

The Study of Collectivism Education to College Students

【作者】 丁绍宏

【导师】 王平;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当代“集体”的内涵可以概括为:工人阶级占主导地位的、以工农联盟为基础,不断追求人的全面自由发展的劳动者联合体。集体主义是指:建立在生产资料公有制基础上的以调节个人与集体关系为内容并主张集体利益优先性的伦理道德和价值原则。它以生产资料公有制为基础和前提,主张集体是个人自由发展的保障,集体成员的个人利益与集体利益之间协调一致。集体主义教育的概念可以界定为:对受教育者有目的、有计划地施以影响,使其形成集体主义伦理道德和价值原则的实践活动的总和。集体主义教育的本质就是使受教育者能够正确处理集体利益与个人利益的关系,在保障集体利益优先性的同时,实现个体自由而全面的发展。中国历史上的集体主义思想集中体现为原始集体主义和宗法集体主义。西方历史上的集体主义思想主要包括古代家庭公社集体主义和城邦共同体集体主义。空想社会主义的诞生,为无产阶级集体主义理论奠定了基础。马克思和恩格斯对“人的本质”命题的解析,“生产资料社会占有”和“有计划组织劳动”的集体化社会组合形式的提出,以及“自由人联合体”的人类发展目标,是把握马克思主义集体主义思想的重要依据。新中国成立之后,集体主义的概念得到进一步显化和弘扬,大学生集体主义教育积累了丰富的经验。建国初期,为人民服务的伦理思想奠定了集体主义的思想基础,土改、镇反、抗美援朝和三反、五反等政治运动强化了集体主义行为实践。探索社会主义建设时期,大学生集体主义教育开始显性化,片面强调集体利益至上,政治性特征初步突显,同时表现出脱离历史发展具体阶段而抽象地倡导集体主义的特征。拨乱反正与改革开放初期,大学生集体主义教育出现赞同与批评并存的局面,其政治性特征减弱、教育性特征增强,与此同时,对个人主义的批判成为集体主义教育中的重要内容。当前,大学生集体主义教育取得了一定成效,但亦面临很多问题。究其原因,主要在于市场经济的冲击、高校思想政治教育的适应性不足、集体组织属性和功能的制约以及网络虚拟环境的挑战。针对现状,本文主张:在大学生集体主义教育目标方面,将集体主义道德上升为集体主义信仰,正确区分“真实的集体”与“虚假的集体”,充分发现挖掘“真实的集体”中所蕴含的思想资源,用实际行动推助“真实的集体”中所具备的教育元素的生长。在大学生集体主义教育内容方面,要与时俱进地发展马克思主义集体主义理论,将社会主义核心价值体系融入大学生集体主义教育,注意澄清集体主义的价值困惑,构建具有时代性和针对性的新型集体主义。除了传统的课堂教学、集体建设和集体活动,还应充分利用网络空间这一途径来加强大学生集体主义教育。大学生集体主义教育方法则应在创新实践锻炼法、榜样示范法、规范约束法的基础上,发展新的集体主义方法。

【Abstract】 The connotation of the contemporary "collective" can be summarized as: The laborerunion which is dominated by the working class and bases on the alliance of workers andpeasants and pursuit of man’s all-round development.Collectivism refers to: The ethics andvalue principle which is based on public ownerships of the means of production,to adjust therelationship between individual and collective and claim the priority of collective interests. Itis based on public ownerships of the means of production and the premise, argues that thecollective is the guarantee of free development, members of the collective coordinatedbetween personal interests and collective interests. The concept of collectivism education canbe defined as: The sum of practice which to influence the educatees purposefully and in aplanned way, and make them form the collectivism ethics and value principle. The essenceof the collectivism education is to make the educatees to handle the relationship between thecollective interests and personal interests correctly, to protect the interests of the collectivepriority and to realize the individual freedom and comprehensive development.Collectivism thought in Chinese history mainly includes the original collectivism andpatriarchal clan collectivism. Collectivism thought in Western history mainly includes theancient family communes collectivism and the polis community collectivism. The birth ofUtopian socialism laid the foundations for the theory of proletarian collectivism. Theimportant basis to grasp Marx’s socialist collectivism thought include the following points: theinterpretation of "human essence" proposition by Marx and Engels; collectivization societycombination form such as “means of production in the possession of society” and “toorganize work in a planned way”; the human development goals about "free people".After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the concept of collectivism isdeveloped and expanded further, and collectivism education to college students hasaccumulated rich experience. In the early of the founding of the People’s Republic of China,unconspicuous collectivism education achieved certain results, and the leader’s charisma hassignificant role to formation of collectivism ideology. In the period of exploring socialistconstruction, collectivism education to college students began more and more evident andscientific. It has some characteristic include the following points: to one-sided emphasis oncollective interests first; to preliminary highlighted political characteristics; to advocatecollectivism abstractly and do not conform to the specific historical development stage. In theperiod of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, political characteristics of collectivismeducation achieved summit. At that time, collectivism education was lack of effectivenessapparently mainly because that it was contrary to human nature. In the period of “bring orderout of chaos” and “reform and opening up”, approval and criticism simultaneous existed incollectivism education to college student. Political characteristic of collectivism educationwas weakened and educational feature of collectivism education was enhanced. At the same time, criticism to individualism became important content of collectivism education.The current,collectivism education to college student achieved some results, but alsofaced many problems. The reasons can be summarized as follows: the impact of marketeconomy; The adaptability of ideological and political education in university is insufficient;the constraints of collective organizational attributes and functions; the challenge of networkvirtual environment. Aiming at current situation, this paper puts forward some proposal. Atthe goal of collectivism education to college student, to rise collectivism moral tocollectivism faith; to distinguish between "true collective" and "false collective" correctly;explore the theoretical resources of "real collective" fully and make use of the educationelements which a "real collective" have fully. At the content of collectivism education tocollege student, to develop collectivism theory of Marxist which is keep pace with TheTimes; to take “the socialist core value system” into collectivism education to collegestudents; to pay attention to clarify the value confusion of collectivism; to build a timely andtargeted new collectivism. In addition to the traditional classroom teaching, collectiveconstruction and collective activities, cyber space should be taken as a kind of approach ofcollege student collectivism education adequately. Collectivism education to college studentshould develop new collectivism methods on the basis of innovating practice exercisemethod, model demonstration method, normal constraint method.


