

【作者】 常芳

【导师】 王兴中;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 人文地理学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 问题的提出:上个世纪70年代以来,发达国家相继进入到后工业化阶段,他们面临着社会要素和谐与工业化水平关系的可持续发展问题。这些问题都预示着人文主义应该有新的价值观念来指导和解决上述问题的困境。针对人文主义的后现代“社会正义”涵义的解读,引发了社会科学的大讨论。很多学科都提出了系统的社会理念,对区域学科构建新区域的理解起到了开拓性启蒙作用。从20世纪70年代开始,区域科学包括人文地理学等相继转向对“社会空间”公正的探讨。前者以区域经济学思维下的重在区域“社会管理”重构下展开,“城乡统筹”理论是其重要理念。由于这些学科固有的经济(学原理)导向下的生态持续与社会持续观,很难全面耦合到社会价值新的发展趋势上。而城市研究是以“草根社区”等空间公正构建为方向,逐渐由二战后风行的现代城市功能区规划转向到90年代已形成的、具有居住公平思想的“新城市主义”规划。主要体现在社区(阶层)混居规划的导向。由于居住等消费文化的行为阶层性致使其社区“草根”(阶层)公正性逐渐失效,至今没有全面解决社会公平下城市空间公正的规划问题。近几年,社会公平与对偶空间公正建构的转向研究,成为跨学科的呼应检验的共识,同时也成跨社会科学与区域科学的研究范式。人文地理学探讨城市空间公正,现阶段主要把握社会公平对应构建的社会空间公正方向,其焦点是研究公正的城市社会生活行为与对应社会空间能否耦合问题。也就是探讨城市社会生活空间问题,对其的研究人文地理学融合其他学科大致经历了三个深化阶段。70年代注重研究城市生活(空间)质量问题必须耦合到对社会与文化要素的和谐水平上来。80年代到90年代国外研究主要集中探讨城市生活单元的社区问题方面。90后期年代以来发达国家对城市社会空间问题的探讨,主要关注社区体系构建原理。依据理念与方法:人文地理学在“社会空间”研究方面,上个世纪90年代已形成了完整的“社会论”。其核心内容构成了《城市社会地理》学科。该理论以人文主义的“现象学”方法来探讨生活行为在城市空间的“社会意义”;用“存在主义”方法探讨行为存在空间的城市“社会结构”,他们共同揭示人们生活行为所形成的城市“社会空间”结构或体系。该体系健全与否,可以揭示哪(阶层人群)类型行为存在社会空间“剥夺”。被剥夺的空间就揭示对应阶层人群社会生活行为被剥夺,就会出现社会生活空间问题。本世纪以来城市社会地理学集中探讨集空间性、物质性与精神性(社会文化性)为一体的城市社会空间的结构体系。对此研究的概念集成已形成了“城市(社会)生活空间质量观”。由于随着社会经济的快速发展,特别是在后工业化阶段,城市物质功能空间系统逐步形成,体现社会公平的社区体系的完善与否成为衡量城市社会生活空间质高低的重要方面。因此社区体系构建下的城市社区生活空间对各阶层居民的社会生活行为具有公正性的现实意义。它是探讨城市社会空间问题的基本理论,也是解决城市(社会)生活空间问题的基本理念及其路径构建方向。研究内容:工业化期间的城市生活空间问题主要是城市功能主导下的物质空间的缺失。发达国家上个世纪70年代以来相继进入后工业化时代,物质空间建构的空间问题基本解决。城市社会生活空间问题随着后福特主义消费文化的兴起与创新,致使人们追求生活行为的文化场所性的延伸与重组,新的社会生活空间问题不断出现,其问题类型已有十多个。尤其是对社会空间阶层行为“剥夺”产生的机制、形成的社会空间问题及其空间整治途径的研究,城市社会地理学等人文空间科学已分别有了针对性的研究,但是尚未从“社会-文化进程”的角度进行归纳并提升到上述的系统学理体系之中。对该系统归纳性综述是本论文的基础内容。其次,中国的大城市发展正处于工业化与后工业化快速过渡阶段,后工业化的城市社会生活空间问题已现端倪,已有愈演愈烈的趋势。尤其是用现代城市功能理论规划并建设起来的城市产业开发区,既有城市扩展形成的边缘区社会空间“隔离”问题,还有开发区内社区生活空间“剥夺”问题,以及社区内生活行为场所的社区资源剥夺问题。对其社会生活空间问题及其解决机制与规划路径的研究是本论文的重点。第三,发达国家人文空间学科中的文化生态学、城市社会学以及城市意象学(及建筑伦理)等学科自上世纪80年代以来针对各自学科的目标分别创立了城市空间社会公正为方向的研究范式。人文地理学的城市社会地理学在此基础上追索反映城市社会生活空间的公正价值指向,提出了居住社区体系布局、生活行为场所布局的“社会空间秩序”布局(微区位论)概念。借鉴上述理论应用到案例区的对应研究,提炼并形成理念性结论是本论文探讨的焦点。本文研究是基于“城市社会生活空间质量观”理念下的城市生活空间问题及其解决路径研究,属于第三阶段聚焦的研究前沿内容。综上,本文研究内容共包括五部分。从人文地理学角度,首先系统地综述人文地理学探讨城市(社会)生活空间质量(结构)研究的理念、原理与方法;第二,探讨性归纳现在西方国家城市社会生活空间问题的类型与体系,以及解决机制及其规划的路径;第三,试探性提出评价与解决城市社区空间(结构)质量问题的理念与方法;第四,针对上述几个方面,结合西安城市的适宜案例区进行具体研究;最后,综上研究尝试性提出中国在工业化阶段及其后转型期城市社会空间(结构)问题与解决机制及其规划路径。研究结论:其一,国外在研究城市(社会)生活空间问题及其解决机制与规划路径方面,区域科学或城市学科等分别提出了自己的本体性理念,从社会公平与空间公正的思想统帅其理念逻辑,用人文地理学社区(会)空间结构角度审视、捋顺并组合其空间公正价值关系,其形成的理念或理论能够解决城市(社会)生活空间问题及其解决机制与规划路径问题。论文在此方面的梳理与总结是国内比较全面综述城市社会生活空间问题并提出系统解决机制以及路径的论文。其二,国外在解决城市社会(生活)空间实践问题上,主要依赖于新区域科学的社会统筹原理,以及社会科学的社区管理进行治理。由于社会空间问题是社会问题的对应结果,因此必须从社会空间重构进行正向治理。国外虽然在“新城市主义”理念、城市社会地理理念与人本公共交通布局理念等方面有了各自的路径,但是还没有形成综合的系统路径。尤其是缺失在区域剥夺下,必须进行“区域补偿”的系统治理原理。其三,应用上述理念从案例区的研究发现,国内大城市产业开发区的迅速建成,形成有工业化阶段向后工业化转型的混合型社会生活空间问题;探讨性提出了三类城市社会生活空间问题,他们具有互为共生的综合性:一是开发区扩展的边缘区“城市资源剥夺”形成的社会生活区域“隔离”问题,具有工业化阶段的典型特征;二是开发区内“社区(生活空间)剥夺”形成的社区体系“公正”结构问题;三是CBD区社区内生活行为场所的“社区资源剥夺”形成的低阶层“职住错位”问题。后两个问题具有后工业化阶段特征。这三类问题在城市社会空间上是互为因果机制关联的。对该问题的综合系统的讨论在国内尚属首次。其四,上述三类城市社会生活空间问题,是对应三类“剥夺”空间而形成的社会区域并构成体系关系。对其治理必须从区域“剥夺”的区域“补偿”公正观出发。首先,从空间体系结构关系上依次通过构建三类“社会空间”的“可获性”体系途径,进行城市社会生活空间的整治机制与路径。其次,在从社会公平管理的角度对这其进行社区调整,及其社区管理。论文试探性提出中国在工业化及其后工业化转型期城市社会空间问题与解决机制及其规划路径。并尝试性提出社区管理的借鉴途径。

