

The Textual Research on Harmonious Thought in Ancient China

【作者】 吴霏

【导师】 刘文霞;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 科学技术史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中国古代和谐思想堪称人类思想史上的经典,历史从来不吝啬对它的赞誉。大胆地讲,中华文明从何时开始,中国和谐思想就从何时开始,并随着中华文明的演进而绵延发展。如此一脉传承的思想在中国古代历史上也是为数不多的,这足以证明中国古代和谐思想本身所具有的那些不为人们所否定的品质与价值。然而,作为中国古人探索未知世界所凝结的智慧结晶,中国古代和谐思想涉及漫长的时间段,蕴藏于丰富的典籍里,凝聚在物化了的文物上,需要对相关的各类史料进行深入的挖掘和系统的梳理,唯有如此才能揭示出中国古代和谐思想的博大精深,并从整体上展现出中国古代和谐思想的宏伟图景。中国古代和谐思想是中国古人崇尚与追求“和谐”的智慧结晶,作为关键词的“和谐”,其内涵的诠释决定了中国古代和谐思想的考略。通过对“和谐”进行多维视角的历史考证,认为“和谐”是多元素相辅相成、互依互补、彼此调和所形成的一个有序、平衡、稳定、融洽、统一的存在,是多元化存在之最佳状态的呈现,同时,它既是一种价值观,又是一种方法论,反映了人们认知事物与处理事物的价值取向与思维方式。基于对“和谐”的理解,通过对中国古代历史上相关文献、文物的查阅与梳理,发现中国古代和谐思想不仅彰显在人文社会科学领域,而且也彰显在自然科学领域。可以说,中国古代和谐思想是古代中国人探索自然世界的一种认知表达,也是古代中国人对于人类自身发展的一种理想表达。因此,中国古代和谐思想的考略分别从自然、社会、人生、科技四个层面呈现。天地自然的神秘永远触动人类那颗好奇的心。在漫长的探索历程中,古代中国人用自己的方式解释着天地自然的生成与运行,并在实践中不断总结人与自然应有的相处方式。而这些解释与总结以口传文录的形式得以流传,蕴含其中的和谐旨趣最终酝酿了中国特色的和谐宇宙自然观。从本体论上,中国古人阐释了宇宙自然就是一个和谐系统,万物之所生,之所存皆造于太一,化于阴阳,和于五行。从根本上将自然万物的生成与运行归结为物质的对立统一与物质间关系的胜克协调,这就是一种具有合理辩证性的朴素唯物主义和谐宇宙自然观。基于对客观世界已有的认知图式,古代中国人主张与自然建立相对和谐的共处关系也在实践中不断完善,并最终形成了主宰中国古代思想的“天人合一”观。就单纯的天人之际而言,人与天调,和谐统一,始终是中国农业文明中的主流价值观。古代中国社会的构想不可避免地依赖于中国古人的自然认知图式,也就是和谐的宇宙自然观。平衡、有序、稳定、统一、安泰诸如此类和谐美好的理念无一例外地被注入到中国古代社会的建构中,代代秉持。儒、道、佛三家为世人勾勒了各有千秋的和谐社会图景,如果说,佛家所描绘的极乐世界太过美轮美奂,道家所描绘的小国寡民太过清宁恬淡,那么,儒家所倡导的大同小康无疑是将和谐社会的理想从遥不可及的高处拉回到人们的生活世界里,始终令人相信它就是社会建设的必然选择。因为它不仅体现了人性的深度,也具有政治的高度,更施以具体可行的教育力度,在最大程度上保证了中国古代社会的政通人和与群邦协和。人生在世,需要某种思想来指导和调节人自己的生活与心态。庆幸的是,中国古代思想史上,对于人生问题的思考虽然是百家争鸣,但思想之间的兼收并蓄,形成了具有中国特色的人生观。大致讲来,可以分为儒之入世中和,道之游世恬顺,禅之寄世超然。在中国古代思想的长河中,儒、道、禅三种人生思想鼎立天下,其共同之处便是注重人生的和谐实现,强调个体之人内在的和谐之养成与外在的和谐之相处。从价值观与方法论的角度,为世人提供了安身立命的阐释,这使得中国古人无论身临何境,都能找到安顿人生的精神食粮,在生活中进退自如,游刃有余,安泰舒乐。科技总是在一定的思想文化背景中诞生并得以发展,那些远远超过世界同期水平的古代中国科技成就正是在中国传统思想背景中产生的。而作为中国传统思想中的精髓,和谐思想对中国古代科技的影响是深刻的。这一点是毋庸置疑的。中国传统的医学、建筑、农学等科学技术曾取得的辉煌成就在整个人类文明史上具有震古烁今的地位。在这些传统的科技中无不含有和谐思想渗透的痕迹,更可贵的是,它们流传至今,仍然活跃在现实生活中,是活生生的思想载体,它们以其各有的方式默默地讲述着中国古代史上的和谐思想。对中国传统技艺的怀念并不一定就是固执,这恰恰说明传统技艺契合着人们难以割舍的最初梦想。对于日新月异的现代科技而言,重要的不是一味提升发展的程度,而是明晰发展的动因。中国古代和谐思想不仅是一笔珍贵的遗产,更是一份启示后世的宝贵资源。“和谐”是人类始终未变的梦想,这也就注定了中国古代和谐思想将在历史的潮流中不断被扬弃、更新、传承。在一定意义上讲,它既从微观上提供了行动路径,又从宏观上提供了理论依据,在新时代人类科学发展的历史进程中将再续中国和谐思想的辉煌。

