

【作者】 王雅琴

【导师】 古风;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 文艺学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 童话是中国儿童文学的重要样式之一。在上世纪初中国现代儿童文学发轫期,童话就是儿童文学的代名词,童话研究很大程度上就是儿童文学研究。新时期童话在儿童文学中仍然占有重要地位,童话研究继续引领着儿童文学研究。自1978年的庐山会议以来儿童文学创作和研究都进入一个繁荣期。中国新时期是一个充满观念变革和创新意识的时期,在1978年至2000年的这22年中,童话批评很大程度上显示出新时期这一特定历史时期的过渡性和阶段性。这一时期的童话批评贴近创作和文本,对文学活动和现象密切的关注,研究这一时期的童话批评具有“史”的价值。从历史发展来看,新时期童话批评在中国童话批评发展链上起到了承上启下的作用。它为新世纪的童话批评发展奠定了良好的基础,研究新时期童话批评就更具历史意义。另一方面,新时期的童话批评虽然从宏观上看数量较多、内容丰富,但多而杂、繁而同,多为零散式的、蜻蜓点水式的批评。这些批评文本中包含着文学价值和思想价值的金粒,但也存在着杂乱无章、不成体系的弊病。因此需要我们对童话批评进行一番披沙拣金的挖掘和研究。本论文将中国新时期童话批评作为研究对象,主要立足新时期的童话批评文本,按照“文学活动过程模型”(即艾布拉姆斯图式)为基本思路,从宏观和微观两个方面来审视研究对象并透过批评文本和历史背景来探寻新时期童话批评的主要特点和发展规律。论文除绪论外还包括上篇、中篇、下篇和余论四个部分。绪论部分主要包括童话批评研究现状概述以及选题意义、基本思路和研究方法。上篇为童话作家批评研究、中篇为童话流派批评研究、下篇为童话作品批评研究。这三篇首先是以一个整体的形态出现,三者之间关系密切,在实际批评活动中也无法分开。童话作家批评研究是指以童话作家为批评对象的批评研究。这不仅包括对童话作家个人的批评,还包括将童话作家作为整体批评对象、对其作品批评的研究。任何文学家都离不开文学活动的,其成就集中表现在文学作品上。虽然文学作家包括童话作家在创作期中可能会出现艺术风格的变化,但变化中必定有一致的、连续的艺术追求。上篇以“童话作家批评”为主题,试图从新时期零散、芜杂甚至是零星式的批评中找出童话作家的主要特点、批评流变、童话作家身份以及艺术特点批评等,从而发掘新时期童话批评中本质性的规律。中篇是对新时期童话创作中出现的两个文学流派:“热闹派”童话和“抒情派”话批评进行研究。“热闹派”童话和“抒情派”童话是新时期两个蔚为壮观的童流派,在中国童话史上有着深远的影响。但长期以来,研究者对其定位并不明确。我们以童话批评为入手点,结合两派童话创作,提出两者具有文学流派的特点,是新时期两个童话文学流派。本篇重点关注的是“热闹派”童话和“抒情派”童话作为文学流派的批评,其中既包括两者作为文学流派整体性批评,也包括流派风格的批评。另外还对“热闹派”童话的代表人物郑渊洁和“抒情派”童话的代表人物冰波的童话批评进行微观审视。下篇为童话作品批评研究。童话作品批评是新时期童话批评的主要内容,因为即使在童话作家批评中,也不可避免要涉及到作品。绝大多数童话批评都是从作品出发,在微观研究之上进行的总结、归纳。下篇关注的中心是那些在新时期童话批评中有着较为明显价值和意义的作品。这些作品批评有的与作品的价值密切相关,如《小狗的小房子》,其批评是因作品的价值——对教育工具论的颠覆而形成的批评;有的是因为批评呈现出新的价值和意义,如《宝葫芦的秘密》批评;有的是展现出批评的新方向和新动态,如安徒生经典童话批评。“探索童话”是新时期与探索儿童文学一起备受关注的文学现象,“探索童话”批评也是新时期一次较为集中和激烈的批评论争。在这次批评论争中,批评者们不拘泥于童话文本,而将批评的触角延伸到接受批评、少年文学批评之中,掀起了新的批评高潮。余论部分主要论述了两个内容:一是中国新时期童话批评的再批评,包括在新时期童话批评舞台上最为活跃的第五代儿童文学批评家以及新时期对童话批评展开的再批评。这部分内容实际上是以隐含的脉络展现于整个新时期童话批评中,属于童话批评的“学术史”范畴。二是论述了八十年代中期《儿童文学选刊》上组织的“现代童话创作漫谈”。这次漫谈是新时期一次大规模、集中的童话创作讨论,虽然是以漫谈的形式出现,但却是观念碰撞和思想交流的大讨论,不仅对当时出现的“热闹派”童话和“抒情派”童话创作进行了批评研究、价值判断和引导指正,还对此后的“探索童话”创作起到了引领作用。

