

【作者】 蒋继华

【导师】 姚文放;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 文艺学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 生产性批评是指视文本为一个蕴含大量矛盾、含混的多义体,通过阅读和批评,深入到文本内部,发掘文本中没有说出的东西,即从构成文本的话语组织及其不连贯、省略、缺失中主动寻找文本的生产过程。由此,批评的意义在于批评者的“生产”之中。本文主要探究西方马克思主义批评家阿尔都塞、马谢雷和新马克思主义批评家伊格尔顿、詹姆逊的生产性批评思想,着力解决批评中的“生产性”问题。第一章,生产性批评的一般问题。生产性批评视文本为一个矛盾体,通过深入到文本内部,积极地改造文本中既定的东西,释放文本没有说出的东西。这样,批评就是生产意义的工作。第一,生产性批评的内涵主要包括生产性、过程性和现实指涉性。生产性批评的“生产”不是物质生产,而是文学阅读和批评中采取类似物质生产的加工行为。这意味着被生产的对象及其生成物之间存在过程性。同时,文学批评要依据文学得以产生的历史和现实条件,如果撇开历史语境或超越时代去评价文学,就会带来阐释的隔膜,颠覆文学历史的真相。第二,生产性批评的成因主要包括三个方面,一是从语言到话语的语言学转向导致话语模式在阅读和批评中具有生产意义的强大力量,从而在社会历史和权力层面寻求对批评的创造性理解;二是从文本接受到文本阐释的读者阅读范式转型,强调读者对文本的构建作用;三是从文学理论到理论的研究格局新变,使理论不再局限于单一的作品,而是跨越文学边界,弥漫于各类人文社科领域。由此,生产性批评在语言学、接受美学、文化学的转向之中得到合理说明。第二章,结构与生产:阿尔都塞的生产性批评。本部分主要通过对阿尔都塞的生产性批评研究,探讨文本解读如何通过对结构的揭示,使认识成为生产的过程。第一,生产性:结构与意义。在结构主义看来,“结构”产生了现实,文学存在于结构和符号之中,寻找支配表面现象的潜在结构,以结构和符号的解码获取意义才是文学研究的对象,所以“生产性”意指结构与意义之间的关系,即结构具有生产性,能产生意义。结构主义开启了生产性批评。第二,阿尔都塞的生产性批评。阿尔都塞成功实现了马克思的“艺术生产”向哲学领域的转换。从马克思意识形态和科学的断裂中,阿尔都塞揭示出深藏于表层文本之下的“总问题”结构。由于总问题以隐性的方式存在着,所以只能通过症候式阅读使其显现,从而认识成为一种生产。这就需要接受者在阅读作品时善于从外部入手窥破文本中潜在的离心结构,觉察到意识形态的幻觉及其深层支配特质,使批评的目的在于生产出不在场的内容。第三章,“离心”与生产:马谢雷文学生产论。马谢雷吸收了阿尔都塞结构主义思想,遵循“生产”的逻辑理路,将症候式阅读用于批评实践,其文学生产论开启后结构主义诗学批评。本部分主要围绕文本与意识形态的“离心”结构,探究马谢雷的文学生产论思想。第一,马谢雷对传统批评的批判。马谢雷文学批评的目的在于构建能“生产知识”的批评模式,即批评是按照一定的生产规律和流程,制作出符合科学化规则的文学“产品”。为此,他清除了传统文学观念中的种种非科学成分和批评术语,包括对反映论、创造论的批判和对阐释性批评的批判。第二,马谢雷生产性批评的构建与实践。一方面,“离心”结构是生产性批评的科学指向。马谢雷提出必须放弃完整性和一致性概念,对不完整性和未完成性给予特别的关注,这就需要探究意识形态是如何通过语言进入文本,带来文本内部的断裂,实现文本的内在生产功能,并在这一过程中摒弃批评等同于作品思想的错误观点。在马谢雷看来,由于沉默和缺省,文本从意识形态的中心移开,从而形成文本—意识形态的“离心”结构,离心是文学生产的必然结果。马谢雷构建的生产性批评显露出三个主要内容:一是批评与生产相结合,一是批评与作品相分离,一是批评要面对文学与哲学的关系。第三,马谢雷关于文本与意识形态的离心结构分析导致了文本的“复数形式”,所谓“生产性”即指话语对文本的重构,即话语产生了第二文本,呈现出鲜明的后结构主义倾向。当然,马谢雷的生产思想主要是指文学如何实现对意识形态的加工变形,一定程度上体现出形式主义倾向及其对社会性建构因素的忽略,这一点由伊格尔顿加以修正。第四章,“形式的政治”与生产:伊格尔顿的意识形态生产论。本章主要从伊格尔顿的文本“形式—政治”批评入手,探究其意识形态生产论思想。第一,文学形式与意识形态。伊格尔顿汲取了马克思主义的文学形式观,在文学生产和意识形态之间建立起一种辩证关系,既批判了形式主义强化形式、远离政治的批评观,又批判了庸俗社会学弱化形式,从文本中直接寻找意识形态的内容的做法,正确处理了文学形式与意识形态的关系。第二,形式的政治批评。伊格尔顿沿着马谢雷提出的问题继续思考,深入揭示意识形态与文学形式的复杂关系,将形式的考察与意识形态的内容联系起来,尤其关注形式与意识形态和生产之间的关系,形成独特的“形式—政治”批评模式。在文本与意识形态方面,伊格尔顿区分出文学生产结构中的六个要素,提出批评的任务就是揭示出文本意识形态的生产模式,实现对阿尔都塞、马谢雷观点的继承和修正。在形式的政治批评实践方面,伊格尔顿主要探究:一是意识形态的内容如何通过形式要素进入文本,构成文本的生产,一是文学形式是如何实现对意识形态的重构,发挥形式建构功能和积极意义。其“形式的政治”并非单纯的语言技巧和形式结构,而是指文本化了的社会历史现实,此即生产性的内核。第五章,“政治无意识”与生产:詹姆逊的文本阐释论。如果说伊格尔顿致力于发掘文本外部要素通过何种渠道投射到文本内部,实现诸种意识形态的生产,詹姆逊则在文本内部实现文本的阐释目标。在继承阿尔都塞等理论基础上,詹姆逊将文本阐释与意识形态、历史政治联系起来,强调文本生产是对社会矛盾的想象性或象征性解决行为,阐释就在于揭示“政治无意识”的运行机制、遏制策略和被意识形态压抑的社会矛盾、历史真实与政治欲望,由此形成一种新的批评策略。第一,形式的辩证批评。詹姆逊在批判形式主义、结构主义带来的“语言的牢笼”基础上,就文本形式和意识形态、社会历史意蕴的复杂关系,提出形式的辩证批评,观照文学形式与内容之间的相互转化及其辩证观念,折射出作品所产生的社会和历史情境。为此,阐释所追求的是文本形式、文化现象背后的“历史”内容。第二,文本阐释与意识形态。文学阐释的目的在于通过追寻文本背后的深意,达到对文本新的理解。在詹姆逊看来,阐释作为强有力的“重写”,是根据特定的主导符码对具有深度模式的文本进行重新发掘的结果。任何批评都应通过符码转换,将历史纳入自己的研究语境之中,所以生产性即指符码与历史的关系。依此,詹姆逊提出批评家的任务就在于发现文本叙事因素中隐匿的“政治无意识”。詹姆逊以文本阐释的“三个同心框架”策略为例探究文本阐释的意识形态模式,揭示文本蕴含的社会象征性行为,显示批评是一种生产。当然,詹姆逊和伊格尔顿在批评的理路、重点方面也形成各自特色。第六章,走向反思性的生产性批评。本部分主要基于当代哲学和人文思潮进入所谓“后理论时代”,面对文化扩散的逻辑事实,提出生产性批评要对自身的功能进行反思。第一,意识形态的反思。在后理论时代,意识形态被替换为效用、技术和各种话语,文学自身的惯例、规则、图式遭遇解构。第二,文学存在方式的反思。文学性像一种无形的力量,使一切的历史叙事、哲学观念、神学故事无不打上文学的语言情结。为此,需要重新认识文学和意识形态、文学生产和文化生产等相关问题,促使文学生产在文化理论视域中及时调整研究对象和范围,在发挥对现实政治批判的同时,正视后理论视域中文学批评功能的变化。第三,生产性批评的反思。通过对比解构主义和文学生产,探究二者在形式、审美和政治批评上的差异性,进而提出一方面,要规避文学批评中政治性、意识形态性的扩大化;另一方面,关注文学的审美性具有的意识形态力量,在文学的审美性和意识形态性、政治性之间保持必要的适度张力,寻求其中最大公约数,是避免批评滑向极端化、单一化的有效策略。由此,结构—意义、话语—文本(互文本)、形式—政治、符码—历史成为贯穿生产性批评的内核,成为阿尔都塞、马谢雷、伊格尔顿和詹姆逊等四位批评家孜孜以求的文学生产模式。这一发展模式也符合当代文学批评从文本批评向文化批评、从形式到政治和历史的“向外转”趋势。

