

A Research on the Academic Thoughts of Newspaper Management during the Period of the Republic of China

【作者】 曾来海

【导师】 方晓红;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 新闻学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 自从中华民国成立以后,我国报业进入了全面的营业时期。在这期间,不仅有在华外报的商业化经营管理活动,还有国内民营报业的企业化管理实践以及国民党党报系统的全面商业化公司运营等报业管理的实践。在民国报业的“营业”推动下,新闻界也在引入西方报业管理学的理论与经验的基础上,主动地对当时国内报业管理的实践进行了深刻的关照与研究,不仅取得了一系列的学术成果,还逐步形成了国内较为系统、全面的报业管理学术思想体系。然而由于国内报业管理学曾一度被视为研究的“禁区”,再加上相关文献的零散与不断流失,国内传媒管理学、传媒经济学界对民国时期报业管理学的学术成就与学术思想一直不够关注与重视。本文以民国时期报业管理学术思想为基本线索,从宏观上梳理了民国时期报业管理学术思想产生的历史条件、理论渊源、发展脉络,从微观上考察了民国时期报业管理学共同体的学术研究活动,并在此基础上,着重论述了民国时期报业管理学术思想的内容体系。全文共计7章,各章具体内容如下:第一章是民国时期报业管理学术思想的宏观分析。本文认为民国时期持续的多元化报业市场体制以及主流报业长期企业运营的实践是民国时期报业管理学术思想产生的历史条件与背景,而其理论渊源则可以追溯到晚清时期所引入的西方报业管理理论与经验以及国内报业管理实践中所总结的经验。同时民国时期报业管理学术思想在1912-1937年通过报业管理学专著、教材得到了系统总结,逐步形成了思想体系,并在之后的战乱不断中得到了拓展与完善,但在建国初年该思想被断裂。第二章是民国时期报业发行管理思想研究。本文认为随着报业的全面营业以来,报纸以发行为基础的观念普遍形成。为了夯实报纸发行的基础地位,为报业的营业与竞争创造条件,民国时期报业发行日益盛行“长”、“广”、“厚”三部曲的思想。为了实现这三部曲的目标与要求,不仅要建立自主发行网络,采取多样化的促销与推广,实施报馆发行的日常监控,还应该实行报业发行稽核制度。第三章是民国时期报业广告管理思想研究。本文认为民国时期国内报业“广告本位”思想不仅体现为对“广告本位”观念的普遍认同,还表现在“广告本位”实施的具体策略,如广告专业化设计与制作、广告个性化推销、开发新式分类广告以及科学合理的广告定价等,甚至还包含了“广告本位”应有的广告道德与广告法律制度等具体的行业规范。第四章是民国时期报馆人事管理思想研究。本文认为民国时期新闻人才普遍缺乏,所以“报馆譬之人体,人材则灵魂也”的观念逐渐形成,甚至普遍认为报业“卓然”之“树立”,“在专材之养成”,同时对于新闻人才特别强调新闻记者职业化、尊重新闻的专业性。因此为了报业行业的发展,新闻界学者们极力主张革除“熟人举荐”的进人传统,转而实行公开招考录用新人。同时对于已有新闻人才更要通过教育培训、合理薪酬、基本福利、额外奖励等措施以达到“培庸奖进,蔚为成材”的管理目标。第五章是民国时期报馆财务管理思想研究。本文认为在民国时期报馆“新式会计”的观念逐渐形成。为了建立中国报馆的“新式会计”制度,以便通过预算决算与报告报表等具体实务来建立控制风险、相互牵制的“新式会计”基本原则,还特别引入了现代企业科学化管理中众多的会计项目与会计制度,如成本会计、商誉估值、资产折旧等。第六章是民国时期报业管理学术群体研究。本文认为民国时期报业管理学共同体作为新闻学共同体的分支初步形成,其主体成员是报业管理学教授、学者,理论新闻学教授、学者,报业管理层以及相关政府官员。其成员之间内部的沟通与交流渠道主要是报业管理学著作、教材的相互阅读与引证,并依托新闻学术期刊等新闻学共同体沟通的平台。而其共同拥有的规范或库恩所说的学科“范式”则是报纸“企业范式”。第七章是民国时期报业管理学术思想的总结性研究。本文认为民国时期报业管理学术思想虽然有许多不足之处却仍具有明显的历史贡献。所以从中国传媒管理学、传媒经济学学科建设与发展来看,以及对中国传媒产业、文化产业发展的实际需求来说,我们都应该整理、研究与继承民国时期报业管理学术思想。