【Abstract】 Raised issues:social justice and space fair ideas are universal values, is the fundamental driving force for social development, the objectives pursued, and spatial problems of sustainable development of modern city.Since the70’s of the last century, after developed countries have entered the stage of industrialization, they faced social elements of harmonious relationship between industrialization and sustainable development issues.These problems are threatening humanism should have new values to guide and resolve the plight of these issues.Academic recognition/gongyi "theory of Justice" philosophy, presents social "equality","freedom" and "justice" is to balance the "social justice" phase of the development process.The humanist postmodern "social justice" meaning interpretation, sparked great debate in the social sciences.Many disciplines are proposed a system of social philosophy, regional discipline to build a new understanding of the enlightenment has played a pioneering role in the region.Starting from in the1970of the20th century, regional science, including human geography have formed a steering "social space" just discussed.Under former regional economic thinking in the area "social management" under reconstruction."Concordance" theory is an important concept.Due to the inherent in these disciplines Economics (theory) under the guidance of concept of ecological and social sustainability, it is difficult to fully coupled to the social values on the new trends of development.Urban studies with "grass-roots community" building space just as the direction came after World War II popularity of functional district planning in modern cities turned to the90’s, lived with a fair idea of the formation of "new urbanism" planning.Mainly in the communities (bracket) mix planning guide.Live class of consumer culture, including their community a "grass-roots"(class) the impartiality of progressive failure and there has been no comprehensive solution fair of urban space planning under the social justice issues.In recent years, social fairness and justice turned to the study of the construction of dual space, become the consensus of interdisciplinary echo test, but also across research paradigms in social sciences and science.Study on urban space of human geography just at this stage mainly grasp the social spaces of social fairness and build a just direction, focusing on the city life of fair implementation of social space can be coupled.That explore the social life of the city space, study of its input from other disciplines of human geography has gone through three further stages.70to the city life (space) quality issues must be coupled to the level of harmony between social and cultural elements.80’s to the90’s research mainly focuses on urban life abroad range of community issues. Developed since the late90’s discussion on the problems of urban social space, focusing on principles of community building.Based on the concepts and methods:human geography in the "social space" study, the90’s of the last century and has formed a complete set of "social theory ".The elements that constitute the core of the urban social geography disciplines.The theory of humanism "phenomenological" method to explore life in urban space "social significance";"Existentialism" space city method exists "social structure", they work together to reveal the formation of life city "social space" structure or system.The soundness of the system, and can reveal which (class crowd) type of social space "deprivation".Deprived of space corresponding to reveal segments of populations deprived of social life, there will be social space issues.Urban social geography since this century focusing on the collection of spatiality, materiality and spirituality (society and culture) for the integration of urban social space structure system.This concept of integration has formed a "social concept of living space, the quality of the