【Abstract】 The production criticism refers to the text as a polysemous body containing a large number of contradictions, ambiguity in order to explore the implication deep into the text through reading and criticism. That is, to seek for the production process of the text from its discourse organization, incoherence, ellipsis or absence of words. Therefore, the significance of criticism embodied by the "production" of the critics. This paper mainly explores the thoughts on the production of criticism of Western Marxist critics Althusser and Macherey and New Marxist critics Eagleton and Jameson in an effort to research the "production" of criticism.The first chapter deals with the general problems in the production criticism. The production criticism views the text as a contradiction and uncovers the things left unsaid in the text through going deep into the text and positively transforming the established things in the text. So, criticism is a job of production. First, the connotation of productive criticism mainly includes the production, process and practical reference. The "production" is not a material production, processing behavior similar material production but literature reading and criticism. This implies the existence of process between object and products produced. At the same time, literary criticism depends on the historical background of the literature, if we ignore the historical context or beyond the times to evaluate the literature, we will bring the inteipretation of the diaphragm or subversion of literary history. Second, the cause of the production criticism mainly includes three aspects, one is from the language to the discourse of the linguistic turn lead to powerful discourse pattern with the production of meaning in the reading and criticism, so as to seek creative understanding of criticism in the social history and power level; another is from text to text interpretation of the readers’reading paradigm transformation, emphasizing the reader to the text of the construction; the third one is from the new research pattern change of literature theory and the theory is no longer confined to a single work, but cross the boundary of literature, diffuse in various areas of the humanities and social sciences. Thus, the production criticism is reasonably interpreted in the reception aesthetics, cultural studies and linguistics. The second chapter is on the structure and production:the production criticism of Althusser. This part mainly explores how the text interpretation becomes the process of production by the structure exposure and revealing through the research the production criticism of Althusser. First, production:structure and meaning. In the view of structuralism,"structure" produces a reality, literature exists in the structure and symbol, looking for potential structure dominated surface phenomena, the decoding structure and symbols acquire meaning is the object of literary studies, so the relationship between "productive" means the structure and meaning, namely the structure of production, can produce significance. Structuralism opened production criticism. Second, the production of Althusser’s criticism. Althusser succeeded Marx’s "art production" to the philosophy domain conversion. From the fracture Marx science and ideology, Althusser reveals the deep in the surface structure of the text under the "general question" structure. The problems exist in the hidden ways, so the symptomatic reading makes it appear and become a production. This requires the recipient to read the works at starting from the outside into the centrifugal structure and be aware of the illusion and the deep ideology trait to produce the absent content.The third chapter deals with "centrifugal’" and production:Macherey production theory of Literary. Macherey absorbed Althusser’s structuralist ideas, follow the logic of "production", the symptomatic reading for the practice of criticism, the theory of literary production after opening the structuralist poetics criticism. This part mainly focus on the text and the ideology of "centrifugal" structure, explore Macherey’s literary production theory. First,Macherey’s criticism of the traditional criticism. Macherey’s literary criticism is to construct the "knowledge production" mode of criticism, the criticism is to borrow in accordance with