

Research on Science Park Entrepreneurial Cosystem Characteristics and Enterprises’Action Regulatory Mechanism

【作者】 潘剑英

【导师】 王重鸣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 创业管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 我国的科技园区在经过了三十多年的发展之后,已经取得了丰富的成果,对于国家经济的崛起和科技的繁荣起到重要的作用。目前我国科技园区的发展特色和功能定位都日趋成熟,从最初的地区产业集聚中心和招商引资平台渐渐转变为战略新兴产业发展和自主创新突破的攻坚之地。我国科技园区的进一步提升需要在以往的发展基础上创新发展模式,构建健康的创业创新生态系统。科技园区向创业生态系统的转型升级也促使企业自身进行行动变革,而竞合行动正在成为科技园区内企业进一步发展的一个重要方向和策略。科技园区创业生态系统与企业的互动影响机制研究成为一个重要的命题。基于中国科技园区这一特定情境对创业行动进行研究,有助于该领域理论的深化和实践的引领。本文在梳理和总结以往科技园区企业发展等相关研究的基础上,基于创业生态系统理论和行动理论共同构成的多层理论框架,就科技园区创业企业成长过程中不同发展阶段的创业行动的调节机制展开研究,主要期望解决四个问题:第一,科技园区创业生态系统特征维度的模型构建和测量工具开发(研究一);第二,企业在进入科技园区创业生态系统时的适应选择机制(研究二);第三,科技园区创业生态系统内企业的竞合行动机制(研究三);第四,科技园区创业生态系统内企业的嵌入发展机制(研究四)。具体来说,由以下四个方面的研究构成:研究一开发了科技园区创业生态系统的特征量表并进行了验证。首先,运用多案例分析的研究方法,对科技园区创业生态系统的特征结构作出细致描述与分析,研究基于复杂适应系统理论的五维基本分析框架,对四个典型的科技园区开展跨案例比较,在分析科技园区向创业生态系统转型升级的背景特征的基础上,得出科技园区创业生态系统由基础支持性、网络互动性、知识密集性、生态多样性、系统开放性等五个维度的特征要素构成。然后,采用访谈方法和问卷研究方法相结合的研究模式,在多案例分析和以往学者相关量表开发文献的基础上,通过问卷研究数据的收集和分析,开发并验证了科技园区创业生态系统特征模型的测量工具。研究对15家科技园区117个企业样本进行了探索性因素分析,得到了五维度共21个题项的科技园区创业生态系统特征量表。对另外17家科技园区141个企业样本的验证性因素分析检验并证明了所开发的量表,对量表的信度和效度指标的进一步分析表明本研究开发的量表是可用于未来的相关研究的。研究二分析了企业在进入科技园区创业生态系统时的适应选择行为机制。该部分研究从资产互补匹配理论视角出发,采用情景模拟实验分析和讨论企业在进入科技园区时,企业的创业资源对企业选择科技园区的影响。136个不同类型的被试样本参加了被试内和被试间结合的情景任务模拟并对科技园区选址做出决策。结果表明,在科技园区选址决策中,创业企业的商业能力、研发能力、社会资本和财务资本与园区生态系统的不同特征之间存在不同的匹配效应。企业的创业资源与科技园区创业生态系统特征存在互补式匹配和增强式匹配的双重匹配框架,企业的园区选址过程受到不同入园发展动机的中介作用,这些入园发展动机包括了研发合作、市场拓展和政策获取三种不同动机,共同决定了企业的科技园区选址决策过程。研究三阐述了企业进入科技园区创业生态系统后,企业的竞合行动机制。研究通过跨层次的分析方法对科技园区系统特征如何影响和调节企业竞合导向与行动策略之间的关系进行了细致的分析和讨论。研究样本来自32家科技园区的258个企业样本,由于研究的数据和构思是多层的,本文采用多层次线性模型来分析研究假设中的多种效应。本文将创业行动策略分为创造型、生产型、协作型和稳健型四种策略,研究结果显示园区的知识密集性削弱了竞合导向对创造型策略的正向影响,网络互动性和知识密集性增强了竞合导向对生产型策略的负向影响,园区的基础支持性、知识密集性和系统开放性增强了竞合导向对稳健性策略的正向影响。这些结果表明了当园区的生态系统不成熟,知识密集性、网络互动性等特征较弱时,拥有高竞合导向的企业在园区中的合作行为不多,可能转向园区外部寻求合作机会。研究四考察了科技园区创业生态系统内企业的嵌入发展机制。研究通过对研究三的企业样本的追踪研究,在6个月之后获取了187个有效的科技园区企业创业绩效回访样本,并以此检验在科技园区创业生态系统中不同的企业行动策略如何影响企业的财务绩效和创新绩效。研究验证了科技园区创业生态系统特征对企业创业绩效的影响,研究结果也表明了创业生态系统和企业的系统嵌入是相互作用,共同促进的。聚焦系统网络嵌入的中介效应的研究结果表明创造型策略直接促进财务绩效和创新绩效;生产型策略直接促进了企业的财务绩效;协作型策略通过网络嵌入中的信任、共享和合作问题解决三个机制共同促进企业的创新绩效;而稳健型策略通过网络嵌入中的信任和共享机制促进企业的财务绩效。基于上述各项实证研究分析,本文的主要结论为以下五点:(1)科技园区创业生态系统特征模型由基础支持性、网络互动性、知识密集性、生态多样性、系统开放性等五个维度的特征要素构成;(2)企业在科技园区选址决策中,创业资源与科技园区创业生态系统特征存在互补式匹配和增强式匹配,并受到研发合作、市场拓展和政策获取三种入园发展动机的不同中介作用;(3)科技园区创业生态系统的五个特征对企业竞合导向与行动策略之间的关系具有不同的调节作用;(4)科技园区生态系统中企业的行动策略通过系统网络嵌入的不同中介效应促进了财务绩效和创新绩效;(5)适应选择机制、竞合行动机制和嵌入发展机制三个阶段的行动机制共同组成了科技园区创业生态系统中企业的行动调节机制。本文在全面剖析科技园区创业生态系统特征与企业行动调节机制的基础上,取得了以下四个方面的理论创新:(1)基于复杂适应系统框架,开发了科技园区创业生态系统特征模型;(2)基于双重匹配框架,丰富了企业科技园选择决策机制的理论视角;(3)基于情境特征视角,深化了生态系统中企业的竞合行动机制研究;(4)基于系统嵌入视角,揭示了生态系统中企业的多重绩效实现机制。最后,我们提出了本文对于科技园区发展和企业行动实践方面的指导意义,并分析了研究中还存在的缺陷和该领域下一步的研究方向。