city ".As with rapid socio-economic development, particularly in the post-industrial phase, urban material features space systems evolved, reflecting the perfection of the system of social justice communities have become important aspects of urban social space high and low quality of life.Under the Community system of living space in urban communities for residents from all walks of the social life behavior has a practical significance of impartiality.lt is to explore the basic theory of urban social space to address city (social) construction of basic ideas and ways of living space problems.Content:during the industrialization is mainly dominated by urban functions on urban living space lack of physical space.Developed since the70’s of the last century have been entering the post-industrial age, physical space basically solved the problem of constructing. Social life of the city space with the rise of post-Fordism consumer culture and innovation, leading people to pursue life extension and restructuring of cultural sites, new social space problems are emerging, their problems over more than10types.Especially for the socio-spatial strata "deprivation" mechanisms, formation of social space and spatial regulation pathway of, urban social geography, the Humanities respectively, targeted research in space science, but not yet "socio-cultural process" point of induction, theoretical system and upgrading of these systems.Summary of narrative of the system is the basis of this paper.Secondly, the development of big cities in China is excessive phase once in the industrialized and industrializing fast, post-industrial cities have signs for social living space, there is a growing trend.Especially in function theory in modern city planning and construction of urban industrial zone, urban social space in extended formation of fringe "isolate" problems, as well as community living space within the development zone "deprivation", as well as community resources in places of deprivation of life issues within the community. Space issues for their social life and its settlement mechanism study on the planned route and is the focus of this paper.Third, the developed cultural space disciplines of cultural ecology, sociology and urban image of the city (and its architectural ethic) and other disciplines for their respective disciplines since the last century80’s respective goals of the creation of the urban spaces of social justice-oriented paradigms.Urban social geography human geography based on the recovery of fair value that reflects the social life of the city space links to proposed layout of dwelling Community system layout, live venues,"socio-spatial order" layouts (micro-location theory) concepts.Reference correspondence theory applied to the case study mentioned above, refines and form the conceptual conclusions are the focus of this thesis. This study is based on the "social concept of living space, the quality of the city" concept of study on urban space problems and the way of life, belong to the third focus of research frontiers.In conclusion, the study comprises five parts.This article from the perspective of human geography, first systematic summary of human geography research (social) life quality (architecture) concepts, principles and methods of the study;Second, the exploratory inductive type social living space in cities in Western countries now issue and system, as well as addressing mechanism and its path planning;Third, the heuristic evaluation and urban community space (structural) concept of quality