

The Study of LMS Curve of Shanghai School-age Children and Adolescents Physical Fitness Indicators and Related Reference Standard Research

【作者】 杨漾

【导师】 陈佩杰;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 运动人体科学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 研究背景:体质的现状及影响因素、评价手段与标准的制定、干预手段与方法的研究是体质健康领域研究的三大热点。针对儿童青少年体质健康评价方法的有效性、可靠性以及实用性进行研究,已经成为当前体质测评研究的重点。在目前的体质健康促进工作中,亟需研制合适的过程性个性化评价手段与参考标准。研究目的:本研究将LMS方法引入到儿童青少年体质健康评价方法的研究中,结合当前体育学内关于体质健康的研究成果,研制出一种新的评价手段或者参考标准。为学生提供一套简单易行的体质健康过程性评价的方法,为学龄儿童青少年体质健康促进提供科学的指导依据,从而有效提高学龄儿童青少年体质水平、促进学龄儿童青少年全面健康发展。研究方法:以上海市7-18岁学生为研究对象,运用上海2010年的体质健康调研数据,运用传统体育统计和LMS相结合的方法,拟合出部分学龄儿童青少年体质健康指标的百分位数曲线。从而制定出适应上海地区7-18岁学生的体质健康相关指标的参考值,并用上海2012年体质健康监测数据进行回代验证。同时,采用B/A/S三层J2EE架构技术,研制开发适用于上海市儿童青少年的体质健康在线测评系统。研究结果:1、得到了平滑度和拟合值较理想的形态指标(身高、体重、BMI、腰围、腰围指数)、机能指标(血压、肺活量指数)、素质指标(50米跑、坐位体前屈、立定跳远、握力、握力指数、耐力跑)百分位数曲线图。研究发现,50米跑、坐位体前屈、立定跳远、耐力跑等项目,男女生之间的百分位数曲线存在的不同程度的差异。2、在百分位数曲线图的基础上,得到了适合上海地区学龄儿童青少年使用的形态、机能、素质指标参考值数据库。握力体重指数、50米跑、坐位体前屈等体质健康指标用常用百分位数制定的参考值有一定的参考意义。而一些和技能关联较大的指标如立定跳远,则制定出的参考值意义不大,需在今后的研究中继续观察。3、建立了基于学生体质健康调研与监测数据库的在线测评系统,使每个上海市7-18岁的学生通过在线测评的方法,清楚的了解本人在人群中所处的位置与状态,及相应生长发育对对应的状态。研究结论:1、LMS方法是一种可以用于制定儿童青少年身体形态、机能、素质指标的百分位数曲线及参考值的方法。2、在现行标准参考值科学客观的情况下,用现行标准参考值反切法制定的参考值较好,具有实践意义,而现行标准尚不完善的情况下,还需首先运用常用的百分位数来制定相应的参考值。3、学龄儿童青少年体质健康在线测评系统具有良好的可行性与实用性。

【Abstract】 Background:Physique Situation and effect factors, evaluation methods and standards, andinterventions methods will be the three major research topics in the field of physicalfitness. Reliable, efficacious, useful evaluation method for child and adolescent healthhas become a focus on physical evaluation. Currently, we need to develop appropriateindividualized evaluation of tools and reference standards.Purpose:This study will attempt to bring LMS approach combined with the current sportscience research on physical fitness in order to developing a new evaluation methodsand standards for children and adolescents. Finally, we could provide a simpleevaluation method and scientific guidance of physical fitness for children andadolescents, in order to effectively improve the level of children and adolescentsphysical fitness and promoting overall healthy development of children andadolescents.Method:This research based on the2010year research data of Shanghai7-18agestudents as subjects, using traditional sports statistics and LMS method, so as tofitting percentile curves and reference value of physical fitness for Shanghai7-18agestudents. And2012year Shanghai research data for back substitution test. Finally,using B/A/S three-tier J2EE architecture technology, developed physical health onlineevaluation system applies to the children and adolescents of ShanghaiResults:1、We have developed smoothed and good percentiles graph of morphologicalindexes (height, weight, BMI, waist circumference, waist circumferenceindex),function indexes (blood pressure, vital capacity indexes),and quality indexes(50meter race, sit and reach, standing long jump, grip, grip strength index, endurancerun). There are varying degrees of difference boys and girls for50meter race, sit andreach, standing long jump, endurance run of function indexes.2、On the basis of percentile curves,we have got the reference values database ofmorphological indexes,function indexes,quality indexes which suit for children andadolescents in Shanghai. Some reference significance to reference values of gripstrength index,50meter race, sit and reach which use common percentile to directlydevelop. A little significance to reference values of standing long jump which largerelation with skill.3、We establish a database based on the survey of students’ physique andmonitoring database of online evaluation system to make every7-18years studentscan clearly understand the location of the crowd and the state through onlineevaluation method. Conclusion:1、The percentile curves and reference values of morphological indexes,functionindexes,quality indexes may be developed by LMS for children and adolescents.2、In the case of standard values are scientific and objectivity, using the currentreference values reversed tangential to established reference value is better. In thecase of standard values are not yet perfect, we need common percentiles to developreference values.3、Online evaluation system of physical fitness for school-age children andadolescents has good feasibility and practicability.


