

Color Harmony Theory Research

【作者】 郑晓红

【导师】 诸葛铠; 李超德;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 设计艺术学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 色彩调和迄今为止还是色彩学的难题之一。色彩调和1是英语Color Harmony的译语,指两个或两个以上的色彩,有秩序,协调和谐地组织在一起,能使人心情愉悦、欢喜满足的色彩搭配。色彩调和论是通过色彩的调性和关系,探寻美之本质的学问。色彩调和论研究的宗旨是试图从美的本质,研究色彩搭配的普遍原理,这一直是诸多色彩学家非常关注的问题。色彩调和论研究具有极高的理论价值和实践意义,利用其思想方法、观点和规律,即可以对色彩调和追根寻源,也可以论断,指导、分析、判断人们在具体色彩认知与实践应用活动中遇到的色彩调和问题与现象。人类对于色彩的认知与实践有数万年历史,然而,色彩能够称得上学科的历史却很有限,尤其是从科学的角度对于色彩调和进行研究的历史,可以追溯到17世纪的牛顿日光与三棱镜色分散的实验,从那时起人们才开始使用科学的方法对色彩进行研究和判断。19世纪初,英国生理学家杨2和后来的德国物理学家赫姆霍兹3提出了人类颜色视觉的生理理论,被称为杨-赫的三基本色光论,以及赫凌4提出了红绿黄兰四元色学说之后,集物理学、生理学和心理学为一体的西方色彩调和论的端倪才开始逐步形成。当今世界现代色彩科学的研究与应用正在迅猛发展,以色彩调和理论为基础衍生而来的色彩体系化应用,似乎已经将色彩变成了一组组数字游戏。现代中国拥有被西方色彩专家称之为世界上最大的色彩消费与应用市场,然而当代中国学术界对于色彩学科的研究还趋于表象和片段,缺乏综合的梳理和沉淀,中国还没有形成自己的色彩调和理论,因而在应用上也还没有形成自己成熟的色彩体系与应用方法。在以色彩调和理论为支撑的色彩应用领域,如服装、纺织面料、工业产品、建筑景观、室内设计、家具、工艺品、印刷品、广告等领域的色卡代码标准化体系,正面临着美国PANTONE、瑞典NCS自然色彩体系和日本色彩研究所的PCCS色卡知识产权的垄断,为此,我国要建立自主研发自主知识产权的色样加代码的标准化色彩体系,改变色彩研究滞后于西方发达国家的现状,必须从色彩基础理论——色彩调和论着手进行深入研究。他山之石可以攻玉,本论文首先从定性分析与定量分析的方法论角度入手,梳理西方近现代的色彩调和论的研究成果,从牛顿的七色光谱到歌德1的色彩心理学、生理学研究;从谢弗勒尔2的同时对比法则到赫凌3的四色色环;从杰德4法则到奥斯特瓦尔德的色彩调和论等等,追溯西方近现代色彩调和论诞生的历史背景、原因及其审美意义和局限性,理淸其色彩调和理论的产生、传承与发展的研究主线,揭示其内在联系,为推进中国的色彩调和论研究及其色彩应用体系的建立奠定必要的基础。在论文的后半部分,也分析和介绍日本的色彩调和论研究成果。日本的色彩调和论研究虽然只有八十多年历史,但日本是一个擅长综合别国最新研究成果的国家,在研究西方色彩调和论基础上,日本已经逐步形成了自己独特的色彩调和理论。在其应用层面上,体现为我们很容易从众多的设计产品中看出日本设计的风格,除了造型、工艺、质感等特点外,其色彩设计也有着鲜明的用色习惯及色彩表达方式,正是在其独特的色彩调和论基础上,才形成了日本特有的色彩基因密码,才将日本特有的色彩嗜好从形象上进一步系统化、体系化、数据化,并体现在其色彩应用和色彩管理的层面,构筑了适合日本本土人文环境的色彩体系,在具有普世意义的日本色彩调和理论指导下,形成了日本特有的色彩标准体系,其研究和应用方法值得我们借鉴。对于中国色彩调和论的研究方法,在本论中笔者提出了中学为体,西学为用的原则,这里的中学为体就是将定性分析作为出发点,西学为用就是将定量分析作为超越与突破的必要条件。所谓中学为体,就是寻找根植于我们民族文化传统之上,真正代表我们自己文化特性的研究方向,因为定性分析、综合至理本来就是中华民族在认识论上之所长。所谓西学为用,则需要充分汲取国外先进的研究经验,深化和拓展中国特色色彩调和理论的同时,形成具有科学性的色彩应用发展目标,进一步建立和健全中国特色色彩标准化体系,全面促进中国色彩应用领域的发展,使中国自主研发的色彩知识产权走出中国,走向世界。因此,笔者认为要想实现自主创建中国特色的色彩调和理论,并在理论指导下构筑我们自己的色彩标准体系的目标,首先必须从定性分析开始入手,扬弃诸多本不属于色彩调和范畴的观念束缚,重回古人外师造化,中得心源的认识论上来,开阔思路,寻找更加能代表我们民族特色,更符合我们民族审美心理的色彩理论积淀,使色彩更多地回归其自身,才能使进一步的定量分析有的放矢,免于牵强附会,真正建立属于我们自己的色彩知识产权,使我们的色彩调和理论能够更具指导配色实践的实际意义。在这一点上,研究和借鉴西方和日本在该领域的研究成果也颇为必要。只有通过对西方和日本色彩调和理论的深入研究,作为世界多元文化中重要的一元的我们,才能在色彩调和论的研究领域表现得更加深刻、更加富于开拓和创造性,只有这样才能形成具有鲜明中国特色的色彩使用法则,自主研发具有中国特色的色彩体系标准,推动中国色彩教育和创新,创建具有中国特色的色彩品牌,促进中国色彩资源的联动,形成以中国特色色彩调和理论为基础的色彩应用产品的核心竞争力,推动中国色彩事业的繁荣发展。对于色彩调和论的研究不是关乎技术形式的重器问题,更是关乎中国色彩研究生存与发展的明道问题。一个既具民族特色又有普遍影响价值的全面的色彩审美发展是个性健康、时代强盛的表征,从文化史角度而言亦是对全人类文化传承与进步的贡献。

【Abstract】 Color harmony so far it is one of the problem of color science.Color Harmony is the target language, Color Harmony of English refersto two or more than two colors, orderly and coordinated organizationharmoniously together, can make people happy, glad to meet and colorcollocation. Color harmony theory through color tonality and relations,explores the nature of the beauty of learning. Color harmony theoryresearch aim is trying to from the essence of beauty, research thecommon principle of color collocation, this has been a lot of chromatistwho is very concern.Color harmony theory research has high theoretical value andpractical significance, using the method of the ideas, opinions andregularity, which can be for color harmony source, can also claim,guidance, analysis and judge people in a specific color cognition andpractice activities of color harmony problems and phenomena.Human perception of color and practice of several ten thousandyears of history, however, the color can be called subject history islimited, especially for color harmony from the perspective of scientificstudy of history, can be traced back to the17th century, Newton daylight and prism dispersion experiments of color, from then