

Bridging Cold War and Decolonization

【作者】 毕元辉

【导师】 李晔;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 南部非洲是非殖民化的最后阶段,经历了冷战斗争高潮、缓和、新冷战到新缓和时代,它为研究冷战与非殖民化相互关系问题提供了一个绝好案例。本文以美国对南部非洲三个主要国家——安哥拉、纳米比亚和津巴布韦在非殖民化中的政策演变探讨冷战与非殖民化的相互关系。本文拟定在国内外学术研究成果的基础上,以“美国对外关系文件集”、“国家安全档案”、“美国政府解密文件参考系统”、国家安全委员会文件、各总统图书馆档案、相关的国务院、总统及国会文件为史料基础,通过美国对非殖民化过程中的南部非洲政策演变的梳理,展现美国的冷战政策与南部非洲非殖民化进程的相互关系,从而揭示冷战与非殖民化关系的一般规律。本文主要分为三个大部分,引言、正文和结论。引言部分主要概括了相关的历史背景及研究的理论基础、研究现状,提出本选题研究的意义及写作思路。结论部分对美国政策演变的脉络及冷战与非殖民化的相互关系试图得出自己的研究观点。正文部分则分为四章论述。第一章为背景介绍和分析部分,重点阐述了南部非洲问题(安哥拉、纳米比亚和津巴布韦问题)的由来,美国外交非殖民原则的形成,肯尼迪政府前美国对南部非洲政策的渊源。在此过程中,美国外交由以非殖民原则为指导逐渐转变为以冷战反共遏制核心,非殖民化在撒哈拉以南非洲的开始迫使美国开始制定独立的非洲政策,艾森豪威尔政府试图在非殖民原则与冷战战略之间找到理想的契合点。第二章主要论述了肯尼迪-约翰逊政府时代对南部非洲总体政策及分别对安哥拉、纳米比亚和罗德西亚(1980年前用此称呼)三地的政策演变脉络。肯尼迪支持民族自决的冷战国际主义在此后的南部非洲政策中留下了鲜明的特点。约翰逊时代美国集中于越南战争,在南部非洲上虽然维持肯尼迪的观念,却在政策上无所作为。第三章主要论述了尼克松至卡特政府时期的政策演变,尼克松评估被越南战争扭曲的国家安全战略,提出了针对南部非洲的NSSM39号文件,实行以增加与白人政权交流和接触为指导的“焦油婴儿”政策。1974-1975年葡萄牙政变和葡萄牙撤出南部非洲是美国政策的转折点,结束了焦油婴儿政策。1976年基辛格试图以穿梭外交方式推动津巴布韦和纳米比亚问题解决,以防止苏联影响扩大到安哥拉以南地区。1980年津巴布韦独立。卡特政府继承基辛格外交解决南部非洲问题的政策,但1978-1979年苏联进攻的加剧促使是美苏缓和走向新冷战时代。第四章论述了里根政府到冷战结束时代的美国应对南部非洲问题的政策。里根将遏制苏联和古巴在南部非洲的扩张为政策核心,在克罗克建设性参与政策的指导下,美国放松对南非的制裁,提出将纳米比亚独立和古巴撤军一并解决的“联系战略”。虽然经历一波三折,但1988年纽约协定的签署标志着克罗克政策的成功。1991年前后,纳米比亚独立,安哥拉内战双方签署停战协定。结论部分总结了美国在南部非洲政策发展和利益变化、政策的基本特点、美国外交中理想主义和实现主义在南部非洲政策的影响、冷战与非殖民化的相互关系。

【Abstract】 Southern Africa is an excellent case for the study of relationship between Cold Warand Decolonization because it was the final stages of Decolonization, anditexperienced the climax and the détente of Cold War, new Cold War and new détenteera. The dissertation examines the evolution of U.S policy on the three countries ofSouthern Africa—Angola, Namibia and Zimbabwe in the process of Decolonizationin order to explore the relationship between Cold War and Decolonization.The dissertation expounds the evolution of U.S. policy on Southern Africa in theprocess of Decolonization, shows the relationship between U.S. Cold War policy andDecolonization process of Southern Africa, reveals the general law of the relationshipbetween Cold War and Decolonization on the basis of research findings at home andabroad, Foreign Relations of the United States, Digital National Security Archive,Declassified Documents Reference System, documents of National Security Council,archives of the Presidential Libraries and documents of the State and Congress.The dissertation consists of three parts—introduction, main body and conclusion. Theintroduction outlines relevant historical background, theoretical basis, researchfindings at home and abroad, practical significance and research ideas. The conclusionelaborates my views on the evolution of U.S. policy and the relationship betweenCold War and Decolonization. The main body includes four chapters.The first chapter includes background introduction and analysis. It focuses on theorigin of Southern African issues (Angola, Namibia and Zimbabwe issues), theformation of the Decolonization principle of the American diplomacy, the origins ofU.S. policy on Southern Africa before Kennedy administration. In this process, thecore of American diplomacy shifted from the Decolonization principle to,anti-communist of Cold War. The separated African policy deprived from thecommencement of Decolonization in sub-Saharan Africa. Eisenhower administrationtried to perfect joint points the Decolonization principle and Cold War strategy. The second chapter discusses the evolution of Kennedy-Johnson administrations’overall policy on Southern Africa and policy on Angola, Namibia and Rhodesia (thiswas used before1980). The Cold War Internationalism of Kennedy’s support fornational self-determination left a distinctive feature in the subsequent policy onSouthern Africa. As the United States concentrated on Vietnam War, the Johnsonadministration maintained the conception of the Kennedy administration, but it didnothing on the policy.The third chapter discusses the evolution of the policy from the Nixon administrationto Carter administration. The Nixon administration assessed the national securitystrategy distorted by the Vietnam War; developed the document of NSSM39aboutSouthern Africa; implemented the “Tar Baby” policy guided by increasing exchangesand contacts with the white regime. The Portugal Coup and Portuguese withdrawalfrom Southern Africa in1974-1975were the turning points of U.S. policy whichforced the United States to end the “Tar Baby” policy. Kissinger tried to push thesolution of Zimbabwe and Namibia issues through shuttle diplomacy to preventSoviet Union’ s influence extending to the south of Angola. The Zimbabwe declaredits independence in1980. The Carter administration inherited Kissinger’s policy onthe solution of Southern Africa issues through diplomacy, however, the growing ofSoviet Union’s offense in1978-1979prompted U.S.-Soviet détente towards a newCold War era.The fourth chapter discusses U.S. policy on the Southern Africa issues from Reaganadministration to the end of the Cold War. The core of the Reagan administration’spolicy was curbing the expansion of Soviet Union and Cuba in Southern Africa.Under the guidance of Crocker’s Constructive Engagement Policy, the United Statesrelaxed sanctions against South Africa and proposed the “Linkage Strategy” to solvethe independence of Namibia and troop withdrawal from Cuba. The Crocker’s Policyexperienced twists and turns, but the signature of New York Accord in1988markedits success. The Namibia achieved independence and the both sides in the Civil Warof Angola signed the Armistice Agreement around1991. The conclusion summarizes the development and changes of U.S. policy and intereston Southern Africa, the basic characteristics of the policy, the influence of realism andidealism of American diplomacy on its policy on Southern Africa, the relationshipbetween Cold War and Decolonization.

【关键词】 冷战非殖民化美国南部非洲
【Key words】 Cold WarDecolonizationUnited StatesSouthern Africa

