

Theoretical and Empirical Study on the Location of Construction Supervision Enterprises

【作者】 张琦

【导师】 李同昇;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 人文地理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在我国的快速工业化和城镇化进程中,建设监理企业是建设工程的基本质量责任主体之一,由其提供的工程监理、项目管理、造价咨询、招标代理等相关建筑技术服务对于保证工程质量、进度并提高投资效益作用重大。更为重要的是,建设监理企业本身具有的生产性服务业属性决定了它的空间活动并不仅仅处于服务区域建筑业可持续增长的从属地位,还可对产业结构转型中城市与区域空间重构发挥重要作用。鉴于当前支撑建设监理企业发展的区位研究薄弱,企业区位选择、空间扩张和演变规律与机制尚不清楚,论文将建设监理企业这一特殊的生产性服务业带入经济活动空间分布与区位选择等经济地理学的经典命题之中,通过规范研究和实证研究相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,揭示建设监理企业群体和个体在不同空间尺度上的分布特征与活动规律,梳理中国工程建设领域生产性服务活动的空间规律及其与城市和区域发展间的内在关系,拓展经济地理学的研究视角,丰富和细化我国对生产性服务业开展地理学研究的内容与深度。论文在界定建设监理相关概念并详述相关文献的基础上,首先从经济地理学学科视角提出了建设监理企业区位研究的框架结构。其次,从区域尺度上透视了中国31个省级行政单位之间建设监理企业的空间分布、结构演进及其与区域环境的交互作用,提出了企业区域格局优化的对策;再次,将研究视角深入至城市内部街区尺度,系统分析了引起建设监理企业向城市内部特定资质属性场所集聚的影响因子与动力机制,并据此识别出建设监理企业与城市规划建设之间的互动关系;最后,基于对个体建设监理企业空间活动特点及其规律的理论分析,详细探讨了个体建设监理企业的区位模式演化过程,深入发掘了区位地理邻近与提升建设监理企业内部知识传播效率之间的关联作用。论文的主要内容和结论如下:(1)建筑业生产方式垂直分工和工程建设监管职责外部化等客观要求赋予了建设监理企业生产性服务业的基本职能属性。在此背景下,综合了经济地理、企业地理及相关学科领域关于生产性服务业研究的理论观点和方法,建构了覆盖宏观区域分布和微观城市区位、囊括企业群体空间活动规律及个体空间行为特征的建设监理企业区位研究框架。(2)基于建设监理行业调查与arcgis技术,研判了中国建设监理企业在数量规模、营业收入与从业人员上的空间分布格局;通过分析建设监理企业的服务特点,提出了4类9项影响建设监理企业空间分布的因子体系;分别以2006年和2010年中国31个省、区、市的企业数量与企业优势度(企业资质水平指数QI)为基础,结合省域层面的统计数据及自主调查资料,运用回归分析、偏相关分析等技术手段,剖析了各项影响因素对企业空间分布的作用性质、强度及变化特征;根据省区尺度上企业空间发展与地理环境关联要素的相互促进与抑制关系,提出了协调企业区域格局的对策和建议。对宏观层面企业空间分布的研究表明:①建设监理企业的空间分布呈广泛而不均衡的态势,区域层面上企业多集中分布于中国东中部经济较为发达的省区,城市层面上则以北京、上海、广州等传统大城市为企业集中分布地;各省区建设监理企业优势度(QI)的分布亦按经济发展水平梯度变化,呈东强西弱的不均衡格局。②对企业数量的回归分析结果反映出地区建筑业总产值、工程技术人员与勘察设计企业数量均长期而显著地影响着建设监理企业的空间分布,而互联网与行业协会的影响作用则在新近一个时期变得较为显著。③偏相关系数的变化特征揭示出建设监理企业优势度与企业数量指标的地区差异成因有所不同,企业优势度主要取决于各地的技术市场活跃程度、专业化工程技术人员保有量以及建设监理行业协会组织的发达程度。(3)在分析建设监理企业生产链特点的基础上,结合生产性服务业相关区位理论,探究了建设监理企业城市内部区位选择的集聚取向及形成机制,提出了决定企业区位选择的因子体系,并以西安市内建设监理企业区位选择的实例对相关理论假设进行了验证。一方面,借助空间自相关分析方法及Geoda软件,研判了2000年至2011年街区尺度上企业数量的聚散过程;另一方面,在大量详实的城市规划和市政建设工程资料支撑下,应用空间分析技术及回归分析模型,在街区尺度上考量了各区位因子对于建设监理企业区位选择的作用性质及贡献程度。对微观层面建设监理企业城市区位选择的理论研究及实证检验结果均支持下述结论:①在城市内部特定空间上集聚是建设监理企业城市区位选择的基本特征。②即时接触关键人员、获取地方化经济、占有人力资源并享受优惠政策等三方面的需要是引起建设监理企业区位集聚的主要作用力,而建筑技术服务企业间交互作用则是建设监理企业城市区位选择的首要影响因子。③不同区位因子对建设监理企业选址的影响程度差异性为摸索企业布局的城市空间规划指引提供了线索。在西安的实例研究中,由企业间协作或效仿需要所主导的区位集聚类型和由开发区规划导向带来的区位集聚类型就形成了鲜明的对比。(4)从理论上对个体建设监理企业区位的空间扩张和演变进行了系统探讨。从工程建设活动的内在要求出发,通过深挖建设监理企业区位空间扩张过程中的进入性优势和根植性劣势,并将其与企业空间扩张的生存性目标相叠合,得到了该类企业区位分布的总体演化规律、模式及阶段性特征。与此同时,基于企业空间扩张的发展性目标,对区位地理邻近与提升企业内部知识传播效率之间的关联性进行了深入探讨。一方面解构和重构了建设监理企业知识传播的通道类型;另一方面则将建设监理企业蕴含隐性知识再分类为共享型和独占型,并分析了它们各自的空间传播特点。在此基础上,根据企业知识传播通道类型的结构属性差异,考量了其间不同种类隐性知识空间传输的可行性与可靠性,并据此得出对上述关联性问题的合理解释。(5)借助企业案例研究中获取的丰富数据和资料,通过对三个关键命题的实证检验,较好地验证和诠释了个体建设监理企业区位的空间演变规律。主要包括:①建设监理企业区位的总体分布格局随时间推移呈现显著的不均衡特征;②建设监理企业区位演变模式具有“先全面开花、后竞争性选择”的特殊规律;③建设监理企业内部知识传播效率提高与其区位地理邻近的正向关联仅在共享型隐性知识流动于交互矩阵式知识传播通道时才会发生。

【Abstract】 During the rapid industrialization and urbanization in China, the construction supervision enterprises (CSEs) which can provide professional technological services to construction industry have already been regarded as one of the main parties concerned with the managements related to the quality, schedule and finance controls in building processes. What’s more, the spatial reconstruction during the urban and regional industrial structure transformation are related to the spatial activities of CSEs since they are typical producer service, while the sustainable growth of regional construction industry are also dependent on them. However, a series of theoretical issues about the location evolution of CSEs in China have not been adequately developed at present, such as their location selection regularities, spatial expansion mechanisms and so on. Therefore, this study puts the CSEs and their special producer services into some classical propositions of economic geography, including spatial distribution and location selection of economic activities, so that the locating laws of both group CSEs and individual ones can be interpreted at different spatial scales through both normative and empirical research, as well as quantitative and qualltative methods. It is suggested that the spatial characteristics of producer service activities in Chinese engineering construction