on, people beganto use the scientific method to study and determine the color. In the early19th century, British physiologist and later German physicist Yang hermhotz, proposed the theory of human color vision physiology, known asYang-Hector’s theory of "three basic colors, red, green champakHeLing and put forward the theory of" four color ", after the physics,physiology and psychology for the integration of the west the clue ofcolor harmony theory began to gradually form.In today’s world of research and application of modern colorscience is growing rapidly, on the basis of color harmony theory derivedcolor systematic application, seems to have changed color into groups ofNumbers game. Modern China has been western color experts call it "theworld’s largest color consumption and application of the market",however, the contemporary Chinese academic disciplines for colorstudies also tend to be more representation and fragments, the lack ofcomprehensive combing and precipitation, China has yet to form theirown color harmony theory, therefore also has not formed mature inapplication of color system and application method. In the color of thecolor harmony theory as the support to the application field, such asclothing, textile fabrics, industrial products, landscape architecture,interior design, furniture, crafts, printed matter, advertising in areas such as color code standardization system, is facing the PANTONE color,Sweden replication natural color system and Japan’s institute of PCCScolor card monopoly of intellectual property rights, therefore, ourcountry should establish independent research and development withindependent intellectual property rights of color code system ofstandardized color change color research lags behind that of westerndeveloped countries, must begin from color theory, color harmonytheory in-depth research."Mountain can offend jade", this paper first from the Angle ofmethodology of qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, combingthe research achievements of western modern color harmony theory,from Newton seven color spectrum to Goethe’s color psychology,physiology research; From Chevreul, at the same time comparative lawto HeLing four colored ring; From Jed rule to Ostwald color harmonytheory and so on, traces the historical background of the birth of westernmodern color harmony theory, reason and its aesthetic significance andlimitations, Ravel out of its color harmony theory, heritage anddevelopment of research of the main line, reveals the inner link, topromote China’s color harmony theory research and establishing thecolor application system to lay the necessary foundation.In the latter part of thesis, and analysis and introduces Japan’s color harmony theory research. Although Japan’s color harmony theory in onlyeighty years of history, but Japan is a good at comprehensive latestresearch results with other countries, on the basis of research colorharmony theory in the west, Japan has gradually formed its own uniquecolor harmony theory. Reflected in its application, as it is easy to seefrom numerous design product design in Japan style, in addition todesign, craft, texture characteristics, its color design also has a brightcolor and color to express way, it is based on its unique color harmonytheory, formed the Japanese unique color genetic code, unique colorhobby to Japan from further systematic and systematism, digital image,and reflected in its application and color and color management level,build the color system suitable for domestic cultural environment, inJapan’s color harmony theory under the guidance of universalsignificance, formed