

Research on Plant Remains from Neolithic to Early Bronze Age in Upper West Liao River Region

【作者】 孙永刚

【导师】 塔拉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 科学技术史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文的研究目的主要是探讨西辽河上游地区的生态环境变化与北方旱作农业的起源和发展,以及不同考古学文化时期人类活动、植物遗存与生业方式的关系。本文涉及的年代范围是距今10000-3500年间,约相当于地学界的全新世初期至大暖期结束时期,或考古学界的新石器时代至早期青铜时代。自二十世纪六十年代以来,随着西辽河上游地区新石器时代至早期青铜时代考古学文化序列与谱系的完善,围绕着不同考古学文化发展阶段经济结构、生业方式等问题的研究也逐渐展开,并取得了一系列的成果。但总体来看,缺乏对西辽河上游地区新石器时代至早期青铜时代经济形态特征和发展规律的综合性研究成果,主要原因是在以往的考古发掘中缺少有效的科学手段获取相关的实物资料,例如,最能反映古代农业经济特征的植物遗存资料就十分缺乏。随着近些年来植物考古学的迅速发展,特别是浮选法的广泛应用,反映西辽河上游地区生业方式的资料日益丰富。尤其是最近几年,在西辽河上游地区新石器时代至早期青铜时代古文化遗址(兴隆沟、魏家窝铺、哈民忙哈、三座店和二道井子遗址等)发掘过程中,采用浮选法,发现了大量的炭化植物遗存。通过对典型遗址出土的炭化植物遗存进行分类、种属鉴定、分析与讨论,这为探讨西辽河上游地区北方旱作农业的起源与发展,不同考古学文化时间段生业方式的选择与变化等提供了科学的实物资料,而这些新资料将有助于我们对西辽河上游地区旱作农业起源与发展、生态环境对北方旱作农业的影响、农作物遗存与其他经济类型的比重关系等问题的探索。本文通过对西辽河上游地区新石器时代至早期青铜时代典型遗址进行系统的植物浮选,获得了第一手植物考古遗存资料。通过对这些植物遗存的生长习性、绝对数量和出土概率进行分析与讨论,有助于对西辽河上游地区新石器时代至早期青铜时代的小河西、兴隆洼、赵宝沟、红山、小河沿及夏家店下层文化时期的人类活动、植物遗存与生业方式之间的关系进行深入研究,并将在一定程度上推动对西辽河上游地区古代文明产生的动因与过程的探讨。论文共分为7章:第1章,绪论。明确了研究对象、研究内容、研究方法与研究思路,系统梳理了国内外研究概况、论文的研究目的与意义。第2章,兴隆沟遗址第一地点浮选植物种子。介绍了兴隆沟第一地点的遗址背景、植物浮选过程,并对兴隆沟第一地点出土炭化植物遗存进行分类、整理与分析。第一地点出土炭化粟和黍,从其细部形状特征与籽粒的大小进行了分析,认为第一地点的出土的粟和黍是介于野生与栽培之间的品种,通过对第一地点周边微环境考察,西辽河上游地区是北方旱作农业起源地之一。第3章,魏家窝铺遗址浮选植物种子。介绍了魏家窝铺红山文化聚落遗址的背景资料、植物浮选的过程,并对魏家窝铺遗址出土炭化植物遗存进行了分类、分析与讨论。魏家窝铺遗址所在红山文化早中期,出现了以粟和黍两种农作物为代表的北方旱作农业,但炭化植物遗存的绝对数量和出土概率表明,当时的农业还处于相对较低的水平,主要的生业方式还是渔猎经济。第4章,哈民忙哈遗址浮选植物种子。介绍了哈民忙哈遗址的背景资料、植物浮选情况,对哈民忙哈遗址出土的炭化木屑、植物种子进行了综合分析。哈民忙哈遗址所在的红山文化晚期,出土了粟、黍和大麻三种农作物,说明当时出现了旱作农业,但绝对数量和出土概率较低,当时的农业还处于相对原始的状态,生业方式应该还是以渔猎经济为主。第5章,二道井子遗址浮选植物种子。介绍了二道井子的遗址背景、植物浮选过程,对二道井子遗址出土的炭化木屑、植物种子进行了综合分析,二道井子遗址出土的炭化植物遗存包括了以粟、黍、大豆和大麻四种农作物种子,这四种农作物种子,粟和黍无论是出土概率还是绝对数量都非常高,综合分析,当时的农业经济占据了主导,并出现了以大豆和大麻为主的新的农作物品种,相对多的农作物品种组合,一定意义上降低了食物资源的风险系数,同时在出土炭化植物遗存中还包括了大量的杂草类植物种子,表明,当时的农业较之新石器时代有了飞速的发展,但是还未进入精根细作的农业经济阶段,遗址出土的大量的动物骨骼,说明狩猎与畜牧在二道井子先民的经济生活中是农业的重要补充。第6章,西辽河上游地区生态系统与生业方式的变化。系统介绍与分析了西辽河上游地区全新世初期至大暖期结束生态系统的变化特征,并对西辽河上游地区新石器时代至早期青铜时代的遗址分布进行了综合探讨,同时,在兴隆沟第一地点、魏家窝铺、哈民忙哈、二道井子遗址浮选结果的基础上,对西辽河上游地区不同考古学文化时间段处于不同海拔高度的遗址进行了区域性调查与植物浮选工作,通过上述典型遗址出土的炭化植物遗存结果,对西辽河上游地区新石器时代至早期青铜时代不同时间段人类活动与生业方式进行了分析与讨论,在此基础上,与黄河流域新石器时代至早期青铜时代不同时间段的人类活动与生业方式进行了对比分析,探讨西辽河上游地区与黄河流域人类活动与生业方式的选择之间的异同。第7章,结语。阐述了西辽河上游地区新石器时代至早期青铜时代人类活动与植物之间的关系问题,植物遗存在不同考古学文化时间段的差异,对当时的生业方式产生了重要的影响,同时交代了本研究的不足和今后继续研究的问题。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of ecologicalenvironment and the origin and development of the dry-land agriculturein the upper West Liao River region, subsistence strategy in differentarchaeological culture and human interaction with plant resources. UpperWest Liao River region mainly refers to Inner Mongolia region. It coversthe West Liao River, upper Laoha River and Xilamulun River Basin.“Northern rain-fed agriculture” mainly refers to the cultivation of foxtailmillet and broomcorn millet in northern China primitive agriculture. It is10000-3500years ago, which is about the equivalent of the earlyHolocene warm period till the end, or Neolithic to Early Bronze Age.Since the1960s, by the study of the Neolithic to Early Bronze Agearchaeological culture, the different stages of economic development andcultural pattern, other issues like subsistence strategy has also graduallyexpanded, and made a series of achievements. However, the lack ofprehistoric culture of the upper West Liao River morphological andeconomic development research results, and because of the lack ofarchaeological excavations in the past, valid scientific information relatedto the tangible remains, for example, plant remains are very scarce toreflect ancient agricultural economics.With the rapid development of the archaeobotanical work in recentyears, especially the widespread application of flotation, a lot of new datadiscovered to reflect the subsistence strategy of upper West Liao region.By using flotation in the excavation of Neolithic to Early Bronze Agesites (Xinglonggou,Weijiawopu, Haminmangha, Sanzuodian andErdaojingzi, etc.), we recover a large number of carbonized plantremainssa. The identification and analysis of plant remains help toexplore the origins and development of northern rain-fed agriculture inupper West Liao region, and subsistence strategy change in