

Research on the Theory of the Competitive Tactics Rhythm and Its Application in Volleyball Games

【作者】 高玉花

【导师】 田麦久;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 节奏是客观世界物质运动过程中普遍存在的现象,也是人们竞技活动方式和行为中最活跃的因素。竞技体育活动中无处不在的节奏不仅影响着竞技者的竞技方式和竞技表现,也一定程度上决定着他们的运动成绩。进行关于“竞技节奏”基本理论探讨和实证应用研究,不仅有利于提高竞技者的竞技活动认知水平,而且通过分析与阐述竞技节奏的基本理论问题,解决运动训练和运动竞赛过程中节奏应用与控制等诸多实践问题,对竞技节奏理论的建立,对竞技体育学理论的发展,对竞技参赛学理论的完善无疑都具有重要的研究意义和价值。本研究采用文献资料法、录像解析法、调查法、数据分析法和个案分析法等研究方法,以节奏理论、控制理论、竞技体育理论为基础,对竞技节奏的基本问题进行了研究,初步构架了竞技战术节奏的理论体系,重点解析竞技战术节奏的影响因素,提出了竞技战术节奏掌控策略。在理论研究的基础上,结合排球运动实践,对优秀排球运动队的排球竞赛节奏进行了实证分析。主要结论如下:1、竞技节奏是竞技行为构成及竞技体育从业人员的竞技行为在时间维度上的时序性变化。竞技节奏可以分为参训节奏、参赛节奏、赛事节奏、赛次节奏和赛场节奏等。也可以分为动作节奏、战术节奏、负荷节奏等。2、竞技战术节奏是运动项目特征制约下的竞技战术要素和竞技者战术行为在时间维度上的时序性变化。竞技战术节奏的构成要素包括战术活动时间、强度、密度及其变化等。3、竞技战术节奏具有竞技者战术行为的快慢、攻防、真伪等性质。战术运行节奏和战术实施节奏是竞技战术节奏的基本运动形态。其主要表现方式为反复、对应、间歇和转换等。4、竞技战术节奏的内容体系庞杂,按照不同分类标准,其类别不同。以竞赛内容为标准,可分为速度节奏、位置节奏、远度节奏、高度节奏、出场节奏、重量节奏、环数节奏、编排节奏、进攻节奏、防守节奏、攻守转换节奏;以参加人员多少为标准,可分为个人竞技战术节奏、小组竞技战术节奏和集体竞技战术节奏;以比赛行为可控原理为标准,可分为主动与被动竞技战术节奏、主变与被变竞技战术节奏、本源性和适应性竞技战术节奏;以规律性、适用性和使用频率为标准,可分为有序和无序竞技战术节奏、常规和特殊竞技战术节奏、常用和偶用竞技战术节奏。5、竞技战术节奏具有周期性与阶段性、灵活性与稳定性、相对性与绝对性、复杂性与可控性、理想性与实施性、专项特异性与个体差异性等一般特征。6、竞技战术节奏形成与发展的影响因素包括:比赛规则与组织、己方竞技能力与竞技状态、对手竞技能力与竞技状态和比赛进程的发展与变化。7、竞技战术节奏掌控的策略包括:目标导向策略、实力定位策略、扬长击短策略、善用规则策略和多径调整策略等。8、实证研究表明,伦敦奥运会男排四强比赛中,进攻战术实施时,正常时段发快球节奏是常用发球节奏;进攻扣球中多表现为扣慢球节奏;三点攻和四点攻的掩护配合进攻是集体进攻节奏的理想方式;防守战术实施中,慢后防守节奏和半快配合防守节奏是主要表现形式。9、实证研究表明,伦敦奥运会女排四强比赛中,进攻战术实施时,正常时段发半快球节奏是较多实施的发球节奏;进攻扣球时以扣快球节奏为主;三点配合与掩护是她们最佳的集体进攻节奏;防守战术实施中,慢后防守节奏和半快配合防守节奏是主要表现形式。

