

【作者】 习通源

【导师】 王建新;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 公元前二千纪开始,在我国新疆东天山地区开始出现以经营农业为主的人群,这些人群同时兼营一定程度的畜牧业、狩猎业和采集业,属于半农半牧经济模式。这一时期,哈密盆地绿洲地带和巴里坤的河湖地带都分布着许多农业聚落遗址。在公元前一千纪左右,欧亚大陆大部分区域进入了青铜时代晚期和早期铁器时代,随着气候的剧变,经济模式的改变,游牧经济和游牧民族开始逐渐出现。东天山地区作为古代东西方文明交汇地带,也在同时期逐渐进入游牧经济时代,出现了游牧民族,在东天山两麓出现了大量的游牧聚落遗址。这个时期这种经济模式的转变,给古代东天山地区的文化面貌带来了巨大的改变。目前对于这一时期东天山地区从半农半牧经济向游牧经济转变的过程和游牧聚落遗址特征的研究很少。作者希望通过自身从2005年以来在东天山地区所做的调查、发掘工作掌握的基础资料出发,结合以往历年来的工作成果,对东天山地区公元前二千纪以来聚落遗址的变迁进行初步的研究。本文共分八章。在第一章绪论部分,作者首先划定了文章研究的时空范围,总结了以往对东天山地区古代遗存的相关研究情况,分析了其中的不足之处,并提出了论文中使用的理论研究方法。在第二章,详细描述了东天山地区的自然环境气候特征以及全新世以来气候变迁的环境背景。第三章针根据已有的考古发掘、调查资料,对东天山地区的考古学文化进行了文化因素分析,并根据其考古学文化特征,结合年代学分析结果把这些遗存划分为五组不同类别的文化遗存,在此基础上将东天山地区的半农半牧经济模式向游牧经济模式的演变划分为三个阶段。认为该地区在公元前1800~前1600年之间部分人群因气候、人口压力或绿洲承载能力的原因越过东天山到达巴里坤湖湖畔开始定居。公元前1200年左右气候的又一次干冷化时期,东天山地区开始出现早期的游牧活动,并一直延续到公元前一千纪晚期。第四章对分布于哈密盆地绿洲地区和巴里坤湖畔的两种以农业为主的半农半牧经济模式的聚落遗址选址、等级、聚落形态、经济形态等特征进行了分析。第五章对分布于东天山南北两麓的游牧聚落遗址因不同功能造成的选址、布局特征的差异进行了分析对比。东天山北麓以大中型聚落遗址为主,少见小型聚落遗址,反映了这种大型中心聚落遗址是古代游牧民族在夏季牧场的统治中心。南麓同样分布有少量大型聚落遗址,但以中小型聚落遗址为主,其选址布局都是以保证人畜度过酷寒的冬季为前提的,是游牧民族的冬季营地。此外还对大中型遗址周边具有军事防御性质的遗址进行了分析研究。第六章对公元前一千纪的农业聚落遗址进行了研究,这一时期的农业聚落遗址延续了前期的传统,其分布、布局和等级等特征变化不大,体现了农业经济的稳定性。在第七章限于资料的缺乏,对公元元年左右进入东天山地区的外来草原游牧文化进行了简单的探讨。这一时期的聚落遗址中居住遗迹比较少见,主要为墓葬遗存,说明此时已经完全进入了游牧文化时代。第八章在前文各章分析研究的基础上,对青铜时代至早期铁器时代东天山地区分布的农业聚落遗址和游牧聚落遗址进行了对比分析,推演了从半农半牧经济向游牧经济演变的过程,最后分析了东天山地区聚落形态变化与全新世以来气候变化的关系。

【Abstract】 Two thousand B.C., in East Tianshan Mountain, in Xinjiang province, group of people managed the agriculture, which they engaged in a certain degree of animal husbandry, hunting and gathering at same time, which belongs to farming-pastoral economic model. During this period, there are many agricultural settlement sites in oasis zone in Hami basin and Barkol lakes region. Around the age of one thousand BC, most of the Eurasia region entered the late Bronze Age and early Iron Age. As the climate change, the economic mode change from farming-pastoral to nomadic economy, nomadic people began to appear. East Tianshan Mountain area as the ancient eastern and western civilization confluence zone, also gradually into the nomadic economy era, nomad and their settlements in the Mountain foothill site. In this period the economic model transformation is brought great change to civilization in this region. At present, the research of in East Tianshan Area during this period on the process of economic model transformation and features historical sites is few. This dissertation will depend on field survey, excavation documents in this region, combine with previous work over the years, to research the settlements development in the East Tianshan Mountain region since two thousands BC.This dissertation is divided into eight chapters. In the first chapter is the introduction part, the author first defined the research scope of space and time, reviewed the previous related research in Tianshan Region, analyzed the deficiency, and put forward the theoretical research methods used in the paper. In chapter2, detailed climate characteristics of the natural environment and the environment since the Holocene climate change in East Tianshan Mountain region. In the third chapter, cultural factors of this region are analyzed from the existing archaeological excavations documents, the survey data. Then according to the archaeological culture characteristics, combined with the chronology analysis results, archaeological sites are divided into five categories. And on the basis of general East Tianshan Mountain area the period from farming-pastoral economic model to nomadic economic model is divided into three stages.Some of the residents settle in Barkol Lake from the East Tianshan Mountain because of climate, population pressure or t the oasis capacity from1800BC to1600BC. In about1200BC the climate is dry and cold again, early nomadic activities began to appear in the East Tianshan Mountain Regions, and continue to the end of the one thousand BC. The fourth chapter is discussed on site selection, grade the form, economic form settlements characteristics in the oasis region and Barkol Lake. The fifth chapter is focus on comparison of site selection, layout features based on function. In north of Tianshan Mountain, there are many large and medium size settlement, small one is few, that show there is the govern centre of an ancient nomadic people in the summer. In the South of the Mountain, there are also large size settlements, but mainly small and medium-sized settlement sites, the site layout is the premise of guarantee people through the depth of winter, is the nomads of the winter camp, and analyzed military defensive sites around large and medium-sized settlements. Chapter6study agricultural settlement sites in one thousand B.C.. This period of agricultural settlement continued the tradition of the early period, features such as distribution, layout, haven’t changed too much which shows the stability of the agricultural economy. In the seventh chapter because of limited of data, only simply discuss grassland nomadic culture in one century. In this period, settlement is few in the site, most of them are graves, which is show at this time of animal husbandry has been fully entered the era of nomadic culture. Chapter8on the basis of the analysis and research in the above chapters, the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age the East Tianshan Region distribution of agricultural and nomadic has carried on the comparative analysis of the historical sites, the deduction from the farming-pastoral economy to the nomadic economy evolution, finally analyzes the changes of the East Tianshan Mountain area gathering pattern and the relationship between climate change since Holocene.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