【Abstract】 The fairy tale is one of the important styles of children’s literature in China. At the beginning of last century, fairy tale is synonymous with children’s literature, and the study of fairy tale is largely in children’s literature study. Fairy tale research still occupies an important position in the children’s literature in the new period, fairy tale research still led the children’s literature research in the very great degree.Since the LuShan Meeting in1978children’s literary creation and research had into a boom. New period is a period of revolution and innovation consciousness. From1978to2000, literary criticism of fairy tale largely showed a particular historical period of transition and the new period stage. From the point of historical development, fairy tale criticism in the new period is more closing to writing and text. Fairy tale criticism in new period provided a kind of preparation and accumulation for criticism to the fairy tale of the new century’s development, so researches has more historic significance. Criticism of this period had a large number of texts and was rich in content, but much miscellaneous, numerous and more scattered. On the one hand the criticism had the inherent law of development and value gold grains; On the other hand it was often chaotic, so it needs more research through phenomenon, and reaches to the interior, especially needs the background of the children’s literature creation in the new period, and to understand and find criticism on the nature of fairy tale and rules of mining and research.This paper takes Chinese fairy tale criticism of the new period as the research object, mainly based on the text of the fairy tale criticism during this period. From the macroscopic and microscopic aspects, the paper explores the main characteristic of fairy tale criticism during this period through the criticism of text and the historical background.The main body of this paper is divided into four parts:Part Ⅰ, Part Ⅱ, Part Ⅲ and the Additional Part, including the Introduction.Introduction mainly includes discussions on summary of the research status, the significance, thought and method of research.In Part Ⅰ,it includes criticism for writer of fairy tales, for fairy tales genre and fairy tale works. These three parts shows as a whole and has the close relation. They cannot separate in activities of criticism. Part I takes fairy tale writer criticism as main study of the object. It includes not only the writers of fairy tales as a whole but also includes criticism of their works to research. Any writer cannot separate from the literary activities, its achievements mainly shows in the literary works. Although the literary writers’style is changing through their creative period, but there must be some consistent and continuous pursuit of art.In Part I it tries to find the main characteristic of these fairy tale writers, changing of works criticism. Finally it gets the rules of criticism in the new period.Part Ⅱ focuses on two literary genres:"lively" and "lyric" fairy tale criticism."Lively" and "lyric" fairy tale are two spectacular creation genres in the new period, they have a far-reaching influence in the history of fairy tales in China. But for a long time, nobody has given a clear definition, In this part it studies fairy tale works and the characteristics of two literature genres. As a result the paper thinks that they are two literary fairy tales in the new period. So in this part the paper focuses on study which takes "lively" and "lyric" fairy tale as literary genres. As the representative write of "lively" and "lyric" fairy tale, Zheng YuanJie and Bin Bo’s fairy tale are considered from microscopic aspect.Part III is the research of the fairy tale works of criticism. Fairy tale works criticism is the principal compositions of the fairy tale criticism in the new period, because even in fairy tale writer criticism, it may inevitably involves works. The vast majority of criticism has got conclusion from works.Therefore, in part Ⅲ,the aim is the fairy tale work which shows evident value and significance. Some of criticism is closely related to the value of the works, such as "the Dog’s Small House", the value of its criticism is due to work-criticism of the tool of Education; some of criticism is important because of their new value in criticism, such as the "Secret of the Magic Gourd"; some of criticism shows new trend and change, such as criticism about Andersen classic fairy tales."Exploratory Fairy Tale" was closely watched with exploratory children’s literature in the new period literature phenomenon, and the criticism of its work was also a prominent phenomenon of criticism, In this critical debate, critics focused on criticism about acceptance and Juvenile literature. Additional Part mainly discusses the two parts of contents. First part is criticism of fairy tale criticism which includes research on the fifth generation of children’s literature critics and criticism of criticism on fairy tales in the new period. This part is conceal behind critical activity, it is a kind of academic history. The other part is about discussion "Discussion of Modern Fairy Tale "which was organized by Selection of The fairy Tale at the mid eighty’s.This discusses is a large-scale, concentrated in the new period of children’s literature creation. This discussion is also a kind of exchanging of ideas and thought, it was not only gave research about "lively" and "lyric" fairy tale in criticism research, value judgment and writing guide, but also played a leading role in "Exploratory Fairy Tale".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

