

Reaearch on the Justice and Development Party of Turkey and Its Governing Practices

【作者】 朱传忠

【导师】 彭树智;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 世界史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以土耳其正义与发展党为研究对象,以政党学理论和文明交往自觉论为指导,以社会科学中的结构—行为体问题作为串联全文的核心问题,在研究过程中始终贯穿结构与行为体之间、行为体之间、行为体内部的多维复杂交往互动思想,以分析和呈现正义与发展党的崛起与执政实践,并尝试得出以下几点结论。第一,作为三重危机的结果,即合法性危机、经济危机和整合危机;土耳其政治伊斯兰的改革派成功组建了正义与发展党。之后,通过三次选举和两次地方选举,该党得以执政和成为土耳其政治体系中的主导政党。从历史角度看,正义与发展党的崛起是全球化、自由化、民主化背景下土耳其现代化、民主化、欧洲化进程的产物,是土耳其国家、经济、社会长期变迁的结果。第二,就正义与发展党的自身发展而言,在历史环境和现实选举环境的共同作用下,该党面临着在政党制度化的两个维度——自主性和系统性之间的两难选择。就组织结构而言,正义与发展党由中央、省级、区和市政机构以及议会党团机构、纪律委员会等组成;就其组织原则而言,民主制、民主集中制、领袖魅力是其组织方面的重要特征;就其性质而言,正义与发展党已经不同于土耳其历史上出现过的伊斯兰主义政党,具有保守中右政党和全能型政党的混合型特征。第三,就正义与发展党的执政理念和执政实践而言,可总结为如下四个方面。政治上,在“保守民主”理念指导下实施政治改革,试图实现土耳其政治(民主)的欧洲化、温和化、正常化、民主化;经济上,在修正的新自由主义思想指导下,实施经济稳定与调整政策,在实现经济稳定和增长的同时,推进土耳其经济的市场化、自由化和私有化;在社会政策方面,以“社会参与”等理念为指导,实施教育、医疗、住房、社会保险等方面的改革;在民族宗教政策方面,以“民主开放”理念为指导,尝试以民主方式处理困扰土耳其多年的库尔德问题、阿莱维派问题、头巾之争;在对外政策方面,以“战略纵深主义”为指导,实行欧亚并重的对外政策和“与邻国零问题”政策的同时,并因应地区形势的变化,试图输出“土耳其模式”,展现该国的“软实力”,力图实现对外政策领域欧洲化、中东化和奥斯曼化的“三化”并举;在取得部分成功的同时,亦面临着来自国际、地区和国内三个层次的不小挑战。最后,总体上来看,伊斯兰主义政党在中东、北非、东南亚、中亚、南亚、巴尔干国家的影响力渐强。在考察土耳其伊斯兰主义政党的历史演变和正义与发展党的执政理念和执政经验之后,本文认为伊斯兰主义政党是伊斯兰国家政治现代化进程和自身历史发展进程的产物,不能一概而论,必须逐个进行个案研究。伊斯兰主义政党,不论是执政党或反对党,都必须谨慎处理所在国现代化进程中的各种遗产。以土耳其正义与发展党为例,该党必须处理土耳其现代化进程中的各种遗产,如凯末尔主义遗产、新自由主义遗产(厄扎尔遗产)、伊斯兰主义遗产、奥斯曼遗产。总之,土耳其正义与发展党的崛起开启了土耳其政治现代化进程的新时代,本世纪前十年的土耳其国家呈现出民主巩固、经济增长、社会相对稳定的新局面。在肯定该党执政成就的同时,我们必须正视影响土耳其内政外交的关键变量,这些因素都束缚着正义与发展党的手脚,成为其继续推进改革、拓展纵深的制约因素。在土耳其内外交往问题上,正义与发展党如何处理挑战与应战、传统与现代、全球与本土、有序与无序等环节之间的关系是该党能否取得成功的关键所在。然而,文明自觉的实现不单取决于该党自身的努力,而是取决于土耳其所有力量的共同努力,即“集体的文明自觉”。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is about the Justice and Development Party of Turkey as well as its political visions and practices in the political, economical and foreign policy areas. In this dissertation, by using theories of western politics and the theory of the exchange of civilizations put forward by Pro. Peng, the author tries to show the interplays and intercations between the state, societies and political parties in turkey, to give deep insights to the devopments of Turkey in all areas under AKP’s ruling. The conclusions will be the following.First, as a result of triangle crsis, namely, the legalitimal crisis, the economic crisis and the intigrational crisis; the reformist in Turkey’s political Islam successfully established AKP. Then, through three nationl elections and two local elections, this party came to the power and became the dominant party in the country’s party system. Historically, the rise of AKP is the result of turkey’s modernization, democraction, and Europeanization under the context of globalization, liberalization, and democraction. In other word, which is the result of long evolution of turkey’s state, economy and society.Second, under the historial context and the real electional environment, there would be a difficult choice between antomy and systemness for AKP. As to its organizations, it is comprised of central and local organizations as well as parimental groups and displinal assembles. As the principals of the organiazations, it signifies the mixed charicteriscs of the cenralised democracy, the democratic regime, charismatic leadership and intra-party democracy. As to its party family, we cann’t classify AKP into the Islamic