

Research on Characteristics of Corporate Sport Event Sponsorship Resources Demand

【作者】 李轶君

【导师】 姚颂平;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 国内外体育赛事赞助发展至今,赞助商们经过实践的积累,逐渐熟悉并掌握了体育赛事这一赞助资源的特点,从而更加注意从本企业的实际出发选择赛事资源并制定营销计划。随之而来的,就是赞助商们对于体育赛事市场开发者更为全面的要求。国内外体育赛事赞助市场的现状,要求赛事主办方加强针对赞助商需求的研究,尤其是中国市场赞助商对于赞助资源的需求分析。然而,从理论研究的实际情况来看,目前的研究还无法完全满足市场的“赞助商对于赞助资源的需求分析”这一要求。本次研究的主题是企业体育赛事赞助资源的需求研究。研究基于资源基础理论和五力分析模型理论的赞助相关研究,讨论企业内部资源和外部竞争因素对企业赞助资源需求造成的影响,以及影响形成的过程,以求在实证研究的基础上揭示企业的赛事赞助资源需求特征。本文共有三个研究假设。假设1:不同的企业体育赛事赞助目标与赛事赞助资源需求之间存在匹配关系;假设2:企业体育营销背景差异与赛事赞助资源需求差异之间存在紧密联系;假设3:赛事主办者仅仅提供“综合分级”类型的赛事赞助资源组合方式无法满足企业对于赞助资源的需求。本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、企业访谈法、数理统计法和描述性统计法,研究了企业对于体育赛事赞助资源的需求特征,主要结论如下:一、企业赞助目标与企业赞助资源需求之间存在匹配关系。企业在不同赞助目标下对赞助资源内容需求存在规律性需求,是由于实现赞助目标的营销方式与需要的赞助资源之间存在一定的匹配关系。二、赞助目标相同时,企业体育营销背景差异与企业赞助资源需求差异之间存在紧密联系。相同赞助目标下,企业之间的体育营销背景差异,是造成企业不同赞助资源需求特征的主要原因。三、赞助目标改变时,企业赞助资源需求的变化程度与企业体育营销背景之间存在正相关联系。企业体育营销背景对于企业赞助资源需求存在明显影响。四、企业的赞助资源需求包括“共性”需求和“个性”需求两个部分。企业赞助目标和体育营销背景共同影响着企业的赞助资源共性需求的形成,企业内部营销资源造成企业的赞助资源个性需求。五、“按需定制”类赞助资源组合方式是企业认为最合理的赛事主办方赞助资源组合方式。然而在赞助营销实践中,“按需定制”类赞助资源组合方式的使用需要必要的前提条件。在条件不具备的时候,企业会选择其他的赞助资源组合方式。根据以上研究结论,本文对研究假设做出判断:假设1成立,即不同的企业体育赛事赞助目标与各类赛事赞助资源需求之间存在匹配关系;假设2成立,即企业体育营销背景差异与赛事赞助资源需求差异之间存在紧密联系;假设3成立,即赛事主办者仅仅提供“综合分级”类型的赛事赞助资源组合方式无法满足企业对于赞助资源的需求。

【Abstract】 The global sport event sponsorship industry has developed into a stage that thecorporate sponsors are familiar with the application of sport event sponsorshipresources, and are able to choose the appropriate event and design the sponsorshipmarketing plan based on what the corporate needs. The sponsors have a verycomprehensive demand of sponsorship resources towards the event organizers. As aresult, the event organizers need to be aware of the sponsors’ demand of thesponsorship resources. However, the current theoretical study could not explain thecharacteristics of corporate sponsors’ demand. This dissertation is an empiricalresearch on sponsors’ demand of sponsorship resources. Based on theoretical studiesof Resource-based-View and Market-based-View, this dissertation discusses theinternal and external elements that influence sponsors’ resources demand and theprocess of the influence itself. The ultimate objective of this dissertation is to revealthe characteristics of sponsors’ resource demand through an empirical study.There are three research hypotheses. Hypothesis One: there are matching relationshipsbetween sponsors’ sponsorship objectives and sponsorship resources demand.Hypothesis Two: the difference between sponsors’ sports marketing background andsponsors’ sponsorship objectives has close relationships. Hypothesis Three: the eventorganizers to merely provide comprehensive sponsorship resource package will not beable to accommodate sponsors’ sponsorship resources demand.Applying research methods of literature review, questionnaire, interview and statistics,this dissertation analyses the features of sponsors’ sponsorship resources demand. Themain findings are as follows:1. There is a matching relationship between the sponsors’ sponsorship objectivesand the sponsors’ sponsorship resources demand. Upon different sponsorshipobjectives, the sponsors have regular demand for sponsorship resources. And thisis caused by the matching relationship between sponsorship resources and themarketing methods applied to achieve the sponsorship objectives.2. With the same sponsorship objective, there is close relationship betweensponsors’ sport marketing background difference and sponsors’ sponsorshipresources demand. The sponsors’ sport marketing background variations are themain causes for the different sponsorship resources demand regularities.3. When the sponsorship objectives are changed, there is a positive correlationbetween the variation of sponsors’ sponsorship resources demand and thesponsors’ different sport marketing backgrounds. The sponsors’ sponsorshipmarketing experience and sponsorship marketing investment have significantinfluence upon sponsors’ sponsorship resources demand.4. Sponsors’ sponsorship resources demand includes the two parts of “generaldemand” and “specific demand”. Sponsors’ sponsorship objectives and internalmarketing resources are affecting sponsors’ sponsorship resources demandsimultaneously. However, these two elements will make effects differently inaccordance with sponsors’ different sport marketing background.5. The tailor-made sponsorship packaging method is the most reasonable methodrecognized by the sponsors. In practice, however, the application of the method isunder certain conditions. Sponsors prefer to choose other sponsorship packaging methods if the conditions are not applicable.In view of the above research conclusions, this dissertation has made the followingjudgments upon the three research hypotheses. Hypothesis One is tenable that there isa matching relationship between the sponsors’ sponsorship objectives and thesponsors’ sponsorship resources demand. Hypothesis Two is tenable that thedifference between sponsors’ sports marketing background and sponsors’ sponsorshipobjectives has close relationships. Hypothesis Three is tenable that the eventorganizers to merely provide comprehensive sponsorship resource package will not beable to accommodate sponsors’ sponsorship resources demand.

  • 【分类号】G80-05
  • 【下载频次】467