certain production rules and procedures, make accord with the scientific rules of literature "products". To this end, he cleared the conception of traditional literature in a variety of non scientific elements and critical terms, including the theory of reflection, creation and the criticism of the critical interpretation of criticism. Second, the establishment and practice of Macherey production of criticism. On the one hand, the "centrifugal" structure is the production of critical scientific orientation. Macherey proposed that must give up the integrity and consistency of concept, incomplete and unfinished given special attention, it needs to explore how ideology into the text by means of language, text bring fracture internal, internal production function realization of the text, and abandon the criticism is equivalent to the wrong view of works in this process. In the eyes of Macherey, owing to the silence and the default, the text is removed from the ideology of the center, thus forming a text-ideology "centrifugal" structure, centrifugation is the inevitable result of literature production. Accordingly, production of Macherey built criticism reveals two elements:one is criticism combined with production, one is the criticism and works of phase separation, one is the relationship between literature and philosophy. Third, Macherey’s text and ideology of the centrifugal structure analysis leads to the plural form of the text, the so-called "productive" refers to the reconstruction of discourse of the text, which produce second text words, showing a distinct tendency of structuralism. Of course, Macherey’s production thought mainly refers to how to realize the processing of literature ideology deformation, reflect the tendency of formalism and neglect the construction of social factors which has been corrected by Eagleton.The fourth chapter is devoted to "formal politics" and production:Eagleton’s theory of ideology production. This chapter mainly from "formal polities", explores the theory of ideology production. First, the literary form and ideology. Eagleton learned from the western Marx’s concept of literary forms, establish a dialectical relationship between literature and ideology, not only criticized the formalism enhancement pattern, far away from the political criticism, and criticism of vulgar sociology weakened form, directly to find the content of ideology from the text approach, correctly handle the relationship between the literary form and ideology. Second, the formal politics criticism. Eagleton along Macherey’s questions to think, to reveal the complex relationship between ideology and literary forms, will examine and ideological form content link, especially the relationship between form and ideology and production, forming a unique "formal politics criticism mode". The text and ideology, six elements of literature production structure to distinguish Eagleton, criticized the task is to reveal the ideology of the text mode of production, realize the inheritance and revisionist view of Althusser and Macherey. Criticism in the form of politics, Eagleton explores the ideological content:one is how to form elements into the text, a text production, is a literary form is how to realize the reconstruction of ideology, structure function and positive significance of play. The "formal politics" is not only a language skills and formal structure, but refers to the text of the social historical reality, this is the kernel of the production.The fifth chapter focuses on "political unconsciousness" and the production:Jameson’s theory of text interpretation. If Eagleton is committed to exploring the text external factors through internal channels which project into the text to achieve the production of ideology, Jameson interpretation of the text in the text to achieve the target of internal. In the succession of Althusser on the basis of theory, Jameson