【Abstract】 The newspaper industry of China had been entered the sales period, such as the commercial management activities of foreigners’ newspapers in China, the management practice of the domestic private newspaper enterprise and the comprehensive commercial company operation practice of newspaper management of The Kuomintang party system, since the founding of the Republic of China. In the promotion of the newspaper "business", the researchers of the press had been initiative to deep cared and researched the domestic newspaper management practice based on introducing the theory and experience of Western newspaper industry management, and achieved a series of academic achievement, also gradually formed the systematic, comprehensive academic ideology on newspaper management. But the domestic media management and media economics has not been paid more and more attention the academic achievements and academic thinking of newspaper management during the period of Republic of China because newspaper management once considered as a "forbidden area" in China, and the related literature scattered and losing.Base on the ideological and academic newspaper management during the period of Republic of China as the basic clue, this paper will discuss the historical conditions, the theory origin and the development path of the academic thoughts on newspaper management during the period of the Republic of China macroscopically, and microcosmically research on the academic activities of the academic community of newspaper management during the period of the Republic of China, and then focuses on the content system of ideological and academic newspaper management during the period of Republic of china. This paper has a total of seven chapters, and the specific content of each chapter is as follows.The1st chapter will analyze macroscopically the academic thoughts on newspaper management during the period of the Republic of China. This dissertation thinks the historical conditions and background of the academic thoughts on newspaper management in the period of Republic of China is that the continuing diversification newspaper market system and the practice of mainstream newspaper long-term business, and its theoretical origin can be traced back to the theory and experience on Western newspaper management which be introduced in the late Qing Dynasty and the experience that summarized from the newspaper management in China, at the same time, it was systematically summarized by the monograph and teaching material on newspaper management in1912-1937,and gradually formed a system of thought, and has been developing and improving during the next war continued, and then encountered exclusion and large-scale comprehensive critique and also fractured with the Changes in domestic media system in the early years of the Chinese People’ Republic.The2nd chapter tells us that the management thoughts on the issue of newspaper during the period of Republic of China. This dissertation thinks the concept of the issue looks as the base of newspaper management had been come into being with the overall business of newspaper, and in order to tamp the common newspaper concept and create conditions for the business and competition of newspaper industry, the thoughts of the "long","wide","thick" trilogy on the issue of newspaper had been becoming increasingly popular. The newspaper company of China also had to established the independent distribution network of themselves, and taken the promotion and popularization of diversification, carried out the daily monitoring to the issue of newspaper and implemented the audit system of circulations in order to realize the goals and requirements of this trilogy.The3rd chapter tells us that the management ideology on the advertising of newspaper during the period of Republic of China. This paper thinks the concept of "advertising oriented" as the universal recognition not only need the specific strategies, such as the specialized design and production of advertising, personalized marketing advertising, the development of new classified ads, Scientific and reasonable advertising pricing, and so on, but also need the advertisement morals and advertising legal system and other specific vocation standard.The4tbchapter tells us that the management thoughts on the human resources of newspaper company during the period of Republic of China. This dissertation thinks there was generally lack of news talents in the period of the Republic of China, and the concept of "the newspapers like the human body, the talent is soul" gradually formed, and the outstanding performance of newpaper company would rely on the news talents,and it was especially emphasized that who was the professional journalists and respected journalism as the major, and the journalism scholars strongly advocated to replace the "acquaintance recommend" tradition of talent introduction by the open recruited selection for the development of newspaper industry, and in order to realize the management objectives of "Culture the mediocrity and reward the advanced, and everyone would be a talent", the newspaper company had to give the talents that owned the education and training, the reasonable compensation, the basic welfare and the bonus.The5th chapter tells us that the management thoughts on the financial affairs of newspaper company during the period of Republic of China. This paper thinks the concept of "new accounting"had been come into being in chinese newspaper.In order to establish the "new accounting "system of Chinese newspaper, and do their best to establish the "new accounting" principle of risk control and mutual restraint through the budget, final accounts, reports, statements, and other specific practice, and especially more accounting project and fiscal system of the scientific management of modern enterprise was introduced into China too, such as the cost accounting, valuation of goodwill, depreciation of assets, and so on.The6th chapter is going to research on the academic group of newspaper management during the period of the Republic of China. This dissertation thinks the main members of its including the scholar or professor of newspaper management, the scholar professor of journalism theory and newspaper managements or relevant government officials. The channel of internal communication and exchanges between members mainly relying on reading and citation on the works and teaching material on newspaper management each other, and the channel of the academic group of journalism, such as journalism academic journals, society of journalism, and so on,and the common academic research "paradigm"of Thomas S.Kuhn or common academic tradition of its is the newspaper "enterprise paradigm".The7th chapter is the Summary of research on the academic thoughts on newspaper management during the period of the Republic of China. This paper thinks the academic ideology on newspaper management during the period of the Republic of China has its historical contribution and shortcoming. For the construction and development of Chinese media management and media economics, and for the actual demand of the development of cultural industry and media industry of China, we should inherit and develop the ideas of newspaper management in the period of Republic of China.


