

The Effects of Cultural Convergence on College Students’Ideological and Political Education and Its Countermeasure Research

【作者】 于运国

【导师】 张澍军;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 文化是民族的血脉,是人民的精神家园。当下,大学生面对的是多元多样的文化。文化对大学生的思想和行为的影响日益彰显,也日益受到国家、社会和人民的高度重视。党的十七届六中全会是在党的历史上第一次以文化专题而召开的全会,专门对国家文化发展进行研究和部署,文化的重要性由此可见。教育是民族振兴的基石,大学生是国家宝贵的人才资源。大学生思想形成,离不开其所处时代和这个时代的文化,离不开所生活的社会和这个社会的文化,离不开所在的大学和这所大学的文化。当今世界是一个开放的世界,科技进步日新月异,国际国内形势错综复杂。目前,我国改革开放正不断深入,社会主义市场经济正不断完善,正处在社会转型经济转轨的特殊时期。改革开放30多年后的今日中国,伴随着思想的解放、利益的多元、文化的多样、问题的多发,不同社会群体自然会有不同的思维方式、价值取向、道德修养和行为选择,这是社会进步的体现,也是国家活力的源泉。然而,任何一个健康的社会,在思想观念、文化业态多元多样的同时,也必须有一些起码的底线、基本的共识、普遍的价值。思想解放,不等于胡思乱想,文化多样,更不等于行为放纵;价值多元,不是价值扭曲,更不是价值沦落。可以说,当今世界,文化对人们的影响,特别是对正处于人生成长关键期的大学生这一特定、特殊群体的影响日益凸显。文化的多样和发展,各种思想文化交流交融交锋更加频繁,碰撞更加激烈,对当代大学生树立正确世界观、人生观、价值观,坚定社会主义理想信念,健康成长成才带来广泛而深远的影响。新形势下,大学生思想活动的独立性、选择性、多变性、差异性明显增强。在文化交汇背景下做好大学生思想政治教育工作,是每一所高校、每一位思想政治教育工作者面临的现实而紧迫的时代命题。正是基于这一考虑,笔者选择了这一论文题目。本文主要研究对大学生思想教育产生一定影响的文化样式,由此产生哪些有利影响和不利影响,如何从实践应用中探寻应对之策、解决之道。基于这三方面考虑,本文主要分析研究探讨三个问题。一是立足大学校园,在文化交汇的背景下,对影响大学生思想政治教育的主要文化样式进行分析。二是探析文化交汇对大学生思想政治教育带来哪些影响。三是立足当下,兼顾未来,探讨研究文化交汇对大学生思想政治教育影响的应对之策。第一章和第二章主要是立足大学校园,在文化交汇的背景下,阐述文化与文化交汇等相关概念及其分类,对影响大学生思想政治教育的文化样式进行分析。第一章主要是厘清文化、文化交汇等相关概念及其与思想政治教育的相互关系。第二章主要探讨分析对大学生思想政治教育带来主要影响的文化样式的表征、来源及途径。第三章主要是分析文化交汇对教育者、受教育者、教育内容、教育方式、教育环境等方面所产生的影响和冲击。第四章主要是从四个方面研究探讨文化交汇对大学生思想政治教育影响的应对之策。即抓好大学生社会主义核心价值观教育;加强思想政治教育自身建设;开展大学生心理状况普查;加强大学文化自身建设。所要最终实现的目标,就是在文化交汇对大学生思想政治教育的影响和对策研究中,探寻文化认知,掌握学生群体现状和需求,把握文化发展规律、大学生成长规律、教育规律,探索文化与大学生思想认知的内在联系,创新教育方法和手段,进行有针对性地教育和引导,实现教育方式最优化、效果最大化,与时俱进地做好大学生思想政治教育工作,促进大学生全面发展。

