

On the Change of Korean Fror Late15thCentury to Early17th Century

【作者】 崔松虎

【导师】 金永寿;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 亚非语言文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 本文主要通过《杜诗谚释》初刊本与重刊本的相比较,观察研究15世纪后期至17世纪初朝鲜语的变化,及其因素分析。“训民正音”创制以来,遵守一定规律的中世纪朝鲜语,到了15世纪后半期,有一些微妙变化的征兆,经过16世纪到17世纪的历史演变过程,从语言内在的标记、语音、语法、词汇等各方面发生了各种变化。从标记来看,四声点消失,复辅音的标记发生了一些变化,收音“亡”,“(?)”标记较混乱,连缀>分缀,连缀>重缀现象逐渐显著。四声点在15世纪后半期的许多文献中也显现出其规则性,但到了壬辰倭乱以后,从文献中销声匿迹。这是朝鲜语在发达过程中,声调的辨别力减弱,以及简化文献制作工作双重作用的结果。自16世纪以来,词头合同并书上出现了有些微妙的变化,到了17世纪初期,在语言标记极度混乱的状态下,开始出现“(?)”系列和“(?)”系列“(?)”系列合用并书所取代的倾向。这是词头辅音在实现音变过程中,还没具备符合其标记法的结果。收音“亡”,“(?)”的混记,仅仅反映标记法的变化,与其他任何音变现象都无关。再者,拼写标记中,连缀>分缀倾向的产生主要归因于人们语法意识的提高,而连缀>重缀倾向则根据词干终声的不同,产生原因也不同。词干终声以松音结尾的重缀标记,是兼顾形态和语音的折中标记,而词干终声以送气音结尾的重缀标记,是为了着重表现送气音语音特性的表音主义的拼写方式。其外,辅音字母“(?)”在15世纪后半期,在终声的位置上有一定的变化,到了17世纪不仅在初声,连终声也都变成了“(?)”。在语音方面,不仅发生了“△”(/z/)音消失、腭化、紧音化、送气音化等一系列辅音音变现象,还出现了“·”(/A/)音动摇、元音和谐的破坏、圆唇音化等的元音音变现象以及随之半元音的脱落与添加的部分元音的变化。15世纪后期的朝鲜语的辅音系统里,存在龈浊擦音“△”,在响音(浊音、元音)和响音之间的发/z/音,可是它从16世纪开始有一些变化,最后逐渐消失。15世纪后期的朝鲜语辅音体系中,“△”(/z/)音与“(?)”(/s/)音,以浊音和清音对立存在,但其对立关系并不稳定,作为独立音位的辨义功能较弱,导致前后浊音轻易紊乱,最终丧失其原有的辅音性质。音舌位高,接近硬腭中部)对邻近辅音的同化作用,但是其地域性差异的出现,是由于人口的移动及社会语言随生活变化的语言外部因素所导致的结果。15世纪后期至17世纪初期,随着复辅音紧音化和松音紧音化进程的深入,朝鲜语辅音中的紧音体系全面形成,送气音化现象也不断扩大,到《杜诗谚解》重刊本时期,有了更为广泛的分布。复辅音的紧音化现象是由于词头复辅音与朝鲜语固有的音节结构相冲所起的,松音的紧音化现象主要受到人们为了突出句中的某一音节或强调句中的特殊感情而强化其发音的心理因素的影响。自16世纪以来,送气音化现象不断扩大,这是由于同(?)终声体词的“(?)”脱落所形成。其外,由于半元音/j/、/w/脱落与添加现象,发生了单元音、复元音的变化,这些都是各种语言因素复合作用的产物,一部分是为了避免同音冲突,使发音更加轻松,另一部分是许多方言在交叉使用和融合过程中所起的类推作用等。在语法方面,自15世纪后期以来,随着时间的流逝,朝鲜语语法体系逐渐朝着精确化、单一化的方向发展。许多语素变体(allomorphs)在其数量上实现简化,一些语法词素(grammatical morphemes)在其功能和意义上都也得到进一步优化,与过去相比,复杂的句子结构便被简化,从而实现了句式表达的合理化。15世纪后期至17世纪初期,朝鲜语在其词汇方面也发生了一些变化。17世纪初期虽然大致还沿用15世纪后期的中世纪词汇,但部分词在其词形或词义上有了一些变动,甚至还出现了词汇交替现象。词形变化主要由语音的交替、脱落、添加等音变现象和词汇的音节增减现象引起。这一时期词义变化的主要形式为词义缩小。一些词的古义,随着时代的变化逐渐变得狭小,最终实现了词义表达的精确化。词汇交替现象的出现与当时方言词汇或固有词和汉字词的使用变化有密且关系。表示同一意义的不同词形,在其使用过程中相互竞争,通过优胜劣汰,逐渐趋于单一化。简言之,在标记、语音、语法、词汇等方面还遵守着中世纪朝鲜语规则的15世纪后期朝鲜语,经过一个半世纪的漫长演变,最终从原来受中世纪朝鲜语的影响中摆脱出来,初步呈现近代朝鲜语的形式。因此,可以说15世纪后半期至17世纪初期是朝鲜语的发展阶段由中世纪过渡到近代的一个最重要的基础时期。

