

【作者】 刘齐

【导师】 胡金平;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 教育思想是教育发展史的灵魂。因此,研究教育思想,对整个教育史的研究有重要意义。同样,教育思想,也集中体现了一个人的教育理念,表达了一个人的教育情感,反映出一个人的教育关怀。邰爽秋,作为中国现当代具有代表性的教育家,其教育思想理应受到我们的关注。其教育思想中,有关教育经费的论述、教育行政管理的讨论、乡村教育的理念,对我们今天教育事业的发展依然具有指导意义和参考价值。本文以时间发展为基本顺序,以辛亥革命以来,近代中国的社会大变革、大调整为背景,串之以中国近现代教育事业前进发展等一系列重大事件,以邰爽秋的教育活动为中心,深刻揭示其民生教育思想的理论内核、社会实践、作用影响。文章利用了统计学和社会学的某些观点,以文献法、个案研究、比较等方法,在挖掘和整合第一手材料的基础上发现问题,找出规律,提炼出有价值的东西,进一步丰富对邰爽秋民生教育思想的研究。本文的主体结构由五部分组成。第一部分从民生教育思潮的出现和形成,邰爽秋的求学生活和工作经历入手,介绍民生教育思想的形成背景和原因。对邰爽秋的民生教育的主导思想、目标和任务、主要内容、对象和教师做重点介绍,以较为完整的了解民生教育的概貌。同时,也将对民生教育与其它教育思潮做对比,指出其中的不同和差异之处。第二部分全面阐述邰爽秋的在民生教育推行上有关行政管理与经费来源、使用上的观点。因为,除教育工作者自身躬行实践外,教育行政主管部门的支持、教育经费的保障、教育设施的完备、教育规章制度的健全,也都直接关乎民生教育的实现。在广袤乡土大地奔走的邰爽秋,并没有忽视确保民生教育达成的这些基本要件,而是将其作为一个专门领域开展研究,并围绕“民生”这一主题系统论述,从而形成了自己独到的、富有见地的教育行政理论,丰富了我国教育行政理论的内容与内涵。第三部分论及邰爽秋对学校系统的设计,特别是其中的学前教育与特殊教育部分,是其学校系统中的一个亮点。此外,还将专论邰爽秋对于教师发展的整体看法。邰爽秋高度重视教师在整个民生教育中的作用,他认为师资是民生教育工作的实际执行者,欲教育之普及,须有充分的师资,欲普及教育之实施,有良好的效果,则又仗于优良的教师。所以,这又形成了他民生教育思想中另一个重要的部分。第四部分着重介绍了邰爽秋在农村开展民生教育的有关情况。通过对以往乡村教育兴起和开展情况的介绍,邰爽秋对这些乡村教育活动开展的批评和反思,展现出邰爽秋与众不同的教育理念。特别是他念二运动的实践,以及由此产生的念二社、普及教育车,甚至给个人生活带来的一场家庭风波。可以说,邰爽秋的有关乡村教育之理论,也是邰爽秋民生教育思想中最有“乡土气息”,与中国社会实际密切结合的重要部分。最后一部分,总结了邰爽秋民生教育思想的主要特点,存在的成绩和不足,还要提炼出对当今教育事业发展的启示。统观邰爽秋的民生教育思想,是全方面的,是接地气的,是不断实践的。解析其内涵,学校系统、土货运动、教育经费、教育指导、教师待遇等都是其重要组成部分,而念二运动更是他民生教育思想的生动实践,并贯穿于各种教育活动之中。这些做法,符合当时中国经济、社会、文化、教育发展的实际状况,不仅在当时适应了农村社会发展和一般民众生产需要,也是改革传统教育,革新脱离中国实际的新式教育,重构符合中国实际、体现现代教育发展趋势的新教育教学制度的大胆尝试。同时,它所揭示的教育基本命题,如教育与社会经济发展的关系、教育与生产劳动结合,教育的普及化等,至今仍是教育理论研究的重大课题和教育改革发展所追求的目标,对于今日各类教育的改革发展仍然具有十分重要的借鉴意义和理论参考价值。但我们也同时看到,由于历史的原因,邰爽秋的民生教育思想及活动也受到了限制。邰爽秋的民生教育思想,在一些问题上考虑过于简单,要求过于完满,脱离了社会实际,具有一定的理想主义色彩。

