环保调查,概括出国民生态意识的现状,并从客观的经济社会发展、环境保护模式、公共生态教育、企业和个人生态责任角度对国民生态意识薄弱的原因加以分析。第五章,生态文化视阈下国民生态意识塑造。强调塑造国民生态意识必须首先要培育人们的生态世界观,使人自觉地从生态学角度出发把握世界的整体联系和运动变化的内在规律;其次,要培育人们的生态价值观,使人们能够充分认识到自然生态系统对人及人类社会生存和发展的深远意义;再次,要培育人们的生态伦理观,使人自觉地将道德拓展到自然生态领域,在人与自然协同进化的生存理念基础上充分发挥人的强大的主观能动性。以生态世界观、生态价值观、生态伦理观为指导,应尽快塑造国民的生态忧患、生态道德、生态审美等意识。第六章,生态文化视阈下国民生态意识塑造的价值诉求。首先对国际上公民生态意识塑造的目标进行考察,提练出我国国民生态意识塑造的目标,即掌握一定的生态知识、树立文明的生态理念、掌握一定的生态生存技能、形成积极的生态参与。国民生态教育要因地制宜,要遵循内容综合、形式多样、教育全程、实践参与、地域差异原则。第七章,生态文化视阈下国民生态意识塑造的途径。本论文认为,思想是行为的先导。国民生态意识塑造必须始终以马克思主义生态思想为指导,大力弘扬中国传统生态思想的精髓。在确立指导思想的前提下,必须充分发挥政府的主导作用;通过多种方式提升国民生态政治参与水平;促进生产方式和生活方式生态化;建立健全生态教育体系,提升生态教育队伍素质,持续开展国民生态教育;充分引领环保民间组织发展,发挥环保民间组织促进生态文明建设的正能量。本研究正是处于我国大力推进生态文明建设的背景下而展开,冀求从文化视角对生态问题进行探析,唤起国民保护生态环境的生态意识,使人们能动地追求人与自然、人与社会、人与自身和谐之美。

【Abstract】 Culture is the essence of man’s way of life, is the result of the interaction between human and nature. It is in understanding human nature, the transformation in the process of the natural material and cultural wealth and created a rich spiritual and cultural wealth, formed its own existence. So far, human history there have been a primitive culture, agricultural culture and industrial culture three cultural forms, the original culture is the survival of people succumb to the natural way; The agricultural culture is limited natural transformation of the way of life; Industrial culture is people to conquer and control the natural way of life. Humanity is under the guidance of industrial culture has created unprecedented material wealth, greatly improved the level of human material civilization, but also lead to the ecological crisis intensified, the ecological environment problem gradually spread to the world, from the early industrialized countries became a worldwide difficult problem.After a period of industrialization, humans began to culture as the perspective of ecological problems, recognize the ecological crisis is the inevitable result of the existence of human is not reasonable. Human is actively seeking an ecological way of life, this new way of life is the ecological culture. Ecological culture is the human and the nature harmonious way of life, is a new stage of development of human culture. Building ecological culture depends on the innovation of science and technology, depended on the redesign of system, depends on the mode of production and way of life form of civilization, but ultimately shaping the ecological concept, must first make the human and the nature harmonious ecological consciousness firmly. Ecological consciousness is the conscious recognition of the relationship between man and nature, establishing ecological consciousness is the key of the construction of ecological culture.In recent years, the industrial culture, driven by the fast economic and social development and resource environment appeared the contradiction between the limited load constantly, ecological problems have restricted the economic and social sustainable development. Unreasonable mode of production and way of life is the overall deterioration of China’s ecological situation is difficult to effectively reverse the trend. Clear of the17th national congress of our country to go production development, affluent life, ecological good development way, to the concept of ecological civilization firmly in the whole society. The is pointed out that the party’s18only firmly establish a respect for nature, comply with the ideological nature, protect the natural ecological civilization concept, and actively incorporate the construction of ecological civilization in all aspects of the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the whole process, to achieve the beautiful China, realize the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.This paper argues that the national ecological consciousness of shaping and cultivating is urgent, it needs the support of ecological culture, the government’s system design, the participation of the training, the practice of the national education. The priority is actively advocating the ecological world view, ecological values and ecological ethics as the core of ecological culture, encourage social ecological mode of production and way of life. Based on the thinking and judgment, this paper discussed into seven chapters:The first chapter, introduction. Questions in today’s world, the ecological environment deterioration problems confronted by Chinese production and living the reasons behind. In philosophy at home and abroad, the ecological, economic, social, cultural, ethical and other fields has been research as the breakthrough point, points out that the essence of ecological crisis is the cultural crisis, resolving ecological crisis way out is to set up the overall ecological consciousness, construction of human and the nature harmonious ecological culture. At the same time points out that the significance of construction of ecological culture.The second chapter, ecology and cultural ecology. The ecological defined under the perspective of culture, the relations between culture and ecology. This paper think that culture is not only the external natural "humanization", and "humanization" of one’s own nature. Culture is not the result of natural development and the process of natural process, but