

Research on Rural Land Transfer Model and Implementation under Comprehensive Land Reclamation Background

【作者】 刘艺

【导师】 李新举;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 土地资源利用, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,新增建设用地的需求庞大,国家每一年通过占补平衡补充耕地的困难越来越大,而且难以保证补充耕地的质量,同时,建设用地的浪费问题也非常突出。通过对田、水、路、林、村的综合治理,不但可以达成保护耕地的目标,也可以同步推进村庄改造和农村新社区建设,促使形成节约利用土地与城乡统筹发展相互支持的格局。通过对土地的综合整治,节省下来的土地可以用于其他产业的发展,通过密集的投资改善基础设施,完善小城镇和农村社区的生产生活环境,从而为吸纳产业转移和农村劳动力就近就业创造条件,带动农地流转和农业规模经营。土地流转的根本问题是利益分配问题。目前,农村土地流转主体显现出多样化趋势,不同的土地流转主体有着不同的利益诉求。因此,本文将土地流转中的利益协调问题作为项目区土地流转的研究重心,试图建立一个利益协调的农村土地流转模式基本框架,深入研究山东省土地综合整治中土地流转改革中的重大问题。主要结论如下:(1)构建了农户兼业经营行为的分析模型和农村土地流转的国家效应模型。通过对农户兼业经营行为分析,指出如果要农民从农业部门向非农业部门转移,非农业部门必须要提供比农业部门更高的边际效用,这也是农村土地流转的动力之一。通过对国家效应模型的分析可以看到,就整个国家而言,农村土地流转存在一个最适宜的规模要求。(2)分析了当前我国农村土地流转制度的特点,总结了农村土地流转的主要形式,把土地流转模式分类成村组织主导型、农民自发流转型和工商资本主导型这三种模式,并对其优缺点进行了分析,从五个方面总结出农村土地流转的动力机制。(3)对山东省土地综合整治区的现状进行了分析,总结出土地综合整治区土地流转的特点,同时,从宏观的层面分析了在土地流转过程中存在的矛盾以及由于利益失衡引发的风险,提出构建利益协调的土地流转模式的必要性,并根据不同地区的特点,设计了适合地区发展的土地流转模式。(4)根据实地调查取得的资料,结合地域特点选择了5个具有典型特征的项目区进行分析,共发放调查问卷500份,实际有效的调查问卷为465份。通过建立Probit计量模型进行分析,找出影响农民土地流转的决策因素,表明了现阶段农民的土地流转意愿主要是一种经济行为,大部分农民希望流转土地,分析了阻碍土地流转的原因,从微观层面说明了构建利益协调的土地流转模式的必要性。(5)从利益协调角度对土地整治项目区的土地流转制度进行了设计。这个制度以利益协调为前提,以经济、法律、行政为手段,以农村社会保障制度、户籍制度等制度为保障,通过利益表达机制、利益分享机制、风险防范机制、利益调控机制四个方面的机制创新来解决土地流转中出现的问题,同时协调了工业化、城镇化和农业现代化三方联动,形成一个全新的农村土地流转模式,并且,提出了土地流转改革的实现途径。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the huge demand for new construction land, the state through occupationand retrieval to cultivated land supplement difficulties of growing in every year, and it isdifficult to ensure the quality of additional land, at the same time, the problem of land forconstruction waste is also very prominent. Through comprehensive reclamation of the fields,water, roads, forests, villages, not only can reach the goal of protecting farmland, but also canpromoted simultaneously transformation of villages and construction of new ruralcommunities, prompting the formation of pattern of economical use of land and urban andrural development support each. Through the comprehensive improvement of the land, theland can be saved for the development of other industries, through intensive investment toimprove infrastructure, improve living environment of the small towns and rural communities,so as to absorb the transfer of industries and to create the conditions of employment of rurallabor nearby driven transfer of agricultural land and agricultural scale.The fundamental problem of land transfer is the distribution of benefits problem.Currently, the main body in rural land transfer showing diversification trend, different mainbody have different interest demands in land transfer. Therefore, coordination of the interestof the land transfer as research focus in project area land transfer in this article, trying toestablish a coordination of interests of rural land transfer pattern basic framework, depth studyofthe major problem of land transfer reform in comprehensive landreclamationin ShandongProvince.The main conclusions are as follows:(1) Analysis model of part-time operatingbehavior of farmersand the state-effects modelof rural land transfer were constructed. By analyzing part-time operatingbehavior of farmers,pointed out that if farmers want to move from the agricultural sector to the non-agriculturalsector, non-agricultural sector must provide a higher marginal utilitythan in the agriculturalsector, which is one of the engines of the transfer of rural land. Through the analysis of thestate-effects model can be seen, rural land transfer exist an optimum of scale requirements inthe whole country.(2) Analyzes the characteristics the current rural land transfer system, summarizes themain form of rural land transfer, and the land transfer mode is divided into organization ledmodel, farmers spontaneous transfer models and industrial and commercial capital led model.Meanwhile, the respective advantages and disadvantages are analyzed, summed up thedynamic mechanism of rural land transfer in five aspects.(3) Analysis of the present situation of comprehensiveland reclamation area in Shandongprovince, Summary of the characteristics of the land transfer in comprehensivelandreclamation area. At the same time, from a macro-level analysis the interests conflict betweendifferent transfer main body, as well as which raise economic risks, political risks and socialrisks, proposed the need for build coordination of interests land transfer patterns.According tothe characteristics of different regions, designed for the land transfer model which suitable ofregional development.(4) According to information obtained by field survey, combined with regionalcharacteristics selected five project areas which have typical characteristics were analyzed.500questionnaires were distributed, real effective questionnaires to465copies. Analyzed byestablish Probit econometric model to find out decision factors which influence farmers’ landtransfer wishes,shows the wishes of farmers land transfer is a major economic behavior at thisstage, the majority of farmers want to transfer the land, analyzes the reasons which hinder thetransfer of land, from the micro-level description of the need for build coordination ofinterests land transfer patterns.(5) From the point of view of coordination of interestsdesigned the land transfer systemin comprehensiveland reclamation area. This system is order the interests of coordination as aprecondition,order economic, legal, administrative as a means, order rural social securitysystem、the household registration system and so on as a protection, through innovativemechanisms which are interest expressionmechanisms, benefit-sharing mechanisms, riskprevention mechanism and interest regulation mechanisms to solve problems arising in theland transfer. Meanwhile, coordination of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization tripartite interaction to form a new rural land transfer model. Furthermore,raised reformimplement approach of land transfer.


