

Artistic Will in the Period of Decadence

【作者】 刘琳

【导师】 潘一禾;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 美学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 本雅明作为20世纪初的德国犹太思想家,他的思考集中反映了那个黑暗时代人们所面临的问题。他的多种立场和多重身份,也让后来的研究者们众说纷纭。不过,本雅明首先将自己看作是文学批评家,他是从对文学的批评中发掘时代的真相的。因此,本文将从本雅明的文学批评入手探讨他的思想关怀。对于本雅明来说,他的核心关切就是:在祛魅的现代,在神离去之后的世俗历史中,人的处境和应该何去何从的问题。在现代社会,传统瓦解,意义崩溃,整体性坍塌为碎片,象征的光辉沦为寓言的废墟。确定性的真理丧失,与此同时却是各种神话对人们的魅惑和蒙蔽。人们丧失了对过去的记忆、对自身存在的认识,因此也就丧失了对真相的感知,而正是这种无知麻木的状况助长了神话的暴力,使人陷入神话的摆布,更加难以得到拯救。在这种情况下,本雅明主张重新认识往昔、认识自己、认识真相。他要冲破神话暴力和虚假的整体性诱惑,坚持从碎片中探究真理、获得觉醒。这就是他的认识论,他的世俗的启迪,同时也是他的救赎之道。在本雅明看来,虽然神已经隐匿,总体性的真理已无法直接把握,但是通过对具体的经验现象的研究却可以有助于真理的显现。他进行的那些对过去的挖掘和自然史的重建,无不是为了趋向真理,为救赎做好准备。可以看到,本雅明对真理本身的存在依然抱有信念,对弥赛亚的救赎仍怀有期待。但是,由于神之真理已然溃散,弥赛亚的到来也遥遥无期,本雅明深知这种信念终究只是一种绝望中的守望。对此,本雅明认为我们必须直面无神的废墟,通过对意义的沉思和对真理的追寻来坚守自身、朝向救赎。这就是身处这个颓废时代所应具有的意志,也是在这个神已拂袖而去的世俗世界生活所需怀有的英雄气概。如果要在本雅明的诸多暧昧不明的立场中确定他的位置,本文认为,本雅明持有的是一种勇敢的现代立场。一方面,他直面祛魅的此世,承认灵光消逝的碎片状态,而不是逃向一个虚假的整体性的安慰;但另一方面,他对于真理的坚守又拒绝了后现代的虚无,始终保有对于超越的追求。这种态度对于今天的我们来说,依然具有贯通心灵的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Benjamin was a German Jewish thinker in early20th century. His thoughts reflected the crisis of that dark age. People often confuse about his conflicting standpoint and his multiple professions. While Benjamin considered himself as a literary critic, who discovers the truth through the literature works. So this paper will investigate Benjamin’s thoughts by exploring his critics. We could see that Benjamin’s major concern is how human being is and what they should do during the secular modern time without God.In modern society, tradition collapsed, with which the significance lost. The totality ruined, and the world presented in the form of allegory instead of symbol. The assured truth disappeared, meanwhile mythic deceived people. People lost memories of the past, the understanding of their own existence, and the perception of the reality. It was this ignorance that encouraged the mythic power, and made themselves under the mythic control, hard to be rescued.In this case, Benjamin proposed to re-recognize the past, people’s own self, and the truth. He wanted to resist the mythic power and the trick totality, and insisted to search truth form fragments. This is his epistemology, his profane illumination, and his redemption. For Benjamin, although the divine had hidden, and the ideals can’t be grasped, we still could research the phenomena. If we do so, truth might emerge itself. In this sense, Benjamin’s research was the preparation for the truth and redemption, in which Benjamin still had the faith. However since the divine truth had disappeared, and Messiah was also out of sight, this faith was after all a hope in despair. So Benjamin actually meant that we must confront the ruins without God, think and search strenuously in the hopeless hope. This is the will in the period of so-called decadence, and the heroism in this secular world. Among those ambiguous appearances of Benjamin, this paper deems him a modernist. On the one hand, he admitted bravely the absence of God and the status of ruin in the modern time, without escaping to a false totality; on the other hand, his insistence on the pursuit of truth distinguished him from the nihilism, keeping a belief for transcendent. This attitude still has significance for us today.

【关键词】 瓦尔特·本雅明俗世英雄主义现代废墟真理救赎
【Key words】 Walter BenjaminSecular HeroismModernityRuinTruthRedemption
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】B83-091
  • 【下载频次】129

