

Research on the Construction of PLE under the Perspective of Knowledge Management

【作者】 王立峰

【导师】 郑燕林;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 知识管理视角下个人学习环境(PLE)构建研究是以建构主义学习理论为指导,在归纳和总结国内外PLE构建相关研究成果的基础上,充分考虑网络环境下个人意义建构的知识性、情境性、社会性等特点,基于活动理论与知识管理相结合的视角对网络环境下学习者知识建构过程进行了比较深入的分析,并在此基础上构建知识管理视角下PLE模型。此外,本研究应用富客户端、OPEN API与MASHUP整合型融汇技术实际开发并验证了基于知识管理视角下PLE模型的PLE系统原型软件。知识管理视角下的PLE模型以网络学习过程中知识客体的转化为主线,体现了学习者主体性、知识建构的社会性与合作性、知识建构的螺旋上升性、学习过程的完整性、PLE系统的集成性、整合性与开放性等特点,有助于学习者在网络环境下获取、管理、利用及共享学习资源,促进学习者意义建构。本研究由五部分共八章组成,各部分主要内容如下:1.PLE相关理论与文献综述本部分由第一章和第二章构成。第一章介绍了本研究的研究背景,对国内外个人学习环境构建的相关文献进行了比较详尽的综述,并在此基础上阐述了本研究的研究问题、研究意义、研究方法等问题。第二章论述了与知识管理视角下PLE构建研究相关的理论基础,即以建构主义学习理论、知识管理理论、活动理论为基础,力图体现网络环境下学习者学习的主体性、知识建构性、社会性、情境性、开放性等特点。2.构建知识管理视角下PLE模型本部分由第三章构成。以网络学习过程中知识客体的转化为主线,按照学习者学习过程中知识的不同状态,将网络环境下个人的学习过程分为以下四个阶段:知识获取阶段、知识组织阶段、知识利用阶段和知识共享阶段。研究据此设计构建了知识管理视角下PLE模型,并分别对以上四个阶段中参与学习活动的主体、客体、工具、共同体、规则、分工六个要素之间的相互作用关系进行了比较深入的论述。3.知识管理视角下PLE各模块构建本部分由第四章、第五章、第六章构成。该部分较为详细地论述了与知识客体转化四个阶段相对应的PLE学习资源获取、PLE学习资源组织、PLE意义建构与知识共享等相关问题。构建了PLE学习单元模型、PLE个人学习资源库模型、PLE意义建构空间模型与PLEs知识共享平台模型,并详细的说明了构建上述模型的理论依据与模型功能。4.系统开发与实证研究本部分由第七章构成。依据知识管理视角下PLE模型以及学习资源获取、学习资源组织、意义建构与知识共享各部分子模型,设计开发了PLE学习资源获取原型软件、PLE个人学习资源库原型软件、PLE意义建构空间原型软件以及具有开放API功能的知识共享平台PLEs原型网站,并详细的介绍了以上四种原型软件的主要功能与关键技术。最后,以研究生使用该PLE系统学习网页前台设计为例,对知识管理视角下PLE系统进行了初步的验证与分析。5.结论与展望知识管理视角下构建的PLE系统具有较强的兼容性、集成性,支持网络环境下学习者学习的整个过程。系统便于学习者获取、管理、利用及共享学习资源;PLE意义建构空间与PLEs共同体关联紧密,能够促进学习者意义建构;基于SCORM标准的PLE个人学习库有助于学习者对学习资源的保存与使用。此外,继续深入挖掘IEEE LOM元数据语义作用,增强PLE与PLEs学习资源知识重组、知识聚类与智能推荐,进一步完善PLE系统功能将是后续研究的重点内容。

【Abstract】 Under the perspective of knowledge management, the study to construct the PersonalLearning Environments (PLE) is instructed by Constructivism Learning theory and based onsummarizing and concluding PLE construction relevant study results in China and abroad.After taking a full consideration of the characteristics of personal meaning construction in thenetwork environment, such as the knowledge, intellectual,situationality and sociality, thisstudy analyzes the process of learners’ knowledge construction online based on.theperspective of the combination of Activity Theory and Knowledge Management Besides,under the PLE model with the perspective of knowledge management, a PLE prototypesoftware have been developed by applying the integrated technology with```and testedactually.Under the perspective of knowledge management,The PLE model regards thetransformation of knowledge in the process of web-based learning as the main line, embodiesthe learners’ subjectivity, the social and the collaborative nature of knowledge construction,the spiral construction of knowledge, the integrity of the learning process, PLE system’sintegration, integrative and openness and other characteristics. All of these can help learnersin the network environment get, manage, use and share learning resources, which promote thelearners to construct meaning.This article is composed of five parts including eight chapters, and each part of the maincontent is as follows:1.PLE related theories and literature reviewThis part consists of the introduction and the first chapter.The introduction part introduces the background of personal learning environmentconstruction and the relevant literature, and on this basis, expounds the study questions,studysignificance study and methods of this study.The first chapter expounds the related theory of PLE construction under the perspectiveof knowledge management, which is based on Constructivism Learning Theory, KnowledgeManagement Theory, Activity theory, tries hard to reflect the characteristics of the learners’learning in the network environment,such as knowledge construction, sociality,situationality, and openness, etc.2. The construction of the PLE model under the perspective of knowledge managementThis part consists of the second chapter.Regarding the transformation of the knowledge in the process of web-based learning asthe main line, the author divided the personal learning process that under the networkenvironment into the following four stages based on the different states of knowledge that thelearners acquire in the process of learning: knowledge acquisition, knowledge organization,knowledge using and knowledge sharing. The design of PLE model under the perspective of knowledge management has been constructed on this basis. And to discuss the interactionrelationship among the six elements (i.e. subject, object,tools,community,rules and thedivision of the work) of learning activities in the above four stages.3. The construction of the PLE modules under the perspective of knowledge managementThis part consists of chapter three, chapter four and chapter five.This part discusses the related issues of the acquirement of PLE learning resources, theorganization of PLE learning resources, the construction of PLE meaning and the knowledgesharing, which correspond to the four stages of knowledge transformation in detail. Theauthor constructs the PLE learning unit model, PLE personal learning repository model, PLEmeaning construction space model and PLEs community model, and further explains thetheories that the model constructed based on and the model function.4.System development and empirical researchThis part consists of the sixth chapter.According to the PLE model under the perspective of knowledge management and thesub models (i.e. the acquirement of learning resource, the organization of PLE learningresources, the construction of PLE meaning and the knowledge sharing), the author designsand develops the four prototype software, that is, PLE learning resources prototype software,PLE personal learning repository prototype software, PLE space prototype software, andPLEs community prototype website with the function of open API. And then introduces themain function and key technology of above four kinds of prototype software. Finally, takinglearning JAVA program with PLE used by graduate students as a case study, the authoranalyzes and verifies PLE system under the perspective of knowledge managementpreliminarily.5. Conclusion and prospectThe PLE system constructed under the perspective of knowledge management hasrelatively strong compatibility and integration, which can support the whole process of thelearners’ learning in the network environment. System facilitates learners to acquire, manage,use and share learning resources. PLE meaning construction space is closely linked to PLEscommunity, which can promote learners’ meaning construction.PLE individual learninglibrary which is based on SCORM standard helps learners preserve and use the learningresources. In addition, the follow-up studies mainly include the further discussions into theIEEE LOM metadata semantic function to strengthen the the reorganization of knowledgeof learning resources, knowledge clustering and intelligent recommendation between PLE andPLEs, which can further improve the PLE system function.