will connect explanation to ideology history, politics, emphasized text production of social contradictions imagination or symbolic solution behavior, interpretation is to discover the "political unconsciousness" operation mechanism, containment strategy and ideological oppression social contradictions, historical and political desire, thus forming a new criticism strategies. First, the dialectical criticism of form. Jameson criticized the formalism, structuralism brings "language trap" basis, on the complex relationship between text and ideology, social and historical meaning, the dialectical view, mutual transformation between literary form and content and the dialectical concept, reflects the works produced by the social and historical context. Therefore, interpretation of the text, is the pursuit of form behind the cultural phenomenon of "history". Second, the text interpretation and ideology. Literary interpretation aims to pursue the text the meaning behind it, the new text understanding. In Jameson’s view, interpretation as a powerful "Rewriting" according to a specific leading code to text with depth model re excavation results. Any criticism should be through the code conversion, the history of their own into the context, so the production refers to the relationship between symbol codes and history. So, Jameson put forward the task of critics is to find hidden text narrative factors of "political unconsciousness". Jameson explored the ideological mode of text interpretation to reveal the text contains social symbolic behavior from the "three concentric circles" strategy. So, the criticism is a kind of production. Of course, Jameson and Eagleton mainly have also formed their own characteristics in the criticism theory.The sixth chapter is on reflective trends of the production criticism. This part involves the production criticism’s need for their function of reflection based on the fact that contemporary philosophy and humanistic thoughts has come into the so-called "post theoretic era", facing the logic fact of cultural diffusion. First, the ideological reflection. In the post theoretic era, ideology is replaced by the utility, and various discourse, literary conventions, rules, schema encountered deconstruction. Second, the reflection of literature existence mode. Literariness as a kind of invisible strength, so that all the narrative of history, philosophy, theology, the story is a literary language complex. Therefore, we should understand the issues of literature and ideology, literary production and cultural production, promotes the literary production and timely adjustment of the object of study in the culture theory and scope, in the play to realistic political criticism at the same time, face theory Chinese changes after tasting energy group. Third, reflecting on production criticism. By comparing the deconstructive criticism and the literary production, differences in form, aesthetic and political criticism of the inquiry, two and puts forward, on the one hand, to avoid the literary criticism in political, ideological expansion; on the other hand, pay attention to the aesthetic literature has the consciousness power, maintain an appropriate tension necessary in the aesthetic of literature and ideology, politics, seeking the greatest common divisor is to avoid criticism, effective strategies to extreme, simplification.Thus, the structure and meaning, discourse and text (intertextuality), form and politics, code and history become the kernel of the production criticism and the literary production mode which the four critics:Althusser, Macherey, Eagleton and Jameson have diligently strived after. This development model also conforms to the "outward" trend of the contemporary literary criticism from textual criticism to cultural criticism and from the form to the politics and history.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

