

Research on North American Sinologist Hanan’s literature Activities

【作者】 张冰妍

【导师】 王确;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 文艺学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 派屈克·韩南(Patrick Hanan)是美国哈佛大学教授,哈佛大学燕京学社第五任社长,是美国最有成就的研究中国古典小说的专家之一。一方面,韩南的汉学研究具有深刻的独特性,无论是从本体论意义上还是从方法论意义上都对之前的汉学研究有所突破;另一方面,韩南的汉学研究同时也影响了之后李欧梵和王德威的文学思想,以至于当代整个海外文学研究出现了转型趋势。自上个世纪80年代以来,韩南对中国古典小说《金瓶梅》以及明清话本小说、李渔等的研究成果,陆续被译介到汉语学界,受到了台湾、大陆学者的关注。作为英语世界的韩南,他对中国文学的兴趣,他对中国文学的研究主题、研究思路,独特的研究视角,他对中国文学的研究成就以及他的学术精神都是值得学者去思考的。因此,本文选择韩南的中国文学研究作为论文的研究主题,通过对韩南的中国文学研究生涯及其主要研究成果的系统分析,探寻其中国文学研究的内在机理和独特的研究思路与方法,分析其主要学术研究贡献等,以期以韩南为个案,折射西方汉学研究的特点与方法,并思考其对中国文学研究和阐释的启迪。论文由八部分构成:引言:论文的研究背景,拟研究的主要问题,国内外研究现状分析,明确论文研究目的、意义,阐明论文研究思路与方法。对韩南的研究是立足于世界汉学研究的发展与进步这个大环境之中的,因此,国外汉学研究的基本状况、学术走向、发展方向构成了韩南汉学研究的主要基础和外部环境,只有将国内外对韩南汉学研究的相关文献进行仔细梳理和研究,才能更好地理解韩南及其汉学思想,因此,本章主要对论文的基础研究进行说明,力图为韩南汉学的研究提供一个逻辑起点和方法论。第一章:分析世界汉学兴起、发展与现状,尤其是美国哈佛大学的汉学研究历程与现状,并以此为基础介绍韩南的主要生平和学术轨迹。汉学研究具有久远的历史性,无论是从学科分化、研究对象还是主要阵地,都已经形成了非常系统而科学的体系,厘清这些问题,一方面能够把握住世界汉学研究的基本情况和主要方向,另一方面也能更全面地把握韩南的汉学研究,因为只有见到森林才能见树木,同样只有将韩南立足于特定的视域内,对他的研究才能更加深入。也正是在此基础上,去搜集、整理并且分析韩南的学术思想历程才会更具意义。对韩南学术思想和人生轨迹的整理也成为全面把握韩南的汉学研究的重要保障,只有这样才能将外部研究与内部研究的结合落到实处。第二章:韩南对中国白话小说的研究成果。