

Shakuhachi:History and Development in the Sino-Japanese Context

【作者】 王金旋

【导师】 赵维平;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 尺八为当今日本代表性的民族乐器,而追其源则出自中国,是我国古代一件重要的吹奏乐器,其名出于唐代,乐器实体样式于汉代业已形成,被广泛运用,明末消亡;而尺八在日本的发展却走向了另一条截然不同的道路,音乐形式、音乐体裁多样化,大小流派林立。文章以尺八这一乐器为研究对象,将其置目于中日文化语境中,主要采用历史学的研究方法,辅以乐器学、图像学、考古学、统计学等多学科相综合的方法和技术手段。希望通过对两国尺八系统的历史性研究、分析和探讨,来阐释以下三个方面的问题。一、中国古代尺八的历史出处。由于历史文献记载的缺失以及模糊性,已很难取得突破性的进展,在本研究基于大量文献史料之上将“图像学”的方法纳入研究视角,对其展开新一轮的探索,结合中国壁画、石雕、出土陶乐俑、绘画;日本“供养菩萨像”持笛乐伎等,来探讨分析“尺八”一器的历史渊源问题。文章对尺八一器起源我国唐代的定论做出了否定性推论,认为最迟出现在我国汉代的新结论。文章将图像学与文献学二重考证法互相结合起来,追述中国古代尺八在不同历史时期的发展变迁规律。二、同时,对我国理论界一致认为日本现代尺八为中国宋代传入之定论提出不同的看法,结合日本关键性史料对日本普化尺八的形成、展开,提出自已独立的见解。三、本研究除了尺八的源外,一并考察梳理它的流,厘清中国尺八的产生、运用、功用及其历史沿革与乐器中的地位等;日本尺八的起源及形成过程,包括直接传承自中国的唐尺八(正仓院)、中世纪出现的一节切尺八和普化尺八,及其所具有的宗教性和功能性特质的讨论,考察明治维新以来日本尺八的生存现状,如其具体运用、应用人群、乐器普及性和功能性等。

【Abstract】 Shakuhachi is the representative of Japanese national musical instrument, and the source comes from China. It is an important ancient instrument in China, and it got its name in the Tang Dynasty. The musical instrument was formed and widely used in the Han Dynasty, and died out at the end of the Ming Dynasty. But the development of Shakuhachi in Japan takes another road. The musical form and genre are diversified and have various schools. This dissertation takes the shakuhachi as its subject, puts it in the Sino-Japanese cultural context, and mainly uses historical research methods, combined with organology, iconography, archaeology and statistics. It is intended that this systematic analysis and research can explain the following three aspects.First is the historical source of ancient shakuhachi in China. Due to the lack of historical documents and their ambiguities, it is difficult to achieve a breakthrough progress in this problem. The study is based on plenty of historical documents and combines them with iconography to explore a new discussion. At the same time, this study does not agree with the view that the Japanese modern shakuhachi comes from the Song Dynasty. Based on the Japanese crucial historical materials, the dissertation puts forward its own independent views. In addition to the source of shakuhachi, this dissertation investigates its development, and clarifies its origin, usage, function, historical evolution and position in the instruments.

【关键词】 中日尺八长笛一节切普化尺八
【Key words】 shakuhachifluteyijieqiepuhuashakuhachi
  • 【分类号】J63;J633.13
  • 【下载频次】346