【Abstract】 Harmonious thought in ancient China is the classic in the history ofthought. It obtained much commendation.Daringly speaking; thebeginning of Chinese harmonious thought can be traced back to the startof Chinese civilization. With the great civilization, it has been developedconstantly. Chinese harmonious thought comes down in a continuous line;such thought is seldom in Chinese history. It is enough to prove thatChinese harmonious thought itself has good quality and great value whichpeople can not be denied. However, Chinese harmonious thought is acrystallization of the wisdom of Chinese people in ancient, of course, ithas long history, and in plentiful books or historical objects. We need toexcavate deeply and tease systematically different historical records, sothat we can reveal the profound dimension and show a picture ofharmonious thought in ancient China completely.Harmonious thought in ancient is the wisdom of upholding andpursuing “harmony”. The key word is “harmony”, which determines thework of researching on harmonious thought in ancient China. Frommultidimensional visual angle, we got a historical verification about“harmony”, which is a values and methodology. It is an ordered, balance,stable, harmonious and unified existence which is made up of differentmulti elements; they can help and cooperate with each other. And also itis a best state of pluralism. It mirrors the value orientation and mode ofthinking, and guides people how to cognize and deal with matters.Based on understanding of “harmony”, lots of historical recordswere researched, at last, we found that harmonious thought in ancientChina is not only in the filed of humanities and social science, but also inthe filed of natural science. We can say harmonious thought is a kind ofexpression. Also it is an idea about development for human being himself. So we can research harmonious thought form four parts: nature;society;life; science and technology.Human are always curious about nature. During a long explorationprocess, ancient Chinese tried to explain creation and function of nature,and constantly summarized how to get along with nature better in dailylife. Such explanation and summary which contain harmonious interesthad been spread by books or word of mouth, and the view of nature withChinese characteristics was established. Ancient Chinese claimed thatnature is a harmonious system; everything was produced fromconsistency of Yin and Yang and the five elements. The view of naturewith Chinese characteristics is a logical dialectical materialism, because ittells us nature is unified substance and related substance. Based on suchview, to live together better was advocated by ancient Chinese, and it wasmade perfect with time. At last “nature and man” played a leading role inChinese traditional culture.Visions of society in ancient Chain can not break away from existingharmonious view of nature. Wonderful ideas were poured into vision ofsociety, Such as balance, orderly, stable, unified, smooth and so on. Thevision of society that was offered by Confucian, Taoists and Buddhismfor human differ from each other. If the one named Pure Land whichoffered by Buddhism is too wonderful to believe, and the one named asmall utopian society which offered by Taoists is too peaceful and gentle,than the one named great harmonic universe and well-to-do society whichoffered by Confucian is really near to life. It can make people to believethat it will become true some day. It is not only showing depth of humannature and height of politics. And what’s more, viable intensity ofeducation. All of these could do the best to guarantee society goes well.Everyone needs ideology to guide his life and to adjust his mood.Luckily, in the history of Chinese thought, although we can hear differentsounds about life, they studied from each other, and then formed view oflife with Chinese characteristics. Generally speaking, there are three ideasabout life. The first is to life with a centrist attitude. The Second is lifewith a natural attitude. The third is to life with an aloof attitude. Inancient China, they are powerful guiding, but the purpose of them is same, that is trying to make a harmonious life from values and methodology.Thanks to these, one could keep well when he is in troubles.The birth and development of technology is always in a certaincultural background. Chinese technology in ancient which was moreadvanced than others’ in same age was produced from Chinese traditionalculture. As the essence of Chinese culture, harmonious thought has greatinfluence on Chinese technology in ancient. It is a true. The brilliantachievements of Chinese medicine, architecture, agriculture and so onhave an important position in history of human civilization. Harmoniousthought was deeply embedded in these traditional technologies, and werespread until now. They are in our real life and trying to tell us the historyof harmonious thought, so they are living carriers of thought. It is notstubborn to think of traditional skills, on the contrary, it shows us thattraditional skills are bearing the initial dream of human. The fast mordenttechnologies develop, the farthest the dream away from. The importantthing is not to improve the speed of development, but to clear the reasonof development.Harmonious thought in ancient China is not only a timeless andsilent precious heritage, but also is a valuable resource which canenlighten us. To human being,“harmonious” is a dream forever, becauseof this, it is can be doomed that harmonious thought in ancient China willbe suspended and updated and inherited in history. From this point ofview, it offers courses of action from the microscopic and theoreticalbasis from the macroscopic. In new age, Chinese harmonious thought willtill play an important part in historical process of human scientificdevelopment.

【关键词】 中国古代和谐思想考略
【Key words】 Chinese ancientHarmonious ThoughtResearch

