

A Study on the Names and Descriptions of Things of Dunhuang Bianwen

【作者】 張春秀

【导师】 黃征;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 漢語言文字學, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 敦煌变文是唐五代时期记录寺院和流行民间的一种俗讲文学,是敦煌俗文学作品中份量最重、影响最大者,具有很高的文学价值和史料价值。它的发现,让很多链条不太明显甚至空白的地方串联起来了,给研究带来了新的生机,尤其是给语言研究和文学研究注入了新鲜的血液,学者、专家们更是倍加勤奋和努力的整理与研究,目前是成果累累,成绩斐然。敦煌变文的语言上承先秦两汉的文言用语,下推宋元白话口语,是连接古代汉语与近代汉语的一座桥梁,在汉语发展史上具有十分重要的地位。敦煌变文裹含有大量的、丰富的名物,有些虽是常用词,然考据其源流,也需下一番功夫。因此,把敦煌变文名物作为研究对象,不管是从理论上还是实践上都有著重要的意义。本文主要以《敦煌变文校注》为底本,通过同义、类义系统辨考法,文献、实物、图像结合法,专科知识法,语言与文化结合法,选取了133个名物对其进行了比较详细的考察和解释,以期对敦煌变文的阅读与理解、汉语词汇史的研究、辞书的编纂与修订作一点有益的、必要的帮助。全文内容分为上下两编。上编为总论,共分五章。主要介绍了选题的缘起,分析了敦煌变文语言研究及名物研究的现状与趋势,交待了本文所采用的材料和研究体例,结合具体例子论证了敦煌变文的研究价值和研究方法,总结了敦煌变文名物的用字特徵,最後指出了敦煌学研究的成就和敦煌变文名物考释的难度。下编为考释篇,共七章,分饮食类、衣饰类、器用类、舟车类、乐器类、武备类、佛具类,对敦煌变文中的名物进行了较为详尽的梳理和考释。

【Abstract】 The Dunhuang Bianwen is texts that records popular oral literature that was in circulation among monasteries and masses.They are the most valuable and influential among popular literature of Dunhuang and have very important literary and historical value. The discovery of them makes many obscure or even blank areas connected to each other and brings vigor to research in the field,especially refuel new blood into boring linguistic and literary investigation. Scholars and experts have made more efforts to organize and research them and they have made fruitful achievements.Linguistically, the Dunhuang Bianwen inherited some classical expressions from the pre-Qin and the two Han periods and heralds colloquial expressions of the Song and Yuan dynasties. It is a bridge that connects ancient Chinese with modern Chinese. It held a crucial position in the evolution of Chinese. Many named things appeared in the Dunhuang Bianwen. Although some are frequently-used words, but it is time-consuming to investigate their origins and evolutions. So working on named things in the Dunhuang Bianwen is of great significance both in theory and in practice.Based on Collated and Annotated Edition of the Dunhuang Bianwen Jiaozhu as a source text, us ing systematic investigation methodology of synonym and near synonym,methodology of combining literature, real objects and pictures together,methodology of specific fields, and methodology of combining language and culture, the author chose133named things in the Dunhuang Bianwen and investigate and expound them in detail in order to be of some use to reading, comprehending,research in Chinese lexical history and compiling and revising of dictionaries.The whole dissertation consists of two parts. Part one is general introduction which consists of five chapters. Part one mainly deals with how the author came to the question and analyses the state and trend in linguistic studies and named things studies of the Dunhuang Bianwen, tells about the source materials and methodology and structure of the dissertation and explains significance and methodology of Dunhuang Bianwen studies and summarizes the usage features of named things mentioned in Dunhuang Bianwen. Lastly, it points out the accomplishments of Dunhuang studies and the difficulty in investigating and expounding named things in Dunhuang Bianwen.Part two deals with investigation and explanation and consists of7chapters on food and drinks,clothes and ornaments,utensils, transportation tools,musical instruments,armament,and things for Buddhist purposes. Part two makes detailed investigation and explanation of named things appeared in Dunhuang Bianwen.

【关键词】 敦煌燮文名物源流考释俗字
【Key words】 Dunhuang BianwenNamed ThingsOriginsInvestigatePopular Words

