

The Cultural Cold War of the USIA against Soviet Union(1953-1961)

【作者】 赵继珂

【导师】 邓峰;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 专门史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 最近几年,国际学术界兴起了一股“文化冷战史”研究热潮。有别于以往偏重于研究政治、经济等因素对冷战的影响,文化冷战史特别关注信息文化因素对冷战发展演变的影响。仔细探究美苏文化冷战的相关历史,不难发现,仅就美国而言,为了赢得“人心之战”,它通过多个不同机构和部门来负责开展此方面的具体工作。这其中,1953年成立的美国新闻署就曾经发挥过重大作用。为了更好地考察美苏文化冷战的具体内容及实质内涵,本论文特别选取艾森豪威尔任期(1953—1961)的美国新闻署作为主要研究对象,运用历史学、国际政治学等多学科的研究方法,深入解读与此相关的原始档案资料,依此探究该机构如何推行美国对苏联的文化冷战战略。除引言及结语外,本论文将艾森豪威尔任期美国新闻署对苏文化冷战划分为肇始、扩大、调整和升级四个阶段予以论述,具体来讲:第一章是背景介绍,重点梳理美苏文化冷战的缘起,同时亦考察了战后初期美国对外信息文化交流机构的演变历程。第二章论述美国新闻署的成立过程。通过重新整合多家原本隶属于不同部门的对外宣传机构,新成立的美国新闻署成为负责公开对外宣传的专属机构。即便如此,对成立初期的美国新闻署进行考察,不难发现在起始阶段面对苏联发起的文化攻势它却怀有深深的恐惧。此外,受制于当时美苏隔绝的状态,美国新闻署并没有太多的渠道来扩大对苏文化冷战,美国之音基本成了它开展这项工作的唯一武器。第三章分析美国冷战战略由“解放”转为“演变”之后,美国新闻署重新调整其对苏文化冷战策略的过程。为了扩大对苏联的无形影响和实现对苏联的渗透,美国新闻署尝试采用一些新措施以便更好地接触苏联民众。具体而言,一方面,通过与苏联达成协议,它得以在苏联发行《美国画报》;另一方面,在对苏文化交流特别是直接人员交流等方面亦取得了一些突破。不过,需要引起注意的是,1956年匈牙利事件的发生却对其扩大对苏文化冷战的努力造成了严重干扰。第四章首先讨论匈牙利事件之后美国之音改革的内容。鉴于国际社会特别是苏联指责美国之音煽动了匈牙利事件爆发,白宫高层对美国之音在匈牙利事件中的表现进行了仔细考察。尽管他们不认同苏联的指责,但却认为美国之音报道内容包含过多的宣传色彩。有鉴于此,行政高层提出应该对美国之音的播音腔调和节目设置作出必要的改变和调整。与此同时,美国新闻署领导层在对此问题进行讨论时,结合变化了的国际形势,普遍认为应该从整体对该问题进行思考。最终,经过重新定位,美国新闻署决定给予“软渗透”更多的实施空间,同时辅之以“硬宣传”来更好地实现对苏联进行文化渗透。令其高兴的是,1958年《美苏文化交流协定》的签署为其“软渗透”策略的推行提供了重大保障。第五章重点论述美国新闻署筹划与举办美国莫斯科国家展览的过程,同时阐明在此次展览培育的良好氛围下,美苏两国高层开展戴维营会谈并且美国新闻署以此为契机进一步推动其对苏文化冷战升级。结语部分笔者简单分析了美国新闻署在对苏文化冷战中逐渐占据上风的原因,同时部分论及了美国新闻署对苏文化冷战的缺点和局限。

【Abstract】 In recent years, research of “Cultural Cold War” has increased greatly in theinternational academic field. Unlike the previous studies which focus on the impact ofpolitical, economic factors on the Cold War, the Cultural Cold War pay particular attention tothe impact of information and cultural factors on the evolution of Cold War. To explore thehistory of US-Soviet Cultural Cold War,it is easy to find that the US has adopted a numberof different agencies and departments to carry out the specific work to win the hearts andminds of men. Among these agencies, the USIA which was established in1953, has onceplayed a major role.In order to examine the specific content and nature of the US-Soviet Cultural Cold Warbetter, this paper specifically selects the USIA during the Eisenhower term (1953-1961) as themain subject. Meantime, by using historical, international political, etc. multi-disciplinaryresearch method, and also deeply interpretated the documents, this paper then explores howthe USIA implement the strategy against Soviet Union. In addation to the introduction andconclusion part, this paper divides the USIA during the Eisenhower term against Soviet UnionCultural Cold War into four parts to dicuss. They are setting, expanding, adjusting, andenlarging phases.The first chapter is the background introduction which focuses on the origins of the US-Soviet cultural Cold War, and also examines the evolution of the American foreigninformation and exchange agencies in the early postwar.On these basis, the following chapter discusses the process of establishing the USIA.Based on the re-integration of the different sectors originally belong to American foreigninformation, the newly formed USIA became the exclusive agency which is responsible forall American information activities overseas. However, it is found that the USIA has deepfears towards the worldwide cultural offensive which launched by Soviet Union in the earlydays. In addition, subjected to the US-Soviet isolated state then, the USIA did not have manychannels to expand the Cultural Cold War against Soviet Union. Therefore, VOA basicallybecame the only weapon to carry out the work.The third chapter analyzes the course of the strategy re-adjustment made by the USIAagainst Soviet Union Cultural Cold War after the US Cold War strategy changed from“liberation” to “evolution”. In order to expand the invisible influence and achieve penetrationto the Soviet Union, the USIA attempts to adopt new measures to better contact with theSoviet people. Specifically, on the one hand, through the agreement with the Soviet Union,the US is able to re-issue American Illustrated in the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the UShas also made some breakthrough in the cultural exchanges particularly in the direct personalexchanges. However, it should be stressed that the occurrence of the Hungary events in1956created a serious interference to the efforts of US Cultural Cold War expansion against SovietUnion. The fourth chapter firstly discusses the reform of VOA after the Incident of Hungary. Inview of the fact that the international community, especially the Soviet Union, accused theVOA of inciting the Hungarian outbreak, the White House senior carefully inspected theperformance of VOA in the events. Though they denied the Soviet accusations, they believethat VOA broadcast contains too much propaganda tone. In view of this, the senioradministration proposed that the tone and programs of VOA should be changed and adjusted.Apparently, this move is more for VOA. However, after discussion on this issue andcombined with the international situation, the leadership of the USA generally believe that theissue should be considered as a whole. Eventually, after repositioning, the USIA decided togive “soft sell” more space and complement it with “hard sell”to better achieve the subversionof the Soviet regime. What pleases the US now is that the Agreement on US-Soviet culturalexchange signed in1958provides significant protection to the implementation of the “softsell”.The fifth chapter mainly explores how the USIA helped plan and staff the AmericanNational Exhibiton in Moscow during1959, as well as clarify the fact that in the goodatmosphere nurtured in the exhibition, the US and Soviet Union carried out high-level talks atCamp David and the USIA take this as an opportunity to further promote the Cultural ColdWar upgrade.In the conclusion part, the reasons why the USIA gradually got the upper hand in theCultural Cold War against Soviet Union has been analyzed. Meantime, the shortcomings andlimitations of the USIA-Soviet Union Culture Cold War are also discussed.