field and their complicated relations with urban and regional development can be revealed through this study. Meanwhile, the geographical research perspectives to the Chinese producer services can be enriched and certain progresses are surely gained in Chinese economic geography with the help of this study.Base on the introduction to the concepts of construction supervision and a detailed literature review, the research framework of CSEs’location is established from the viewpoint of economic geography at first. Secondly, the distribution evolution of CSEs among31provinces in China is briefly depicted and the interactions between CSEs’provincial distribution and regional surroundings are carefully studied. Meanwhile, the countermeasures to coordinate the provincial distribution of CSEs are also put forward based on the above outcomes. Thirdly, the theoretical mechanisms and locational factors system which cause the clusters of CSEs in some urban districts are defined and validated with a case city at block scale so that the interactive relationship between the layout of CSEs and urban planning can be identified. Finally, since both the characteristics of spatial activities of individual CSEs and its spatial expansion objectives are interpreted, the locating process modes of individual CSEs are concluded. At the same time, the correlation mechanisms between geographic proximity of locations of individual CSEs and the improvements of their knowledge diffusion are raised and tested by a enterprise case. The main contents and conclusions of this study are as follows:(1) The vertical division of production mode in construction industry and the needs of external supervisions in engineering are the main reasons for which the CSEs are classified as a typical producer service. Thus, the theoretical studies on producer services in economic geography, enterprise geography and some other related disciplines are concluded, and the research framework of CSEs’location which not only ranges from the regional scale to the urban block scale but also contains the spatial activities of both group and individual CSEs is established.(2) The general spatial distribution patterns of the amounts of CSEs are identified based on the careful industry survey and arcgis technology, as well as the employee and the business incomes. After having a well known about the service activities of CSEs, a locational factors system including9possible factors belonged to4aspects that may influence the spatial distribution of CSEs are presented. With31provincial data not only compiled from the annual survey but also gained through independent investigation in year2006and2010, the contribution and variation of each influencing factor to the spatial distribution of both the enterprises’amounts and enterprises’dominance degrees (qualifications index-QI) are detected and compared with the help of multiple linear regression analysis and partial correlation analysis. According to the positive and negative correlations between the spatial developments of CSEs and their provincial surroundings, suggestions to coordinate the regional pattern of CSEs are proposed in this study.The results of CSEs’spatial distributions indicate that:1) The development of CSEs’ amounts in China is unbalanced and their spatial concentration happens clearly in the economically developed provinces in eastern and central China. Meanwhile the traditional metropolises are also proved to be the clusters of enterprises, including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Similarly, The distribution of provincial dominance degrees (QI) of CSEs in China is also unbalanced and the eastern provinces give a better performance than the middle and western ones.2) The regression outcomes of the CSEs’amounts show that the gross output value of local construction industry and the amounts of both engineering technical professionals and exploration&design enterprises have significant influences to the formation and variations of spatial pattern in a long-term run, while the influencing effects of Internet and local construction supervision associations become obvious only in recent years.3) It is suggested that the activity of local technology market, the amounts of engineering technical professionals and the organizing level of local construction supervision associations are the most intimate determinants to the dominance degree disparities of the CSEs in terms of the partial correlation coefficients.