对中国白话小说的研究是韩南汉学研究的主要方面,包括韩南对中国白话小说的分期和分类研究、“传教士小说”、汉译小说与晚清小说叙事模式的变化以及对鲁迅小说技巧的研究。这些相关研究在某种意义上,可以说开起了中国小说研究之先河,尤其是韩南对传教士小说的贡献可以说具有扛鼎之功,他不但亲自翻译小说而且将传教士小说同当时中国与西方的社会历史现状相结合,不但具有文学史的意义,同时也具有社会史的意义,此外,韩南对晚清小说叙事学的研究也有卓越贡献。第三章:韩南对《金瓶梅》版本的考证以及对《金瓶梅》素材来源的研究及启示。韩南对《金瓶梅》的研究具有偶然因素,但当他进入《金瓶梅》研究深处时就成为了必然,因为无论是对版本的考证还是对素材来源的考证都细致入微、可圈可点。就版本而言,他同时比较多种《金瓶梅》,在对照中鉴别孰真孰伪、孰早孰晚;就素材来源而言,他不断地在历史材料和文学材料中汲取素材,小心谨慎地还原历史真相和文学真相。这些都为学术界《金瓶梅》研究增加了不少新鲜血液。第四章:韩南对作为喜剧大师的李渔以及对作为创造性为主要特征的李渔小说的研究。李渔研究一直是中国学术界的显学,对于汉学界亦不例外,本章在梳理近百年来对李渔研究的基础上,对韩南的李渔研究进行全面的分析,尝试从多个方面、多个角度把握韩南的李渔研究,进而深入到李渔研究的思想内部。第五章:韩南的小说溯源法以及传统研究方法与现代文学理论相结合的文学观念。在长时间对明清小说进行深入研究之后,韩南形成了一系列独特的汉学研究方法,他从作家、时代和作法入手对小说进行“溯源”,也不忽视题材、语言与风格对小说的影响作用,形成了带有韩南标签的“小说溯源法”;在对小说进行研究的过程中,他重视中国传统小说研究法与西方现代文艺理论相结合,拿捏时机,对症下药,透视出所研究问题的精义所在;更重要的是,韩南能看到小说研究背后是文学史的轨迹,因此非常重视文学史的研究,具有一种方法论上的整体观。第六章:韩南对中国文学的研究在世界汉学界的地位,对中国文学研究的价值与意义。韩南的汉学研究对美国哈佛大学尤其是李欧梵和王德威二人产生了很深的影响,二人无论是晚清文学研究还是上海文化研究或多或少都借鉴了韩南的城市文学研究。此外,韩南所表举的方法论也具有非常重要的意义,这种汉学研究的途径只有被充分吸收之后才能走向所研究问题的本质,从这个意义上说,韩南的汉学研究方法论亟待我们去深入学习。结语部分对韩南的学术定位及学术成就进行了总结,肯定了他在西方汉学界的卓越地位。同时对他在中国白话小说史研究中所采取的“风格”标志的方法及分期研究,近代小说特别是传教士小说的研究成就进行了总结,并总结了韩南对鲁迅小说技巧研究的独特见解,对其最具代表性的《金瓶梅》研究及对清代小说家李渔的研究进行了概括,同时提及了韩南治学最具代表性的研究方法——小说溯源法,深刻反思了韩南的治学精神,肯定了其在中西方文学领域的显著贡献。

