

【作者】 梅华

【导师】 张文利;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 宋代文集序跋在本文中主要是指宋人所撰写的文集序跋,既包括宋人为前代文集所撰之序跋,也包括宋人为本朝文集所撰之序跋。宋代文集序跋内容丰富,既有对文集作者生平的记述,也有对文集作品的品评,还有对文集编纂、刊刻、流传的记录,这些历经千有余年而侥幸保存下来的前人文化遗存为我们深入研究宋代文学提供了第一手的资料。本论文在梳理相关文献的基础上,对宋代文集序跋进行多角度的综合性研究。本论文的研究内容包括以下几个方面:绪论部分首先考察了宋代文集序跋的研究现状;其次在总结前人研究成果的基础上,提出本论文的研究意义和研究思路;最后提炼出本论文的基本观点与创新之处。第一章先宋文集序跋之演进与宋代文集序跋之繁荣。本章首先系统地梳理了文集序跋从先秦至唐代诞生、成长到定型的漫长发展历程。先宋文集序跋的内容由单一走向繁复,为宋代文集序跋的真正繁荣奠定了基础。接下来分析了宋代文集序跋繁荣的历史文化原因。宋代文集整理与编纂蔚然成风,雕版印刷术的空前发展与文集刊刻之繁荣以及宋人文集序跋意识之自觉均促进了宋代文集序跋的繁荣。第二章宋代文集序跋之历时性分析。为了更好地考察与把握宋代文集序跋的发展过程,本章从宏观的角度将宋代文集序跋分为北宋前期、北宋后期、南渡前后、南宋中期与南宋晚期五个时期,考察了每个时期文集序跋的阶段性特征及其与政治历史、社会文化、学术思潮之间深层次的复杂关系。第三章宋代文集序跋与文集刊刻。本章主要是从宋代文集序跋的视角考察了宋代文集刊刻的特征以及文集传播方式与校雠学知识在文集序跋中的反映。北宋时期在文集刊刻方面呈现出前朝,尤其是唐代,与本朝并重的景象,形成这一局面的原因主要有宋人宗唐学唐之风潮、北宋朝廷对刊印本朝文人文集之限制以及元祐学术之禁等。南宋时期,由于“最爱元祐”的政治导向以及宋文典范的确立,使得宋人刊刻本朝文人文集的热情逐渐高涨起来。第四章宋代文集序跋的地域、家族文化考察。宋人在为文集撰序题跋时常常从地域、家族的角度来分析文集作者与作品,这种现象的形成有其深刻的历史文化原因。有鉴于此,本章着重从地域、家族的角度对宋代文集序跋进行了考察。首先分析探讨了宋人在文集序跋中采用地域、家族视角品评文集作者及其作品的原因,包括宋人地域观念与家族观念自觉的形成、宋人地域与家族自觉意识的表现,其中涉及到地方志与地域性文学总集的编纂、家谱与家族总集的编修等问题。在此基础上,考察了宋人在文集序跋中对各具特色的“地域和家族文化传统”是如何体认与展现的。第五章宋代理学家群体文集序跋与理学文化。宋代理学兴盛,理学家作为一个相对独立的群体,其所创作的文集序跋不同于文章家所撰文集序跋。本章首先从整体上考察了两宋时期理学家群体所创作的文集序跋情况,然后对真德秀与魏了翁进行了个案研究。通过对理学家群体所撰之文集序跋进行研究,从而洞悉了该一群体独特的文艺观与审美趣尚。第六章宋代奏议集序跋与政治文化。在两宋时期,热情高涨的士人积极参与国家政治活动,奏议是其参政议政的重要途径之一,由此产生了大量的奏议类文章。奏议集的编纂与刊印也最终成为宋人别集整理与刊印的一大特色,数量众多的奏议集序跋随之被撰写出来。本章针对奏议这种相对特殊的文体,考察了宋人所撰序跋有不同于其他一般文集序跋之处,从而总结出奏议类文集序跋在写作模式上的特征。结语部分对全文予以总结,进而提出本论文有待进一步探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 The prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of Song Dynasty mainly refer to the prefaces and postscripts that are written by people of Song Dynasty, including not only those that are written by people of Song Dynasty for the corpuses of the dynasties before the Song, but also those that are written by them for the contemporary corpuses. The prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of Song Dynasty is rich in contents, which contain not only the lives of the authors of the corpuses and the evaluation on the works of the corpuses, but also the recordings of compilation, publication and spreading of the corpuses. The previous culture remains that are preserved after more than one thousand years provide us the first-hand data to do research on the literature of Song Dynasty thoroughly. On the foundation of tidying the related data, the dissertation does research on the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of Song Dynasty from multi-angles comprehensively. The research contents of the dissertation include the following aspects:The part of the exordium deems firstly that the study on the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of Song Dynasty await to go deep into further more after reviewing the status quo of the research on the theme. Secondly, on the foundation fo summarizing the antecedent research fruits, the author proposes the research meanings and the thinking approach of the dissertation; at last, the basic viewpoints and the innovative contents of the dissertation are brought forward.The first chapter is on the evolution of the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses in the period before Song Dynasty. The author tidies the far-flung process of appearing, developing and molding of the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses from dynasties before the Qin to Tang Dynasty firstly. The contents of the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses in dynasties before Song Dynasty develop from briefness to complexity, laying the foundation for the real prosperity of the equivalent articles in Song Dynasty. Then the author analyzes the historical and cultural reasons of the prosperity of the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of Song Dynasty. In the period of Song Dynasty, the collection and compilation of corpuses becomes a common practice, the woodblock printing expands unprecedentedly, the press of corpuses develops prosperously, the disenchantment of the consciousness to the prefaces and postscripts appears timely. The instances above boost the prosperity of the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of Song Dynasty.The second chapter is on the diachronic analyses of the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of Song Dynasty. In order to review and grasp the developing process better, this chapter divides the historical period into five phases:the early time of Northern Song Dynasty, the later stage of Northern Song Dynasty, the stretching time of Southern Ferrying, the middle time of Southern Song Dynasty and the latter time of Southern Song Dynasty. Then