【Abstract】 After thirty years of continuous development, our country’s science parks have gradually improved functional role and highlighted developmental feature. Science parks have changed from traditional investment promotion and local industry development platforms into gathering places for all kinds of innovation reform and experiment. Upgrading of industrial structure and building a healthy entrepreneurial ecosystem is becoming the focus of the future direction of science park development. The upgrading of Science Park into entrepreneurial ecosystem also encourages the action change of companies in it and the coopetition action is becoming an important change strategy for these companies. The interaction mechanism between science park entrepreneurial ecosystem and companies in it has become an important research topic.On the basis of previous research on Science Park, a company’s action regulation model in science park entrepreneurial ecosystem was conducted. With this framework, I discuss how Science Park and firms influence each other. Four theoretical issues were identified:(1) developing and validating the multi-dimensional construct of Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem characteristics model;(2) examing the Science Park location decision making mechanism of companies;(3) exploring the coopetition action making mechanism of companies in Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem;(4) investigating the embedded developing mechanism of companies in Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem.Study1developed a new way to measure Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem characteristics model. Applying qualitative cross-case study method, I explored specific entrepreneurial ecosystem representation in science parks. Adopting a five-dimensional complex adaptive system framework, five characteristic dimensions of Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem were identified, being infrastructure supporting, network interactivity, knowledge intensiveness, ecological diversity and system openness. After that, I tested empirically the Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem characteristics model. In this study, interview and empirical questionnaire methods were combined. Based on previous literature review and qualitative results from cross-case study, a21-item Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem scale with five dimensions (i.e. infrastructure supporting, network interactivity, knowledge intensiveness and ecological diversity and system openness) was developed and validated. All of these five dimensions had significant impact on company’s entrepreneurship orientation.Study2analyzed the science park location decision making mechanism. Building on an asset complementarity perspective, human capital, social capital and financial capital measures were used to examine the Science Park location decisions. A scenario-simulated method was conducted to examine the location decision making mechanism. Data were collected from136diffrent kinds of subjects. Results showed that entrepreneurial resource had a dual-fit mechanism with Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem characteristics. The motivation of entering Science Park was constituted by technology motivation, market motivation and policy motivation, each dimension showed different mediating effect in the location process.Study3examined the coopetition action making mechanism of companies in Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem. Data were collected from258firms in32science parks which. As the multilevel structure of our framework and data, a cross-level interaction model was adopted to test the moderating effects of Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem characteristics in coopetition orientation and four kinds of action strategies (creativity strategy, productivity strategy, interoperability strategy and robustness strategy). Results showed that different dimension of Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem characteristics had different kinds of moderating effects.Study4investigated the firm development mechanism in science park ecosystem. This section conducted a follow-up study to explore how company’s action strategy promoted financial performance and innovation performance. Data were collected from187firms within the firms survey set of Study3.Results showed that creativity strategy had a direct impact on financial performance and innovative performance; productivity strategy had a direct impact on financial performance; network embeddedness (trust, information sharing and joint problem solving) mediated the relation between interoperability strategy and innovative performance; network embeddedness (trust and information sharing) mediated the relation between robustness strategy and financial performanceThe main research findings of this study were summarized at the end. There were five main conclusions:(1) Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem characteristics model had five dimensions, being infrastructure supporting, network interactivity, knowledge intensiveness, ecological diversity and system openness;(2) Entrepreneurial resource had a dual-fit (complementary fit and supplementary fit) mechanism with Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem characteristics and was mediated by three kinds of motivation of entering Science Park;(3) Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem characteristics had different kinds of moderating effects on coopetition orientation and four kinds of action strategies;(4) System network embededness had different mediating effects in the process of company’s action strategies promoted financial performance and innovation performance;(5) Adaptive selection, coopetitive action and embedded development, these three stages of action machanisms formed the enterprises’ action regulatory mechanism in Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem.There were four theoretical advances in this dissertation:(1) based on the complex adaptive system framework, we developed a new Science Park entrepreneurial ecosystem characteristics model;(2) Based on a dual-fit framework, we enriched the theoretical perspective of Science Park lacation decision making mechanism;(3) Based on the situational characteristics perspective, we deepened the research of enterprises’ coopetition action mechanism in entrepreneurial ecosystem;(4) Based on the system embeddedness perspective, we revealed the enterprises’ various performance implementation mechanism in entrepreneurial ecosystem.The implications for effectively developing Science Park and companies in it were discussed. After that, we pointed out the limitations of the study and future research directions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】F272;F276.44
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】989
  • 攻读期成果