the Japanese unique color standard system, theresearch and application method is worth our using for reference.For China’s color harmony theory research methods, in the body,the author put forward the "traditional Chinese values aided with modernwestern management school for the body, the principle of" middleschool as the body "here is qualitative analysis as a starting point, thetraditional Chinese values aided with modern western management" isthe quantitative analysis of as and breakthroughs necessary condition. The so-called "middle school", is rooted in the tradition of our nationalculture, truly representative research direction of our own culturalcharacteristics, because the qualitative analysis, comprehensive and thesciences is on epistemology, director of the Chinese nation. So-calledtraditional Chinese values aided with modern western management ",you will need to fully learn from foreign advanced research experience,deepen and expand the color harmony theory with Chinesecharacteristics at the same time, the application form with the color ofscientific development goals, to further establish and improve the colorstandardization system with Chinese characteristics, comprehensivelypromote the development of China’s color applications, intellectualproperty rights, the colors of the Chinese independent research anddevelopment out of China to the world., therefore, the author thinks that in order to achieve autonomouscreating of color harmony theory with Chinese characteristics, and underthe guidance of the theory of constructing the system of our own colorstandard target, you must first from qualitative analysis to start with, thesublation of this does not belong to the category of color harmonyconcept of bondage, to return to the ancients "outside nature, heartsource" in epistemology, open thinking, looking for more can representour national features, more in line with our national aesthetic psychology of color theory, make the colors more to return to their own, to make thefurther quantitative analysis of the target, from far-fetched, really belongto our own intellectual property rights of color, enables our colorharmony theory more practical significance for guiding the practice ofcolor. At this point, study and draw lessons from the west and Japan inthe field of research is necessary. Only through the deep research in thewest and Japan’s color harmony theory, the important one of thecharacters as the world’s cultural diversity, we can showing in theresearch fields of color harmony theory more deeply, more rich inpioneering and creative, only in this way can form the law of color usewith distinctive Chinese characteristics, independent research anddevelopment with Chinese characteristics of the color system standard,and promote China’s color education and innovation, to create the colorof the brand with Chinese characteristics, promote China’s color is thelinkage of the resources, formed on the basis of color harmony theorywith Chinese characteristics of color application products of corecompetitiveness, promote the prosperity of the Chinese colordevelopment.For color harmony theory research is not about technology in theform of principle problem, but also about Chinese color researchexistence and development of theory problem. Having both national characteristics and has a widespread influence value of color aestheticdevelopment is a strong characterization of sexual health and times,from the perspective of cultural history is also the contribution tocultural heritage and progress of mankind.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

