

A Multidimensional Study of Afghan Nation-State Building

【作者】 闫伟

【导师】 王铁铮;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 世界史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 从历史上看,民族国家在西欧—隅诞生后,逐渐演变为世界政治版图中最基本和重要的政治单位。由民族国家聚合而成的国际体系仍是当今世界最基本的政治和经济架构。阿富汗,乃至其它绝大多数亚非国家都是被西方殖民者强制性地纳入现代国际体系之中。随着全球化进程的加速,西方世界已开始实践超越民族国家的政治共同体。但是,亚非国家仍存在严重的问题,并导致现代化裹足不前。这些问题或多或少都是民族国家的问题。阿富汗是一个部落组织普遍存在,民族和宗教构成复杂,外部干涉频繁的国家,对于其民族国家构建的研究不仅具有很强的现实和借鉴意义,而且还有一定的学理价值。本文尝试以社会史作为论述的起点和基础,采用社会史和政治史相互结合的视角,全面阐释阿富汗民族国家构建中存在的结构性问题。在研究方法上,以实证研究为基础,审慎地借鉴人类学、政治学、宗教学等学科的知识体系,以便更加客观和深刻地论述相关问题。本文共七部分,导论和结论分别探讨了研究缘起及主要观点。正文由五章构成,主要论述了阿富汗民族国家构建的三个大问题:国家构建、民族构建和外部干涉。三者统一于阿富汗国家与社会的权力博弈。前三章探讨阿富汗的国家构建。阿富汗社会由城市、部落组织和伊斯兰教阶层三个领域构成。国家构建在一定程度上,就是国家权力向部落社会和宗教集团渗透和扩展的过程。因此,第一章详尽论述了阿富汗部落的构成,部落社会的结构、社会制度和社会规范,以及在此基础上归纳部落社会的政治文化特征。第二章分阶段论述了阿富汗国家对部落社会政策的演变,以及后者对此的回应。同时,还探讨了阿富汗问题产生后,部落社会在抵抗运动中的角色和地位。本章得出的结论是,部落社会并非原始和落后的代名词,而是一种独特的文明形态。部落政治传统属于长时段的变量,国家构建需要考虑部落社会分权的政治传统,集权并非国家构建的必要条件。第三章主要探讨阿富汗社会的另一极——伊斯兰教阶层与国家构建的互动。本章在全面阐述阿富汗宗教集团社会构成的基础上,归纳了政教关系演进的不同模式,以及宗教阶层对于国家构建的回应。此外,还对塔利班早期历史、社会背景、思想和实践进行了新的阐释。本章认为,国家构建面临着如何将宗教阶层纳入国家范畴的问题,世俗化并非国家构建的必要条件。政教关系不能仅限于是国家与特定宗教派别、组织的关系,应当是国家与多元化的宗教阶层的关系。第四章以民族构建作为研究的主题,详细论述了阿富汗民族的起源、构成及特征。以此为基础,归纳了阿富汗民族构建的两种模式,并对族际关系的演变进行了深入的探讨。社会认同也是社会权力,国家认同的构建需要尊重多元的社会认同,以个体权利的平等掩盖集体权利并不可取。民族构建最终取决于社会交往的强化,以及在此基础上的社会和解与和谐互动。第五章主要归纳了阿富汗的地缘政治特征,并从历史角度阐述了近代以来英俄和美苏对阿富汗的博弈,以及造成的影响。同时,依据国外解密的档案文献详细梳理了普什图尼斯坦问题的历史演变。在阿富汗近现代史上,外部入侵屡见不鲜,并造成了严重的影响。这不仅源于客观的国际环境,更是源于阿富汗国家构建的困境。即阿富汗的国家极其虚弱,只有通过借助外力才能实现对社会的控制。这便为外部介入打开了大门。形式上的中立外交并不能破解这一难题。总之,本文以国家与社会的权力博弈为轴,以此串联起阿富汗民族国家构建的一系列影响阿富汗历史发展的重大问题。这些问题在一定程度上也制约着其他中东国家的政治与社会发展。

【Abstract】 Historically, the nation-state, birth in the corner of Western Europe, gradually evolved as the most basic and important political unite. The nation-state remains the foundation of World System, which is the basic political and economic structure in the present world. The majority of Asian and African countries, including Afghanistan, were forced incorporated into the Western-dominated nation-state system. However, for Afghanistan, as well as other Middle East countries, nation-state still has many serious problems which have negative affects on modernization in these countries. Afghanistan is a country with widespread tribal organization, complex ethnic and religious composition, and frequent external interference. Therefore, the study of afghan nation-state building not only has a great significance for reality and reference, but has strong theoretical value.This dissertation argues some structural problems in Afghan nation-state, this research bases on the perspective of combining the social history and political history. This dissertation adopts the empirical method, and carefully draws anthropology, politics, the science of religious and other disciplines of knowledge, in order to research with more objective and strong point of view.This dissertation falls seven parts, with an introduction at the beginning, following five chapters and conclusion. Introduction and conclustion respectively discuss the objection and main points of view in this study. Main text argues thress themes which include state-building, nation-building and external intervention. Every one of which can be an independent, but meanwhile, they all centre on the power game between state and society in Afghanistan.The first three chapters discuss Afghan state-building. The Afghan society can be divided three parts:cities, tribal society and Islamic classes. The state-building in a certain sense is a process that state power gradually expands to tribal society and Islamic classes. Chapter One argues in detail on the social structure, institution, norm of Afghan tribal organization, and futher concludes main characteristics of political culture in tribal society. Chapter Two examines the evolution of Afghan tribal policies, and the response of tribal society to these policies. Besides, this chapter also argues the tribal roles and status in resistance movement after the Soviet invasion. The chapter concludes that the tribal society is not synonymous with primitive and backward, but special form of civilization. The tribal political traditions are longue duree factor, the tribal traditional decentralize should be considered, and centralization is not a necessary condition for state-building.Chapter Three analyzes the contact between state-building and Islamic classes which is the other pillar of Afghan society. This chapter explores the structure of religious groups; futher summerizes the different pattens of relationship between politics and religion, and argues the response of the religious classes to state-building. At the same time, the early history of Talbiban, and its social background, thoughts practice will be explaned in the text. The chapter concludes that how incorporate the religious classes into the state are an important theme for state-building. Secularization is not the necessary condition for state-building. The relationship between politics and religion is not limited to state-pilitical Islam, but the complex relations between state and diversified Islamic classes.The theme of Chapter Four is nation-building in Afghanistan. The chapter explores the ethnic compositions, origins, and its characteristics. On this basis, explans detailedly the two patterns of Afghan nation-building, and the evolusion of ethnic relations. Social indentity is one kind of social power. National identity building should respect the diversified social identities, and social collective power should not be covered with equality of individual power. Nation-building ultimately depends on the social and economic contacts of inter-ethnic.Chapter Five mainly analyzes the Afghan geopolitics, and discusses the great game between Britain and Russsia, U.S. and Soviet in Afghanistan from the historical perspective, and its impacts. Meanwhile, the chapter uses some foreign governmrnt archives to discuss the evolution of Pushtunistan problem. In Afghan modern history, the foreign interference is common occurance; it not only derives from the game between great powers, but also the delimma of Afghan nation-state building. Afghan government is extremely weak, only can government control society by foreign assistance. This has opened the door to outside intervention.In conclusion, this dissertation centers on the power game between state and society, and examines a series of significant problems which have impact on Afghan history. These questions to some extent also restrict the political and social development in other Middle East contries.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