issues and methods;Ⅳ, for several of these areas, combined with the appropriate case area in XI’an city of specific studies;Finally, the comprehensive study tentatively suggested that at the stage of industrialization and urban social space in transition (structural) issues and resolution mechanism and its planned route.Research and innovation:Research conclusions:one, abroad in research City (social) life space problem and settlement mechanism and planning path aspects, regional science or. city discipline, respectively made has themselves of ontology sexual concept, from social fair and space just of thought Commander its concept logic, with humanities geography community (will) spatial structure angle review, and smoothed Shun and combination its space just value relationship, its formed of concept or theory can settlement city (social) life space problem and settlement mechanism and planning path problem.Combs and summary of the thesis in this regard is the more comprehensive summary of the mechanism of urban social life space issues and propose system solutions as well as paper path.Second, foreign urban social (living) space on practice issues, relies heavily on new regional scientific community co-ordinating principle, management of community management and social sciences.As a result social space problem is a social problem, it must be positive from socio-spatial reconstruction of governance.While abroad,"new urbanism" concept, the concept of urban social geography and human-oriented public transport layout ideas have their own path, but there is no comprehensive system path.Especially with missing in the area denied, must be "compensation" system of governance works.Thirdly, apply these concepts from case study found that built big cities in China’s rapid industrial development zone, the formation stage of industrialization of backward industrial restructuring hybrid social space;Exploratory raised the issue of three kinds of social living space in cities, they have a mutually symbiotic integrated: a zone extending fringe "urban resource deprivation" forms of life "quarantine" issues, with the typical characteristics of industrialization;In the second zone "community (living space) deprived of forming community system "just" structural problems;Three places are within the CBD area community life "community resource deprivation" formation of lower-class "level mismatch" problem.The latter two issues with the post-industrial phase characteristics.These three categories of issues on urban social space is both a mechanism associated.General conclusions on the subject system of its kind in the country for the first time.Four, the three major types of social living space in cities, correspond to three types of "deprivation" spatial and social forms and form systems.Their governance must be from the region "deprived of regional "compensation" starting just idea.First of all, space architecture, construction, through the relationship between three types of "social space","accessibility" system means social regulation mechanisms and ways of living space in cities. Secondly, from the angle of social equity management to community adjustment, and community management.Paper tentatively suggested that in industrialized and post-industrial transition of urban social space problem and resolution mechanism and its planned route.And try to reference to community management of ways.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】TU984.113;C912.81
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】513
  • 攻读期成果