to create activities as well as the product of the creative activities, is the common way of life. Creating culture must be based on the natural ecology, human ecology has economic value, social value and ethical value. Human beings in the process of interaction with nature created the original culture, agricultural culture and industrial culture, is creating a ecological culture, points out the inevitability of human cultural transformation.The third chapter, the basic theory of ecological culture. Defines the ecological culture from the Angle of broad sense and narrow sense. Ecological culture has three levels of choice:in material production mode and life style is given priority to ecological material level; Is given priority to with ecological systems of production and life of the ecological system of hierarchy; To man and nature, man and society, harmony, people’s material needs and spiritual needs harmonious ecological spirit level, three levels constitute the basic structure of the ecological culture. Heredity, time, global, permeability, sustainability is characteristic of ecological culture, etc. Ecological culture can promote economic and social sustainable development and ecological civilization construction. Paper mining the Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism ecological culture essence, combing the theory of contemporary western ecological culture, explains the marxist thoughts of ecological culture.The fourth chapter, the national ecological consciousness present situation and the analysis. Points out that the ecological consciousness is the regularity of integrity of the natural environment,. National ecological consciousness is the relationship between economic and social development and natural environment protection of the deep understanding, is a kind of the concept of harmonious development, is a kind of the values of civilization, is a whole way of thinking. Based on the national environmental survey conducted by the relevant department, Outlines the present situation of the national ecological consciousness, and from the objective of economic and social development, environmental protection mode, the public ecological education, enterprise and individual responsibility of national ecological consciousness weak reason analysis.The fifth chapter, ecological culture under the perspective of the content of the national ecological consciousness shape. Emphasize to shape the national ecological consciousness must first to cultivate people’s ecological world view, make the person consciously from ecological perspective to grasp the overall contact and the inherent law of movement; Second, to foster the ecological values of people, make people can fully realize the natural ecological system to the person and the profound significance of the existence and development of human society; Once again, to cultivate people’s ecological ethics, make the person consciously to moral development in the field of natural ecology, coevolution between people and nature survival philosophy basis, give full play to people’s subjective initiative. To the ecological world view, ecological values and ecological ethics as the instruction, as soon as possible to shape the national ecological concern, such as ecological ethics, ecological aesthetic consciousness.The sixth chapter, ecological culture under the perspective of national ecological consciousness of value demands. First to international civil ecological consciousness of the target, to build the target of the national ecological consciousness shape, namely the master certain ecological knowledge, set up ecological idea of civilization, master certain ecological survival skills, forming positive participation. The national ecological education should adjust measures to local conditions, to follow content integration, a variety of forms, education, practice to participate in the whole process, regional difference principle.The seventh chapter, ecological culture shape under the perspective of national ecological consciousness. This paper believes that thought was the forerunner of behavior. National ecological consciousness shape must always be guided by the marxist ecological thought, the essence of vigorously carry forward the Chinese traditional ecological thoughts. Under the premise of in establishing the guiding ideology, must give full play to the guiding role of the government; Enhance the level of national ecological political participation through a variety of ways; Promote ecological mode of production and way of life; Establish and improve the ecological system of education, improve the professional quality of the ecological education, continue to carry out the national ecological education; Give full play leading environmental ngo development, environmental protection organizations in promoting the construction of ecological civilization is energy.This study it is under the background of our country promote the building of ecological civilization and, in from the cultural Angle of view of ecological problems were analyzed, arouse national protect the ecological environment of ecological consciousness, make people move to the pursuit of man and nature, man and society, man and harmonious beauty.