Party, since the party shows the charicteristics of the central-right party and the catch-all party at the same time.Third, as to its ideology and practices, we can conclude the following. Politically, under the guidance of the "Conservative Democracy" idea, the AKP government has carried a number of EU reforms in legal areas and the civilian-millitary relationshiop, in order to further Turkey’s democratization process and to meet the Copenhagen Critiea of the EU. Economically, under the guidance of the "Revised Neo-Liberalism" idea, the AKP government has taken several mersures to gain the stability and the growth, while furthered Turkey economy’s golabalization, liberalization, markertation and privitization. As to the party’s social policy, under the guidance of "Social Participation" idea, the AKP government has carried a number of reforms in the areas of education, health, social security and housing. As to the national-religious policy, under the "Democaratic Openings" idea and the principal of "Negative Securalism", the AKP government has tried to resolve the long-lagged questions troubling Turkey namely the Kurdish question, the Alevi question, the veiling dispute, etc. In the area of foreign policy, under the doctrine of "Stratagic Depth", the AKP government has dealt with the European and Asia equally and carried out the "No Problems with Neighbours" policy in order to advance the Ottomanization, Middle-Easternizition and Europeanization. The AKP government has to adapt to the devolpments of the sitituations, tries to promote the Turkish Model to the region and exert its soft power. While gaining triunphs partly, it is faced challegences from the international, regional and domestic levels.Finally, in general, it is growing influence that the Islamist parties has emerged in the Muslim courtries from the Middle East to South Asia to Central Asia to Balkan to North Afria recently. After analyzing the AKP’s ideology and its practices, this dissertation concludes that the Islamist parties were the results of the Muslim courtries’modernization process and the historial process, which cann’t be analysed simply. It is necessary for the Islamist party to cautiously deal with the legacies of the modernization process exprienced by the host courtries. In the case of AKP, it is necessary for AKP to deal with the legacies of the modernization process exprienced by Turkey namely the Kemalist legacy, the Ozal legacy, the Islamism legacy and the Ottoman legacy.In short, the rise of AKP has created the new period of Turkey’s modernization process. In the first decade of21th century, there were relatively political stability, economic prosperity and social solidarity in Turkey. Despite confirming the triumphs of the AKP government,we must recognize the factors constraining the party to continually further the reforms and expand the depth of the foreign interactions. As to internal exchanges in Turkey, it is critical for AKP how to deal with the relations between the chanllege and the reaction, the tradition and modernity, the global and the local, the order and the disorder, etc. Moreover, the relizations of the counciousness of civilization are not just relying on AKP, but on the mutual efforts of all forces in turkey, namely the collective counciousness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