【Abstract】 This thesis compares the first edition of Tusi-Eonhae with revised edition to comprehend the changes of Korean from late15th century to early17th century and then analyses the reason of the changes. After thematerialization of Hunminjeongum(Koreanalphabet), middle Korean language had observed some regulations and then appeared alittle change in late15th century. By the16th century and17th century, it had alot of changes inaspects of writing system, phonemes, grammars, vocabularies, and soon.At the aspect of writing system, the side dot which marks syllable intonation was disappeared completely. Word-initial consonant cluster also had some changes, and consonant "(?)" and "(?)" which placed under a vowel in syllable were used with disorder. And what’s more, the way of syllabication by "linking>segemination","linking>gmentation" was increased in spite of the influence of the first edition.The side dot appeared the regulations in some documents, but it disappeared after Japanese invasions of Korea (1592-1598) absolutely. The disappearance of side dot is because of the combination of the internal cause and the external cause. The internal cause is the weak of tone discrimination. The external cause is the simplification of the Literature production works. By the16th century, word-initial consonant clusterappears a little change, and had tendency which the "(?)" set is displaced by the "(?)" and "(?)" set in early17th century. The reason is that phonological change of the word-initial consonant cluster."(?)" and "(?)" set just reflects the writing system but have no relationship with phonological phenomena. And for the word-spelling, segemination paid attention to the grammars, but the germination had different reasons with the difference of final consonant in stem. In addition, the consonant "(?)" had changes in final consonant in17th century.At the aspect of phoneme, there were a lot of changes in vowel and consonant. The changes of vowel could take the palatalization, tensification, aspiration as the examples, and the changes of consonant could take the collapse of vowel-harmony, labialization as the examples.Because of the voiced frictional sound "△", the constitution ofconsonant pronounced in/z/between the voiced sounds. By the16th century,it became to appear changes, and then it disappeared absolutely./z/of "△" always was the opposite of voiced sound and unvoicedsound. And because of the weak presentation of phoneme, it is easy toassimilate by the voiced sounds.At the aspect of palatalization, it appeared in some dialects, andbecame change in17th century. In early of17th century, the "(?)"palatalization,"(?)" palatalization,"(?)" palatalization,"(?)"palatalization, and "(?)" palatalization had already appeared with a lotof differences. Because of the social language changes, Palatalizationhas the differences in regions.From late15th century to early17th century, tensificationofword-initial consonant cluster and the tensification of plain soundpromoted the tensification. In addition, the Aspiration was stillexpending. The word-initial consonant cluster is the phenomenon ofword-initial and the plain sound is the phenomenon of syllable structure.After16th century, the word-initial consonant cluster was graduallyexpending, and is made up by "(?)" ending nominals.From late15th century to early17th century, vowel finished thefirst step change and began the second step change. In this period, itemphasized on but also appeared changes in ""(?)","(?)""(?)". The combination of the two sideward vowels, some Southernregions appeared labialization. This entire phenomenon had relationshipwith the unsteady of vowel system.In addition, the changes of/j/and/w/is to protect the homonic clash,this is the effects of analogy.From late15th century to early17th century, it has a lot of changesin grammars, and became simpler after15th century. The allmorphs ofgrammatical morphemes became to reduce and the function became simpler,what’ s more, the structure became to emphasize. In other words, the Koreangrammars became to develop. This is related to the developing of the sense of Korean grammars.From late15th century to early17th century, vocabularies or lexical change also have some differences. In early17th century, it is maintain the words in middle Korean and also have changes in formation, meaning and replacement. The change of word formation is the form of alternation, deletion and addition. The word formation is that to reduce the region of meanings and let it have the uncial meaning. And this can take the meanings of every word more bright and distinct.About late15thcentury, the writing system, phonemes, grammars, vocabularies had their own regulations. But through the16th century, it appeared some changes. And after the17th century, it became the modern Korean. In other words, the period from the late15th century to the early17th century is important to changes of Korean from Middle century to Modern.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】H55
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】51

