

【作者】 王兴福

【导师】 喻平;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 教师的教学行为是教学效果的直接决定者,而教学行为本身则受制于多种内外部因素,其中,就包括认识信念或教育观念。因此,帮助师范生或在职教师树立先进或合理的教学观念或认识信念,进而养成良好的教育教学行为习惯,历来是教师教育的重要目标之一。但是,教育观念或认识信念所具有的稳定性特征,决定了其更新或建立并不是一件轻而易举的事情,必须在相对完善的教学观念或认识信念理论的指导下才有可能收到实效。因此,探讨并澄清个体认识信念的发展规律及其对教学行为的影响,是教育教学研究的一项重要课题。它对于提高教师教育质量,深化基础教育教学改革具有十分重要的现实意义。本研究以此作为研究对象和内容,旨在通过自己的深入探索,回答数学认识信念如何影响教学行为等问题,从而为教师教育实践提供参考。本研究把理论思辨与量化研究方法结合起来进行了研究。在理论探讨部分,通过梳理西方哲学认识论、数学哲学的相关观点,构建了更加贴近实际、更为合理的用以测查个体数学认识信念系统的理论结构模型,并从理论上分析、论证了数学认识信念对教学行为的影响力大小以及两类取向之间的对应关系;在实证研究部分,根据先前得到理论模型,自编《中学数学教师数学认识信念现状问卷》和《中学数学教师教学行为习惯问卷》,并对部分中学数学教师进行了问卷调查、访谈调查和实地考察,之后,对调查所获得的样本数据进行了统计分析。本项研究的主要结论如下:1.数学认识信念系统的理论结构数学认识信念系统由数学知识的结构性、稳定性、来源、证实、价值等五个维度构成,每个维度在理论上有三种取向,即传统取向、调和取向和现代取向。其中,调和取向是广泛存在的,而且比其他两种取向更为合理。2.课堂教学行为取向的理论结构每一类教学行为可划分为三种类型或三种取向,即保守取向、适中取向和开放取向。其中,适中取向是广泛存在的,而且比其他两种行为取向更恰当。3.数学认识信念对教学行为的影响(1)影响中学数学教师课堂教学行为的因素非常复杂,既有内在因素,又有外在因素。其中,数学认识信念是影响教学行为的重要因素之一,而且在不同情形下其影响力大小不同。(2)中学数学认识信念与教学行为之间存在着显著相关关系。对于不同类型的中学数学教师而言,数学认识信念变量与教学行为变量的相关程度不同。数学认识信念对教学行为的影响力往往会随着教师的教龄、学历、职称等因素的变化而变化。(3)如果中学数学教师在数学认识信念系统的各个维度上大致持有调和(传统、现代)取向,那么,其五种教学行为总体上可能会以适中(保守、开放)取向为主。(4)中学数学教师的性别、所教年级等因素,对其数学认识信念的合理性及教学行为的恰当性有不同程度的影响。4.中学数学教师数学认识信念的现状从整体上看,中学数学教师的数学认识信念取向接近于调和取向,取向基本合理。就单个维度而论,除了数学知识的结构性维度外,中学数学教师在其余四个维度上的取向均接近于调和取向,基本合理。在数学知识的结构性维度,中学数学教师的取向偏向现代取向,不尽合理。5.中学数学教师课堂教学行为的现状从整体上看,中学数学教师的教学行为取向接近于适中取向,取向基本恰当。就单个维度而论,除了提问维度外,中学数学教师在其余四个维度上的取向更接近适中取向,取向比较妥当。在提问维度,教师的取向更接近开放取向,显得过于频繁。6.优秀中学数学教师的数学认识信念及教学行为取向的特征(1)在数学认识信念取向上,优秀的中学数学教师一般认为:第一,“数学知识既来源于实践经验,又来源于逻辑演绎”;第二,“数学真理既要靠生产实践,又要靠逻辑推理来检验”;第三,“数学知识的价值在于训练人的思维,以及解决生产、科技中的问题”。(2)优秀的中学数学教师的课堂教学行为具有以下特征:第一,课堂管理相对比较民主;第二,板书以呈现重点教学内容为主,容量适当;第三,例题讲解以启发引导式为主;第四,提问频率相对较高。