otherarchaeological cultures and periods. These new data will help to understand the origins and development of rain-fed agriculture in upperWest Liao River, ecological impacts on northern rain-fed agriculture, andproportion of agriculture in the subsistence strategy.Flotation result of Neolithic to Early Bronze Age sites in upper WestLiao region, growth habit and quantitative analysis of plant remainshelp to discuss the human activity in upper West Liao River region.Research of plant remains and subsistence strategy in Xiaohexi culture,Xinglongwa culture, Zhangbaogou culture, Hongshan culture, Xiaoheyanculture and Lower Xiajiadian culture period contributed to investigate theprocess of ancient civilization in upper West Liao River region.The thesis is divided into seven chapters:Chapter1, Introduction. To make the object of study, researchmethods and research ideas, and systematically sort out the domestic andinternational research profile, purpose and significance of the paper.Chapter2, Archaeological background and description of plantremains from the site of Xinglonggou first location. By identification andlaboratory analysis of the samples, morphology and size analysis ofcarbonized foxtail millet and broomcorn millet, the charred seed is thevarieties of millet between wild and cultivated. Microenvironment studyof the site suggests that upper West Liao River region is one of the originof northern rain-fed agriculture.Chapter3, Archaeological background and description of plantremains from Weijiawopu site. By identification and laboratory analysisof the samples, morphology and size analysis of plant remains,Weijiawopu in early and middle Hongshan period represented northerndry farming, but the absolute number and ubiquity indicate that theagriculture was a relatively low level, hunting-gathering and fishing isdominant in subsistence economic.Chapter4, Archaeological background and description of plantremains from Haminmangha site. By identification and laboratoryanalysis of the samples, morphology and size analysis of plant remains, Haminmangha in late Hongshan period indicated the dry farming, but theabsolute number and ubiquity suggested that the agriculture is a relativelyprimitive state, and that fishing and hunting is important in subsistencestrategy.Chapter5, Archaeological background and description of plantremains from Erdaojingzi site. By identification and laboratory analysisof the samples, morphology and size analysis of plant remains, fourcrops(two types of millet, soybeans and cannabis) are major cultivatedplant in subsistence strategy. The ubiquity and absolute number of thosecrops are very high, agriculture may dominant in subsistence economicand the emergence of new crop species reduce the risk of agriculturesystem. However, the carbonized plant remains include a large number ofweed seeds, it is a rapid development compare to Neolithic agriculturalbut not the stage of fine agricultural system. And the large number ofanimal bones unearthed in the site indicate that hunting and animalhusbandry is important complement to agriculture in the economic life ofour ancestors.Chapter6, Changes of ecosystem and subsistence strategy in theupper West Liao River region. To systematically introduce and analyzeecosystem variation from early Holocene to the end of Warm Period inupper West Liao River areas, and comprehensively discuss aboutdistribution of the Neolithic to the early Bronze Age sites in upper WestLiao River. And to make regional survey and plant flotation of sites ofdifferent archaeological periods (besides Xinglonggou first location,Weijiawopu, Hamingmangha and Erdaojingzi) in different altitude inupper West Liao River region. By comparative analyzation, this paperdiscuss similarities and differences in human activity and subsistencestrategy between upper West Liao River and Yellow River Valley.Chapter7, Conclusion. To discribe the relationship between humanactivities and plant in the upper West Liao River region from Neolithic tothe early Bronze Age, the differences of plant remains in the different archaeological periods produced different influence. It also included theinsufficient in this research and future research issues.


