

【作者】 颜文洁

【导师】 张杰;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 外国语言学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在我国的外国语言文学研究中,如何运用国外语言文学研究的理论和方法来解读文学经典作品,一直是学界关注的热门话题之一。本博士论文主要依据苏珊·朗格、鲍里斯·安德烈维奇·乌斯宾斯基和尤里·洛特曼的符号学理论及研究方法,对当代英国女作家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者多丽丝·莱辛(Doris Lessing,1919—2013)的长篇小说《金色笔记》(The Golden Notebook)进行深入细致的分析。本研究无意去概括长篇小说《金色笔记》确定的主题思想,只是努力发掘了长篇小说《金色笔记》作为叙事文本自身的主体性。这一创作的主体性,一方面与作家自身的世界观、思想意识有关,另一方面又是作家对自我主体性羁绊的克服和超越,赋予文本以生命的主体性,增强读者的主体性意识,从而能够不断地积极地创造意义。从苏珊·朗格的关于“艺术是情感符号的表现”这一观点出发,长篇小说《金色笔记》不仅反映着20世纪50年代的社会生活,把握着时代脉搏的律动,而且更是对那个时代人类各种复杂情感的集中表现。该小说文本的情感表现形式是非常独特的,使得情感表现于该文本的形式与内容的同构之中,象征意义蕴含于内在世界与外在世界融合的同质之中,艺术符号文本的无限可阐释性隐含在现实的此岸世界与虚幻的彼岸世界交汇之中,以此达到了独特的艺术效果。依据鲍里斯·安德烈维奇·乌斯宾斯基的结构诗学的视点理论,长篇小说《金色笔记》通过不同层面的叙述“视点”,在“内”与“外”视点的融合中,由“黑”、“红”、“黄”、“蓝”四种不同色彩与“自由女性”叙事的交织,随着时间进程的演变,在意识形态、话语、心理等不同视点中呈现出不同意义,构成了小说复杂而又有序的独特叙述形式,从而形成了艺术价值极高的文本结构,形成了小说的对话机制。根据尤里·洛特曼关于文学文本的社会交际功能、信息生成功能等论述,小说文本结构以五线谱的形式,通过主音线“自由女性”(第五线)与“黑”、“红”、“黄”和“蓝”这四本笔记(第四至第一条线),构成旋律声部与辅旋律声部的先后四次变奏,营造出长篇小说《金色笔记》的主旋律,即自由、生存、信仰、爱情、精神等音响构成的谐音。与此同时,多丽丝·莱辛以小说创作与注释和议论之间形成的双声部,表明人世的荒谬和价值就在于过程之中,生活和文学创作都是如此。音乐(文本)的模糊、通感、音韵、节奏等,再加上人物、内心、文本、文化间的对话构建,就可以不断地激发读者的创造力,不断地感受到悠扬的旋律和多元的意义,这也就构成了长篇小说《金色笔记》的文本意义生成机制。本博士论文力图表明,在经典的文学文本中“形式是可以创造内容的”:经典文学作品的价值在于它的无限的可阐释性,文学批评的任务并非要揭示文学经典作品的确定意义,而恰恰在于发掘文学文本的可阐释空间。文学批评只能够不断地丰富文学文本的意义,而不可能得出终极的意义,只能够不断推动文学经典与不同时代的读者对话。因此,本项研究对于我国的文学批评和文艺理论建设都具有较为重要的意义。

【Abstract】 In the research of foreign languages and literatures in China, how to use the theories and methods to decipher foreign literary works has been a heated topic for discussion. This dissertation aims at analyzing The Golden Notebook written by a modern British female writer Doris Lessing(1919-2013)——a Nobel Prize Winner by using semiotics theories and researching methods of Susanne K. Langer, Борис Андреевич Усленский,Юрий Михайлович Лотман. This research does not generalize the theme of The Golden Notebook, but explores the subjectivity of the text itself. On one hand, this subjectivity relates to the world outlook and ideology of the author herself; on the other hand, it is the author’s self overcoming and exceeding of the subjectivity, and endowing the text with live subjectivity, strengthening the consciousness of subjectivity of the readers, thus creating meanings continuously and actively.From the perspective of Susanne K. Langer’s statement that "art is the reflection of emotional symbols", The Golden Notebook not only holds the rhythm of the pulse and reflects the social life of the world during the1950s, but also focuses on the concentrated reflection of the conflicting emotion of that generation.The style of the emotional pattern of manifestation is very special, making the emotion reflected in the isomorphism of the reflection of the style and content of this text, and at the same time, the symbolic meaning contained in the synergism of the mixture of the inner world and external one, and also let the unlimited interpretability implied in the combination of the real world and the virtual world. All of these lead to the special artistic effect.According to the theory of the structural poetics of Борис Андреевич Усленский, the special and ordered narrative style of the novel, with the changing of the time, is constructed in different meanings of ideology, dialogue and psychology. The Golden Notebook displays the high artistic value of the textual structure, and the dialogue mechanism of the novel as well, by, at different levels, mixing the inner and outer viewpoint, and interweaving narrative technique of four colors, black, red, yellow and blue and "free woman".According to the argumentation of function of social interaction and function of information generation of the literary text by Юрий Михайлович Лотман, this kind of structural design in the novel involves the skillful weaving of five lines in the plot, with the main line (the fifth line of the plot) focusing on emancipated women, and the other four parallel lines being the black notebook, the red notebook, the yellow notebook and the blue notebook. Such an artistic design highlights the main theme of The Golden Notebook, which can be summarized as freedom, belief, love, spirit, survival and various crises in human life. Meanwhile, the author reveals, through the use of creations in the novel and notes along with their corresponding comments, that the absurdity and worth of life lies in the course of events. Such revelation holds true both for life and literary creation. The vague, synaesthesia, rhyme and rhythm, along with the dialogue among characters, inner feelings, text, and culture, can stimulate the imagination of the readers. Readers may feel the beautiful melody and multi-meanings which, definitely, construct the generative mechanism of meanings in The Golden Notebook.This dissertation tries to show that "form can create content" in the classical literary text; the value of classical literary works lies in their unlimited interpretability.The task of literary criticism is not to reveal the settled meaning of classical literary works, but to explore their unlimited interpretability. Literary criticism can not gain the final meaning, but only enrich the meanings of the literary works, and further, promote the dialogue between the classical works and the readers of different generations. Thus, this research has important meanings to the development of literary criticism and the construction of literary theory in China.