【Abstract】 Patrick Hanan, the professor of Harward, the fifth President of Yanjing Institute inHarward University, is one of the most successful experts who study Chinese classical novelsin the USA. On the one hand, the sinology by Hanan is of deep peculiarity. The study had agreat break through from ontology and methodology on sinology. On the other hand, theliterary thoughts of Leo Lee and David Wang were influenced by Hanan’s sinology study thateven making the whole foreign literature studies a transformation trend. Since the80s in lastcentury, Patrick Hanan has study on the Golden Lotus, the novel in Ming and Qing Dynastiesand Li Yu. His achievements were translated to Chinese linguistics circles and attracted theattentions of scholars from Taiwan, and the homeland of China.As a scholar in English World, Patrick Hanan was interested in Chinese literature. Andhis study themes, thoughts, unique study angles, achievements, and the academic spirits areall worth to be studied. Therefore, in this thesis, the author took Patrick Hanan’s study onChinese literature as the theme, carried out a system analysis on Patrick Hanan’s study onChinese literature and his main achievement and sought the internal mechanism and theunique research ideas and methods Main academic contribution. The author was taking Hananas an example to reflect the features and methods adopted by western sinology research, andthought the enlightenments on Chinese literature research and interpretation.There are eight sections in this thesis:Introduction: The author stated the research background, the major problems the authorplaned to be studied, and the research status at home and abroad. The author developed herpurpose of the research, significance, the research ideas and methods. Hanan’s study is basedon the development and progress of global sinology research. And the basic conditions ofsinology research in foreign countries, academic trends, and development trends are the majorfoundation and external environment of Hanan’s study. Only studied the literatures at homeand abroad that focused on Hanan’s study, can we have a good understanding on Hanan andhis ideas of sinology. Therefore, in this chapter, the author introduced the basic researchaiming to provide a logic start and methodology for Hanan’s sinology research.Chapter One: the author introduced Hanan’s biography and academic track throughanalyzing the rise, development and statuds of sinology in the world especially the studyhistory and status conducted by Harvard University. The sinology study has a long history,and a systematic and scientific system has been established from the aspects of subjectdivisions, study subjects and main position. By understanding these issues, on the one hand, the basis conditions and main orientations of world sinology study could be grasped; on theother hand, the Hanan’s sinology studies could also be hold comprehensively. And at the sametime, the study on Hanan could be deepened. And based on this condition, it was significant tocollecting, arranging and analyzing Hanan’s academic track. The collecting and arranging ofHanan’s academic ideas and life track are important guarantees for understanding his sinologystudy comprehensively. And only by this way, can we make a good and practical combinationbetween external and internal study.Chapter two is Hanan’s research achievements on Chinese vernacular fiction. Theresearch on Chinese vernacular fiction is the main aspect of Hanan’s study for sinology,including the research of staging and classification study of Han Chinese vernacular novel,"missionary novel," the narrative model of the translated late Qing fiction, and the writingskills of Lu Xun. These researches could be regarded as, in some degree, the first study ofChinese fiction, especially his research of missionary novel. He not only translated the novels,but also combined the novel with the right social situation of China and Western world. So hisresearches are of both literary and social sense, and in addition, Hanan’s research of the lateQing fiction contributed a lot for narrative.Chapter three is the research and enlightenment of the Golden Lotus as well as itsmaterial source. Hanan’s researches on the Golden Lotus has causal factors, but when gofurther, his study became inevitable, for all his researches are nuanced and subtle. As theversion, he compared multiple the Golden Lotus simultaneously both on the faithfulness andtime. And as the source of materials, he continued to study both in the historical materials andliterature materials, carefully restore the historical truth and literary truth. These researcheshave contributed a lot of fresh blood on the research of the Golden Lotus.Chapter four is Hanan’s research of Li Yu, a comedy master, as well as his creativefictions. The research of Li Yu is always distinguished in Chinese academy, for Sinology is noexception. This chapter is to conduct a comprehensive analysis on Hanan’s researches withover-hundred-year’s researches as instruction. The author try to analyze Hanan’s research invaried ways and even go further in the deep thought of Li Yu.Chapter five is Hanan’s traceable method of novel and his literary theory. After a longin-depth study of the novel in Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hanan has formed a series of uniqueSinology research methods. His traceable method of novel considers many factors, such as thewriter, the writer’s era, the theme, the language and the style. And this method has becomeHanan’s label; in this chapter, he combined traditional Chinese novel research with modernWestern literary theory to highlight the key point of the research; more important, Hanan’sresearch has found out the traces of literary history. Therefore, his research has attached greatimportance to the study of literary history with the overall concept of methodology.Chapter six is about the status of Hanan’s Sinology research and the value and significance of his research in Chinese literary study. Hanan’s research has influenced a lot onHarvard University, especially Leo Lee and David Wang. These two scholars’ late Qingliterary study and Shanghai culture study has applied Hanan’s urban literature research moreor less. In addition, Hanan’s methodology is of great significance, and this approach tosinology research could get to the nature of the problem only after being fully absorbed. Inthis sense, it is very urgent for us to go in-depth in the research of Hanan’s sinology researchmethod.In the conclusion part, the author summarized Hanan’s academic orientation andachievements, confirmed Hanan’s extraordinary status in western sinology circle. At the sametime, the author also summarized the method of marked “features” and staging studies thatHanan’s adopted in the studies of the Chinese vernacular story, the research achievements ofmodern fictions especially the missionary novels’, and Hanan’s unique research perspectiveson Lu Xun’s works. Besides, the author generalized Hannan’s most typical study on theGolden Lotus and Li Yu. At the same time, the author mentioned the method of traceability–the most typical research method of Hanan, conducted a deep reflection on Hanan’s spirit onconducting academic research, and confirmed his remarkable contribution in Chinese andWestern literature fields.

  • 【分类号】I207.419
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】238