【Abstract】 Education thought is the soul of educational developing history. Therefore, the study of education thought is very important for the studying of the entire educational history. Similarly, it is a concentrated reflection of one person’s educational idea, educational emotion and educational care. Tai Shuangqiu (邰爽秋), as the representative educationist of modern china, his education thoughts deserve our attention. His education thoughts on the education funds, education administrative management, rural education still have the instructive meaning and reference value to the development of our education today.This paper takes the time development as the basic sequence, since the revolution of1911, modern China social change, Chinese big adjustment as the background, profoundly reveals Tai Shuangqiu’s theoretical core of Minsheng Education (民生教育), social practice, role and influence by analyzing a series of major events of modern China education development, and focusing on Tai Shuangqiu’s educational activities.This paper uses some view of statistics and sociology, takes literature method, case studying and comparative method. It bases on mining and integrating the first-hand materials to find problems, rules, extract the valuable things, and enrich the further research of Tai Shuangqiu’s Minsheng Education thoughts.This paper consists five parts. The content of the first part is following. The paper starts from Tai Shuangqiu’s educational life, career experience, emergence and formation of Minsheng Education, it introduces the background and reasons for the formation of Minsheng Education thoughts. Then it focus on Tai Shuangqiu’s dominant ideology of Minsheng Education, objectives and tasks, main content, and teachers in order to get a more complete understanding of Minsheng Education. Meanwhile, the paper will also make comparison with other education thoughts in order to point out the differences and diversities of them.The second part elaborates Tai Shuangqiu’s view including the relevant administration, sources and use of funds on implementing Minsheng Education. Educators’ practice, the support of administrative department, sufficient education funds, brilliant education facilities, complete education rules and regulations are directly related to the realization of Minsheng Education. Tai Shuangqiu travelling around the country, he did not ignore these basic elements on realizing the Minsheng Education, but paid attention to it as a special study field. He formed his own, insightful theory of educational administration theme of Minsheng. These theories enrich the content and connotation of theory of educational administration in China. The third part talks about Tai’s design of school system, in his theory, preschool and special education are the highlights of his school system. And this part talks about Tai’s opinion of teachers’development. Tai thinks highly of the role of teacher in Minsheng Education, in his opinion, teacher is the actual executor of Minsheng Education. For the popularization of education, there must be sufficient staff, and for excellently implementing universal education, there must be excellent teachers. So, this forms another important part of his educational thoughts of Minsheng Education.The fourth part focuses on the situation of performing Minsheng Education in rural areas. By presenting introduction of the rise and development of rural education, Tai Shuangqiu’s critique and rethink of rural education activities, the fourth part shows Tai Shuangqiu’s unusual opinion of education. Especially because he practiced the Nianer Movement(念二运动), and the resulting Nianer organization, universal education cart, these matter even bring crisis to his life and family. So, Tai Shuangqiu’s theory about rural education has the most rustic flavor in his theory of Minsheng Education, and it closely combines with China social reality.The final part summarizes main characteristics of Tai Shuangqiu’s Minsheng Education ideas, achievements and shortcomings, then extracts the inspiration for today’s educational development. Tai Shuangqiu’s Minsheng Education thought is comprehensive, realistic and should be ceaseless practiced. The school system, local product movement, education funds, educational guidance, teachers are all the important components of its connotation, and Nianer Movement is the lively practice for his Minsheng Education thoughts, and these thoughts run through his various educational activities. His practices are in line with the actual state of economics, society, culture, education at that time, these activities adapt to the development of rural society and needs of general public, and attempts to reform traditional education which removes from reality. He tries to reconstruct new system which accord with actual situation of China and development trend of modern education. At the same time, he shows elementary proposition of education, such as relationship between education and economic development, the combination of education and the productive labor, popularization of education. So far, these matters remain the major tasks of education theory and goal of education reform, they are still very useful to reform and develop education today.However, due to historical reasons, Tai Shuangqiu’s Minsheng Education thoughts and activities have historical limitations. Some of Tai Shuangqiu’s education thoughts are too simple, too perfect and idealism, some thoughts are divorced from the social reality.

【关键词】 邰爽秋民生教育念二运动乡土
【Key words】 Tai ShuangqiuMinsheng EducationNianer Movementgrass-root