the author analysis the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of each period above in broad-brush ways, and reviews the characters of the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses in each phase and the deep-seated complex relations between them and the political history, social culture, academic thoughts.The third chapter is on the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of Song Dynasty and the press of corpuses. This chapter reviews the characters of the publication of the corpuses of Song Dynasty, the impacts on the diffusion ways of corpuses and the academic activities after entering into the copy times. Because of the vogue of people of Song Dynasty studying from people of Tang Dynasty, the control of the government of Northern Song Dynasty on the press of the contemporary literators’ corpuses and the forbiddance on "the learning of Yuanyou", the amounts of publishing of the corpuses of the dynasties before Song Dynasty is more than the corpuses of Song Dynasty. In the period of Southern Song Dynasty, because of the political orientation of "the favourite is the learning of Yuanyou" and the establishment of the literary apotheosis of Song Dynasty, the publication of the contemporary literators’ corpuses comes into the golden age.The fourth chapter is on the contents of the regional and household cultural reviewing on the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of Song Dynasty. Because of the profound historical cultural reasons, people of Song Dynasty often analyzes the authors and the works of the corpuses from the regional and household perspectives, so the author of the dissertation reviewed the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of Song Dynasty from the regional and household perspectives. In the detailed contents, this chapter analyzes and discusses the reasons of people of Song Dynasty reviewing the authors and the works of the corpuses from the regional and household perspectives, including the forming and exhibition of the disenchantment of the regional and household consciousness of people of Song Dynasty. These instances involve the compilation of the regional almanacs, the literature anthologies, the stemmata books and the household anthologies. On the foundations, this chapter reviews the cognizance and exhibition of the characteristic "regional and household cultural traditions" in the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of Song Dynasty.The fifth chapter is on the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses written by the followers of Neo-Confucianism of Song Dynasty and the Neo-Confucian culture. The Neo-Confucianism is very flourishing in the period of Song Dynasty, the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses indited by the followers of Neo-Confucianism that is a relative colony are different from those indited by those ecumenical literati. This chapter reviews the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses indited by the followers of Neo-Confucianism in the period of Song Dynasty from the wholeness firstly, and then plays the case study on Zhen Dexiu and Wei Liaoweng. After researching into the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses indited by the followers of Neo-Confucianism, we can apprehend the characteristic literary viewpoints and the aesthetic vogues of them.The sixth chapter is on the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of the memorials to the throne and the political culture in Song Dynasty. In the period of Song Dynasty, the ebullient esquires take part in the political activities actively, and the memorials to the throne are one of the very important participant ways, so a great deal of memorials to the throne appears. The compilation and press of the corpuses of the memorials to the throne becomes a distinctive thing in the process of tidying and publishing of the anthologies else by people of Song Dynasty at last, and then a great lot of prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of the memorials to the throne are indited. Contraposed the relative exceptive article style, this chapter reviews the contents of the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of the memorials to the throne different from those opposite general articles, and then summarizes the characters of the prefaces and postscripts to corpuses of the memorials to the throne in writing model accordingly.The part of the epilogue summarizes the whole dissertation, and then proposes the questions that need to be discussed still further more.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

