

A Research on the Characteristics and Relationships of Social Mobility and Leisure Participation Behavior of Migrant Workers in Qingdao

【作者】 魏统朋

【导师】 刘志民;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本研究综合运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、观察法、访谈法、量表法、数理统计法,对农民工的社会流动类型、农民工的休闲参与特征及其两者之间的关系进行了研究。1.对农民工社会流动的类型进行了研究。本研究调查的306名农民工中,认为向下流动的占17.3%,水平流动的占55.2%,向上流动的占27.5%。向下流动的农民工表现为:工作时间长,收入水平低;工作不稳定,社会保障低;居住条件差,生活水平低。水平流动的农民工中新生代农民工占多数,文化程度有了较大提高,职业技能有待提升,他们的工作时间较长,工资收入不算高;保险意识增强,社会保障不算全;居住条件改善,生活消费不算低。向上流动的农民工以80年代出生的农民工为主,高中以上文化程度占较大比例,拥有职业技能的比例较高,他们工作时间较规范,收入高;居住条件较“优越”,消费高;社会保障较全面,心气高。2.对影响农民工社会流动的因素进行了分析。通过访谈发现追求城市梦想的农民工逐渐意识到了提升人力资本、社会资本的重要性,并寻求特殊的提升方式。具有较高文化程度、年龄轻有经验、拥有一定职业技能水平的农民工具备人力资本优势,他们实现垂直向上流动的现实条件要优于其他农民工,他们追求城市生活方式的动力更足,融入城市的主观意愿更强。对社会地位变化感知的差异可能会影响农民工社会交往的积极性,从而导致社会网络规模不同。通过逐步回归分析发现,收入水平高、年龄小、社会保险缴纳数量多、居住面积大、社会网络规模大的农民工感知社会地位发生变化的可能性越大;女性比男性农民工更容易感知社会地位的变化。3.对不同流动类型农民工的城市融入意愿进行了比较分析。社会地位变化感知不同的农民工在身份认同、购房意愿、落户意愿上均存在很大的差异。自我感知向上流动农民工的身份认同更加倾向于城市,购房意愿最积极,落户意愿最强烈。4.对成功实现市民化农民工的向上流动的路径进行了分析。个体工商户、私营企业主、获得荣誉称号、成为专业技术人员是农民工实现向上流动的主要路径。本研究从宏观、中观、微观三个层面提出了农民工向上流动的促进策略。5.本研究在参考有关休闲参与量表的基础上,修订了比较适合我国农民工的休闲参与量表,并进行了信效度检验,在此基础上进一步分析农民工的休闲参与特征。研究修订的农民工休闲参与量表包含5个维度,可以比较全面的反映当前农民工的休闲参与内容。本研究将农民工的休闲活动划分为消遣类、娱乐类、社交类、运动类、提高类五个维度。农民工的休闲参与行为反映出的特征为:农民工的休闲活动类型以消遣类、娱乐类为主,社交类、运动类活动增多;新生代农民工及未婚农民工的休闲参与更积极,男性农民工的运动参与更多。不同流动类型农民工的休闲参与行为存在显著差异。水平流动农民工参与消遣类、娱乐类、提高类休闲活动的频率都是最高的,向上流动农民工参与社交类、运动类休闲活动的频率最高。6.本研究对农民工休闲态度量表进行了修订,并对量表进行了信度与效度检验,用以测量我国农民工群体的休闲态度。对农民工的休闲态度特征进行分析后发现,农民工的休闲行为态度得分最高,表明农民工有着积极的休闲体验,条件许可的情况下农民工选择参与休闲活动的可能性是很大的;而情感态度得分最低,可能是由于农民工在城市的务工环境所致。对社会地位变化感知不同的农民工其休闲认知态度、休闲情感态度存在明显差异(P﹤0.01),感知社会地位下降的农民工其休闲态度明显偏低。7.本研究对休闲制约量表进行了修订,并对量表进行了信度与效度检验,用以测量我国农民工群体运动类休闲的制约因素。研究发现,农民工受到的结构性制约最强,受到人际间制约的得分最低。时间和费用的制约是农民工感受最为普遍的和强烈的制约因子。没兴趣、懒惰和缺乏运动技能是影响农民工最大的个人内在制约因素。8.研究发现农民工的社会流动与休闲参与行为之间的关系是双向的,农民工的休闲参与对于城市融入具有特殊的意义,即有利于改善农民工对城市的归属感,有助于增强农民工的城市认同感,有利于提高农民工的城市融入意愿。研究提出了农民工通过休闲参与增强人力资本、心理资本与社会资本从而促进城市融入的可能机制。休闲应成为促进农民工实现向上社会流动的力量。