【Abstract】 Culture is the vein of a nationality and the spiritual homeland of the people.In the present era, the cultural influence on the ideology and behavior of college studentsis becoming more and more evident, and is highly valued by our country, society and people.The Sixth Plenary Session of the17th CPC Central Committee was the first time in the party’shistory that the central commitment had convened a plenary session exclusively on cultureissues, specially discussing and deploying the future development of the national culture,which highlighted the significant role of culture.Education is the cornerstone of national rejuvenation while college students are theprecious talent resources of the country. The formation of college students’ ideology can’t bedivorced from the era they are living in and the culture of the era, from society and its culture,and from the college they are attending and the college culture. The current world is an openworld, in which scientific and technological advancements happen every single day, and theinternational and domestic situations are intricate and complex. Currently, our country’sreform and opening-up policy is continuously being deepened, and the socialist marketeconomy is constantly being perfected. Our country is in a special period of socialtransformation and economy transition. In the current China, which has undergone over30years’ reform and opening up, along with the ideological emancipation, interest diversification,cultural diversification, frequent problems, different social groups naturally have variousways of thinking, value orientations, moral cultivations and behavior choices, which not onlyreflects the society’s progress, but also is a source of the national vitality. However, in anyhealthy society, besides the diversified ideologies and cultural industries, there must be somebottom lines, basic consensus and common value. Ideological emancipation does not meanrandom thoughts, and cultural diversity is not equal to unbridled behaviour; value pluralism isnot value distortion, let alone value degeneration. We can say that in the present world, theimpact of culture on people, especially the college students who are at the key stage of growthin life, a specific and special group, is increasingly prominent. Cultural diversity anddevelopment, the more frequent exchanges, blending and conflicts of all kinds of thoughtsand cultures, and the more fierce collision all exert an extensive and far-reaching influence onthe contemporary college students’ developing a proper worldview, outlook on life, valuesystem, believing firmly in the ideal and belief of socialism, growing up healthily andbecoming excellent.Under the new situation, the independence, selectivity, variability and differentiation ofcollege students’ mind activity is obviously enhanced. Doing well in the work of college students’ ideological and political education in the multicultural situation and background isthe realistic and urgent era proposition facing every university and every ideological andpolitical education worker. Taking this into consideration, the author chooses the topic aboutthe influence of culture convergence on college students’ ideological and political educationand the countermeasures as the Doctoral thesis research topic.Research mainly studies the predominant cultural types that have certain impact onideological and political education of college students; What are the advantages anddisadvantages brought along by cultural convergence to the ideological and politicaleducation of college students; and how to find the countermeasures and solutions throughpractice. Taking these three factors into consideration, this paper mainly analyses, studies anddiscusses three problems. Firstly, based on college campuses and against the background ofcultural convergence, analysis is made of cultural patterns influencing college students’ideological and political education. Secondly, the paper explores and analyzes what impactscultural convergence brings to college students’ ideological and political education. Thirdly,based on the present, the paper, also taking the future into consideration, probes into thecountermeasures to the impacts of cultural convergence on the ideological and politicaleducation of college students.Chapter One and Two analyze the cultural modes which influence the ideological andpolitical education of college students and expound the relationship between culture and otherinterrelated concepts such as ideological education, mainly based on college campuses andagainst the background of cultural convergence. Chapter One mainly classifies relatedconcepts and interrelationship of culture and the ideological and political education of collegestudents. Chapter Two mainly discusses and analyzes the cultural modes, characteristics thatbring along impacts on the ideological and political education of college students and theirinterrelationship, and discusses the classifications of cultures from the perspective ofhistorical origin.Chapter Three mainly analyzes the impact and shock of cultural convergence on suchaspects as the subject, object, education content, and education method, educationenvironment of ideological and political education of college students.Chapter Four mainly discusses and probes into the countermeasures to the impacts ofcultural convergence on the ideological and political education of college students. That is todo a good job in educating college students on the socialist core values; to enhance theself-construction of ideological and political education; conduct a general survey of thepsychological state of college students and plan the ideological; strengthen the collegecultural construction.The final goal of this research is to explore the cultural cognition, get to know the statusquo and demands of college student groups, grasp the laws of cultural development, college students’ growth and their education, and explore the internal relation between culture andcollege students’ ideological cognition; innovate the education methods and approaches;specifically carry out the education and guidance, and realize the optimization of theeducation methods and maximization of the education effects; advance with the times to do agood job in college students’ ideological and political education, promote the overalldevelopment of college students.