【Abstract】 Rhythm, as the common phenomenon in the process of motion of the dynamicworld, is the most active element in athletic activities and performances. Rhythm, whichcan be noticed in any competitive sport, greatly influences the competitive manner andperformance as well as the competition results. The overall theoretical analysis and thepractical application research of Sports Rhythm will not only help to improve thecognitive level on athletic activities by the competitors but also assist in solving manyactual problems concerning rhythm application and control in the process of trainingand competition by analyzing the basic theoretical problems of sports rhythm. It hasimportance significance and special value in the establishment of sports rhythm theory,in the development of athletic science and in the perfection of athletic competitionscience.Based on the Rhythm Theory, Control Theory nd Athletic Theory, this reseachemploys the science methods of document literature, competition tape analysis, survey,statistics and sample study. It studies the fundamental issues in the competitive rhythm,preliminarily constructs the theoretical system of competitive tactics rhythm, analyzesthe influential elements of competitive tactics rhythm and put forwards the controlstrategies on competitive tactics rhythm. It also combines theoretical research with thecompetition of volleyball sport and makes an empirical analysis on the competitiverhythms in volleyball games of excellent volleyball teams.The main conclusions of this research are as follows:1. Competitive Rhythm is the organization of the components of plays and playersexecutions, as well as the comprehensive reflections of plays capacity of tactics in timeand space, which shows the consistency of the tactics. Competitive Rhythm iscomposed of rhythm in training, rhythm in a match, rhythm in a round, rhythm in a tournament and rhythm on the field of play. It can also be classified into motion rhythm,tactics rhythm and rhythm of athletic load.2. Competitive tactics rhythm is the sequential changes in the time dimension ofthe tactic elements under the control of the sports character and the athletes’ tacticalbehavior. Tactical activity time, intensity, density and changes are the elements incompetitive tactics rhythm.3. Competitive tactics rhythm has the characteristics of fastness and slowness,defense and offense, authenticity and fake. Competitive running tactics rhythm andcompetitive executing tactics rhythm are the basic motion forms of the competitivetactics rhythm. The main expression of the competitive tactics rhythm is repetition,correspondence, intermittence and conversion.4. The content system of the competitive tactics rhythm is complicated. Based onthe different standards, rhythm of tactics can be grouped in different ways. According tothe content of competitions, it can be divided as rhythms of speed, positions, distance,height, quality, arrangement, offense, defense, and transition. According to personnel,it can be divided as individual rhythm, team rhythm, and group rhythm. According tothe controllability of the competitive behavior, it can be divided as positive rhythm,negative rhythm, rhythms of positive change and negative change, subjective andadapted rhythms. According to the regularity, the applicability and the frequency, it canbe divided as ordered and random rhythm, normal and special rhythm, and usual andoccasional rhythm.5. Characteristics of competitive tactics rhythm: periodicity and stage, flexibilityand stability, relativity and absoluteness, complexity and controllability, the perfectionand implementation, special specifics and individual differences.6. Factors affecting the tactics rhythm are divided into four categories: thedevelopment and changes in the rules of the game and the organization, one’s owncompetitive ability and competitive state, the opponent’s competitive ability andcompetitive state, and the implementation process of the game.7. Control tactics rhythm strategy: the target oriented strategy, power positioningstrategy, strategy of using one’s advantages to tackle opponent’s disadvantages, strategy of wisely applying the rules, and multipath alignment strategy.8. According to the empirical research, the basic features of the men’s volleyballtactics rhythm in the London Olympic Games is as follows:Fast ball service at the normal time is the men’s volleyball common service rhythm;the rhythm of spike is mostly the spike of slow ball; three-point and four-point attackand cover mode are the ideal ways of the collective attack tactic rhythm; defensiverhythm has remained the slow-behind defensive rhythm and semi fast defense rhythm.9. According to the empirical research, the basic features of the women’s volleyballtactics rhythm in the London Olympic Games is as follows:The rhythm of service has remained service of the semi fast ball at the normal time;the rhythm of spike has remained the spike fast ball; the optimal collective attackrhythm is three-point and cover attack; defensive rhythm has remained the slow-behinddefensive rhythm and semi fast defense rhythm.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期
  • 【分类号】G842;G808.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】272
  • 攻读期成果