【Abstract】 By adopting a comprehensive use of literature, questionnaire survey, observationmethod, interviews, scaling method and mathematical statistics, the paper attempts toresearch on the characteristics of social mobility of migrant workers, thecharacteristics of leisure participation of migrant workers, and their relationships.1. The characteristics of social mobility of migrant workers are studied. Of306migrant workers being surveyed in Qingdao,17.3%have the tendency of downmobility,55.2%have the horizontal mobility tendency, and27.5%of upward mobility.The migrant workers of downward mobility are characterized by long hours, lowincome, unstable work, low social security, poor living conditions, and low livingstandard. The new generation is in the majority of migrant workers of horizontalmobility. They’re better educated, but their vocational skills remain to be furtherimproved; they work longer hours, but their wage income is not high; their insuranceconsciousness increases, but they fail to enjoy all the social securities; their livingconditions are improved, but their cost of living is accordingly heightened. Themajority of the migrant workers of upward mobility are those who were born in the1980s. A greater proportion of them graduate from high school and have somevocational skills. They work regular hours and enjoy a handsome income; they enjoysuperior living conditions and their consumption of living is high; they enjoy thecomprehensive social security and are ambitious.2. The factors affecting the social mobility of migrant workers are analyzed.Through interviews it is found that the migrant workers pursuing the urban dream aregradually aware of the importance of human capital and social capital, seeking topromote themselves in a special way. Those who are young, better educated,experienced, and professionally skilled have the advantage of human capital, so theyare more likely to conduct vertical upward mobility. They are more motivated topursue the urban life and more desirous to blend in with city life. The perceptionaldifferences in the changes in social status may affect the migrant workers’ enthusiasmsin social contacts, which results in different social network scale. Through stepwiseregression analysis, it is found that those who are young, highly paid, more sociallyinsured, living more spaciously, and more socially involved are more likely toperceive the changes in social status; Female migrant workers are more likely toperceive the change of social status than males.3. A comparative analysis is made of the intentions of migrant workers whochoose to blend in with urban life. Migrant workers with different perception of socialstatus change are different in the identity, and the intention to purchase house andsettle down. The migrant workers of upward mobility are the most inclined to the cityidentity, the most active to purchase house, and the most desirous to settle down.4. Proper ways to the successful implementation of urbanized migrant workers ofupward mobility are analyzed. Winning honorary titles, becoming individualbusinesses, private business owners, and professionals are suggested ways for them. Some strategies for migrant workers to promote upward mobility are put forward onthe macro, meso and micro levels.5. A leisure participation scale suitable for the migrant workers in China isrevised, and the reliability and validity are tested. The characteristics of leisureparticipation are then further analyzed. The revised scale includes five dimensions:recreational activities, entertaining activities, social activities, sports activities andimproving activities, which can comprehensively reflect the current leisureparticipation of migrant workers. The characteristics of leisure participation behaviorof migrant workers are as follows: recreational and entertaining activities arepreferred while social and sports activities are increasing; the new generation andunmarried migrant workers are more enthusiastic to get involved while male workersparticipate in more sports activities. It is also found that migrant worker of differenttypes of social mobility have apparently different preference to leisure participation.Migrant workers of horizontal mobility are more frequently engaged in recreational,entertaining and improving activities while those of upward mobility give greaterpriority to social and sports activities.6. To measure the recreational attitude of migrant workers in China, the migrantworkers’ leisure attitude scale is revised, and the reliability and validity are tested.Through analysis of the characteristics of migrant workers’ leisure attitude, it is foundthat migrant workers’ leisure behavior attitude scores the highest, which shows thatmigrant workers have a positive leisure experience and it is most possible for them toselect and participate in possible leisure activities. It is also found that their emotionalattitude scores the lowest, which may result from their working environment in thecity. Migrant workers with different perception of social status changes display asignificant difference in the cognitive attitude and emotional attitude (P﹤0.01). Theleisure attitude of the migrant workers who perceive their decreased social statusscores obviously low.7. To measure the migrant workers’ sports leisure constraints, the leisureconstraint scale is revised, and the reliability and validity are tested. It is shown thatthe structural constraint scores the highest while the interpersonal constraint scores thelowest. While time and cost is the most common restriction factor, laziness, lack ofinterest and sports skills is one of the largest internal factors which affect migrantworkers.8. It is found that the social mobility and leisure participation behavior ofmigrant workers are interacted. The leisure participation of migrant workers in citiesis of special significance. It is beneficial to improve their sense of belonging to thecity. It also helps to strengthen their sense of city identity and their willingness toblend in. The possible mechanism is finally put forward for migrant workers topromote the city integration by enhancing human capital, psychological capital andsocial capital through leisure participation, which is supposed to promote their upwardsocial mobility.