【Abstract】 The teaching effectiveness depends directly on teachers’Behaveor in the classroom, which, however, is dominated by a wide variety of internal and external factors, including educational beliefs or epistemological beliefs. So it always is the important goal of teacher education to help the normal students or service teachers to establishment advanced teaching ideas and epistemological beliefs, to develop good teaching habits. The stability characteristics which owned by epistemological beliefs make it difficult for epistemological beliefs to be updated or be cultivated. In other words, in order to achieve the goal, we must accept the guidance of epistemological beliefs theory in the course of educational practice. It shows that it is an important task for educational researcher to explore and clear the law of development of epistemological beliefs and the relationship between epistemological beliefs and teaching behavior. It has very important practical significance to further improve epistemological beliefs theory, whether for improving the quality of teacher education or for deepening the reform of basic education. So I chose this issue as a research topic. I had used the research methods of combining theoretical speculation and quantitative research methods in the study.In the theoretical discussion section, based on view of the western epistemology and philosophy of mathematics, I have built a more realistic, more reasonable theoretical structural model, which could be used to measure personal epistemological beliefs structures, and I have analyzed the relationship between mathematics epistemological beliefs and teaching behavior. In the empirical research, according to previously-constructed theoretical model, I designed Middle School Mathematics Teachers Epistemological Belief System Questionnaire(MTEBQ) and Middle School Mathematics Teachers’Teaching Behavior Questionnaire(MTTBQ) again, which are the tools for collecting data, and I had surveyed or investigated sample teachers by questionnaire, interviews and classroom observation, and then I had analyzed data statistically.The main conclusions of this study are as follows:1.Theoretical structure of math epistemological belief system. Math Epistemologi-cal belief system are composed of five dimensions, namely, the structure(relevance), the stability, the source, the verification, the value of mathematical knowledge. Each of dimension contains three orientations, namely, tradition tendency, popularity tendency and merger tendency. Among them, merger tendency is existing in people’s minds widely, and it is more reasonable then the others.2. Theoretical tendency structure of all kinds of classroom teaching behavior.Each teaching behavior could be divided into three levels or three tendencies, namely, conservative tendencies, open tendency and moderate tendency. Among them, moderate tendency is existing in the teaching practice, and it is more appropriate then the others.3. Constraints of math epistemological belief on teaching behavior(1) The factors, which restrict the middle school math teacher’teaching behavior, are complex. Some are external factors, while others are internal factors.Among them,他he math epistemological belief is one of the important factors which always restricts their teaching behavior. In the teaching situation with which teachers are not familiar completely, its influence on teaching behavior is larger, or is as much as the influence of the mathematics learning concept, but is less than those, including Entrance examination system, work motivation, and so on. In this teaching situation, the math epistemological belief is one of important basis, which is followed by teachers when making Instructional decisions. In the teaching situation with which teachers are familiar, its influence on teaching behavior is smaller than teaching experience or teaching habits. In this teaching situation, its constraints on teaching behavior is indirect and Recessive, it play its role by teaching experience teaching habits.(2) Significant correlation relationship is existing between math epistemological belief and teaching behavior, and the relevance varies with types of teachers.The influence math epistemological belief on teaching behavior changes with those factors, such as seniority, education, job title, etc..(3) If middle school math teachers hold the merger, traditional or modern tendency on each dimension of math epistemological belief system, then the tendency of their teaching behavior is likely to moderate, Conservative or Open tendency.(4) These factors, such as gender, Seniority, the junior middle school or high school, the backbone or non-backbone, and so on, would produce influence on the rationality of math epistemological belief and the appropriateness of teaching behavior in varying degrees.4. Status quo of math epistemological belief of middle school math teacher On the whole, the tendency of math epistemological belief of middle school math teacher are close to merger tendency, and are rational in general. Considering single dimension, except for structure dimension of mathematical knowledge, the tendencies of math epistemological belief of middle school math teacher are close to merger tendency on the other dimension, and are more reasonable. But on the dimension of the structure of mathematical knowledge, the tendency of math epistemological belief of middle school math teacher are close to opening a tendency In general,so are not entirely reasonable.5. Status quo of classroom teaching behavior of middle school math teacherOn the whole, tendency of classroom teaching behavior of middle school math teachers is close to moderate tendency, and is basically appropriate. Considering single dimension, except for the behavior tendency in classroom questioning dimension, the others is closer to moderate tendency, and is basically appropriate. In the questioning dimension, teachers’tendency is closer to open tendency, and is not very appropriate.6. Characteristics of math epistemological belief and teaching behavior of outstanding mathematics teacher(1) In math epistemological belief, the outstanding mathematics teacher general-ly believe:mathematical knowledge come from the experience or from the logical deduction; mathematical truths are tested by not only social practice but also logical reasoning; the value of mathematical knowledge lies in training people’s thinking or solving practical problems.(2) The teaching behavior of outstanding mathematics teacher is characterized as follows:classroom management is more democratic; the key content are shown on the blackboard, and its component is appropriate; heuristic explanation is often used in example demonstrations; the frequency questioning relatively is high.


