

A Research on the Policy of Migrant Workers’ Children Studying in Urban High School

【作者】 李慧

【导师】 杨颖秀;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 农民工随迁子女教育问题是我国城镇化过程中产生的特殊问题,而相比农民工随迁子女义务教育问题,农民工随迁子女义务教育后问题更为复杂,成为近年来我国政府和学界普遍关注的难点问题。2012年,在国家政策的引导下,各地纷纷发布了异地升学方案,为农民工随迁子女义务教育后城市升学带来了希望,但政策的合法性与合理性却备受质疑和争议。为此,我们不免追问,农民工随迁子女义务教育后的实际升学需求是什么?现有异地升学政策对农民工随迁子女义务教育后升学需求的回应性如何?农民工随迁子女实现义务教育后升学期望还要受到哪些因素的制约?如何才能合理满足农民工随迁子女义务教育后的升学需求?本研究正是立足于以上问题,使用文献研究、调查研究的方法,综合运用政策学、管理学等相关理论,了解了农民工随迁子女义务教育后的升学情况,分析了农民工随迁子女城市普通高中升学需求与现行政策间的差距,进一步探究了影响农民工随迁子女城市普通高中就学的政策因素,最终为改进和完善现有异地升学政策提供建议。论文共分为以下四部分:第一部分为绪论,主要介绍了论文的研究缘起、研究意义与研究方法;对已有研究进行了梳理和评价;界定了农民工随迁子女、农民工随迁子女城市普通高中就学政策的核心概念。第二部分为第一章及第二章,这一部分梳理了农民工随迁子女教育政策的演进及主要内容,描述了农民工随迁子女义务教育后的升学期望、影响因素及实际升学路径的调查结果。第三部分为第三章,本部分结合调查研究的结果,得出农民工随迁子女就读城市普通高中面临的困境。并运用政策学相关理论,分析了影响农民工随迁子女城市普通高中升学的政策原因。现行异地升学政策的缺失造成了农民工随迁子女城市普通高中就学机会的剥夺,而农民工随迁子女义务教育政策及教育资助政策的缺失则使得农民工随迁子女就读城市普通高中的学业能力和支付能力不足。第四部分为第四章和第五章,针对相应的政策不足与缺失,本部分依据受教育权理论、教育公平理论、利益相关者理论、可行能力理论、系统理论等提出了农民工随迁子女城市普通高中就学政策设计的价值、原则、内容、及提高政策执行实效性的保障措施,为解决农民工随迁子女城市普通高中就学问题提出了相应的建议。

【Abstract】 The problem of migrant workers children education is specific, which occurs in the processof China urbanization. Compared with the problem in compulsory education for migrantworkers children, the problem in post-compulsory education is even more complex. TheChinese government and academics attach great importance to this difficult problem in recentyears. With the guidance of national policy, the local governments issued collegematriculation policies for migrant children in2012, which brings hope for migrant workerschildren to enter the urban high school, but the legitimacy and rationality of these policieshave been disputed. Under this circumstance, people wonder what the actual requirements arefor migrant workers children to get further education after compulsory education. Whether theexisting college matriculation policies for migrant children after compulsory education meetthe expectations of migrant workers children or not? What kinds of factors that may restrictmigrant workers children to achieve further education after compulsory education? How canwe properly meet the desires by migrant workers children about getting further educationafter compulsory education?This study is based on the problems above, using the methods of literature research andinvestigation research, and comprehensively applying the theory of policy and management.With the actual circumstance of migrant workers children get further education aftercompulsory education, the paper analyzes the differences between the current policies and therequirements of migrant workers children after compulsory education. The author exploresthe factors in current policies which restrict migrant workers children entering urban highschool, and provides several feasible ways about improving and perfecting the existingpolicies so as to solve the post-compulsory education problem of migrant workers children.The paper is divided into four parts:The first part is introduction. This part mainly introduces the research origin,significance, methods etc., generalizes and evaluates the existing related researches, discussesthe design of questionnaire, interview and sample selection in detail. This part also defines thecore concepts as migrant workers children and the policies for migrant workers children studying inurban high school.The second part includes the first two chapters. This part describes the evolution andmain contents of migrant workers children education policies, states research results on thedesires of getting further education after compulsory education, the influencing factors andthe actual entrance methods for migrant workers children. The third part is the third chapter. This part mainly uses the policy theory to analyze thefactors which influence migrant workers children entering urban high school. The lack ofexisting post-compulsory education policy caused that the opportunity of migrant workerschildren entering urban high school has been deprived, and the lack of compulsory educationpolicy and the education grants policy caused the shortage of the academic ability andeconomic capacity to study in urban high school for migrant workers children.The fourth part includes the fourth and the fifth chapter. This part use theories ofeducation right, education equity, stakeholder, capabilities and system, concerning theweaknesses of current policies for migrant workers children studying in high school, to provide thevalue, principle, content of the policy, then proposes some security measures to promote theeffectiveness of the policy through providing the effective strategy to solve the problem ofmigrant workers children entering urban high school.