(3) The location selection of CSEs within cities and its agglomeration orientation and formation mechanism are theoretically discussed and the locational factors system in the CSEs’urban locating are presented through analyzing the production chain of CSEs, as well as consulting the published literature about the urban location of producer services. Furthermore, a case study of the location selection of CSEs in Xi’an is employed to test and verify the theoretical achievement above. On one hand, the increasing and concentrating process of CSEs at block scale in Xi’an from2000to2011is depicted and inspected by ESDA method and Geoda software. On the other hand, the urban planning and municipal engineering data at block scale in Xi’an City are collected so that the effects of locational factors can be empirically validated according to their contributions detected by spatial analysis technique and binomial regression model.The conclusions of theoretical and empirical studies on the CSEs’urban locating include that:1) Spatial agglomeration is the basic characteristic of the location selection of CSEs within cities.2) Immediate contact to key person, localization economy among construction technical service enterprises, and favorable policies are the crucial reasons for which the CSEs attempt to locate together at some special blocks of a city, while the interactions among construction technical service enterprises are the most important one in the locational factors system of CSEs’urban locating.3) The layout guidance of CSEs in urban planning can be given by the effects diversities of different locational factors. In the case study of Xi’an, the location agglomeration pattern of CSEs mainly based on the cooperation and imitation among construction technical service enterprises is obviously different from the pattern guided by the development zone planning.(4) The location expansion and evolution of individual CSEs are systematically discussed in this study. Based on the inherent requirements of the engineering construction activities, the regularities, modes and stage characteristics during the locating processes of individual CSEs can be explained by combining the survival objective of individual CSEs with the discovered fact that they are strong in location occupation but weak in location embeddedness. At the same time, the correlations between geographic proximity of locations of individual CSEs and the improvements of their knowledge diffusion are deeply analyzed on the basis of the developmental objective. When the knowledge diffusion channels of individual CSEs have been deconstructed and reconstituted, their implicit knowledge are then divided into sharing type and exclusive one, while the spatial diffusion characteristics of each type are clearly clarified. As a result, the correlation conclusions can be obtained through analyzing the structures of knowledge diffusion channels and finding out the responding types of implicit knowledge diffusing in them.(5) With resorting to the abundant data from a case enterprise, the theoretical insights of location evolution of individual CSEs can be well validated and interpreted through testing three key propositions. They are as follows:1) The longer an individual enterprise has developed, the more unbalanced its general location pattern is.2) There are special locating modes of individual CSEs which can be summarized as "spreading randomly at first but changing selectively later".3) The fact that geographic proximity of locations of individual CSEs is certainly beneficial for the improvements of the knowledge diffusion only happens when the sharing type of implicit knowledge diffuses in the "one to many" type of knowledge diffusion channels of individual CSEs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

