

【作者】 嵇昊威

【导师】 赵媛;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 资源科学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 我国煤炭资源较为丰富,能源消费长期以煤炭为主。但我国煤炭生产格局和消费格局偏离程度越来越严重,产生了高强度、大范围的煤炭资源流。铁路是我国煤炭运输的最主要方式,日益增长的煤炭资源流动导致我国铁路运煤运输距离越来越长,运输量越来越大。我国煤炭铁路运输网络经过130年的发展,无论是路网密度还是运输设备,以及运营管理水平都有巨大的突破,形成了东北、华北和西北东部、华东、中南和华南、西南、新疆六个区域性的煤炭铁路运输网。但是我国铁路线路里程短、路网分布不均,区域间煤炭铁路运输网络通道偏少,部分铁路技术等级低、影响行车效率,客货列车混行,货运品种多,运输压力大。在此情形下,本文选取2004年全国第五次铁路提速,2007年全国铁路第六次提速和2011年我国高速铁路网络初步形成三个时间节点,分别研究我国大型国有重点煤矿可达性和我国煤炭铁路运输网络可达性演变,探讨演变机制,提出优化建议。本文首先使用栅格法研究我国78个大型国有重点煤矿可达性演变,结果表明:我国大型国有重点煤矿可达性分布与煤矿位置和铁路路网有关,交通指向性较强,并且差异较为明显。可达性较好的地区多为大型国有重点煤矿附近。2004年到2011年,浙江、湖北、福建、广东、广西、东北西部的白城、大安一带时间距离缩短,可达性变好。而新疆西部和西藏的可达性没有得到优化。但是栅格法只是研究任意点通过交通网络到最近目标点的时间距离,而在现实中普遍存在“舍近求远”运输煤炭的情况;其他基于“人”的位移的可达性研究很少考虑中转,但是煤炭运输需要考虑中转,这是栅格法研究煤炭运输可达性的不足。因此,本文又采取距离法,使用最短空间距离、加权平均运输时间和连接性研究我国大型国有重点煤矿可达性演变。三个特征年份中,最短空间距离都是以河南省煤矿为最佳,总体呈环状外推,可达性水平逐渐降低。西南煤矿空间可达性差异先缩小然后无明显变化,东北煤矿空间可达性无明显变化。这表明煤炭运输路网格局和煤矿区位是最短空间距离指标的主导影响因素。加权平均运输时间距离等值线2004年为闭合圈层,2007年变为“C”型,向华东地区开口,2011年又变为闭合圈层。西南地区、鄂尔多斯地区、甘肃东部以及内蒙古东北的煤矿加权平均运输时间相对较长,可达性较差,但内蒙古东部和鄂尔多斯煤矿加权平均运输时间差异逐步变小,时间可达性均衡化。上述时间可达性的变化,最根本原因是中国铁路建设与运营的方针由既有线提速向客货分线转变。由于机车交路的优化,连接性总体上等值线梯度变小,说明我国大型国有煤矿连接性差异在缩小。以我国铁路网络中涉及煤炭运输的编组站及煤炭下水港口为节点,运用最短空间距离、最短时间距离、连接性和可达性系数,对我国煤炭铁路运输网络的可达性演变特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)2004-2007年通过单纯改造既有铁路,提高列车最高运行速度,不仅没有减少煤炭运输的路程,反而因为东部地区大量加开高等级客车等原因,降低了华北、华东北部、华南地区的时间可达性。(2)空间距离可达性呈现以郑州北为核心的中心—外围格局;时间距离可达性的圈层核心发生位移和形变,2004为以阜阳北为核心圆形,2007年拉伸为狭长形,2011年扩张成椭圆状;连接性的核心圈层由2004年的南北向伸展,演变为2007年呈“L”型延伸,2011年呈“十字”状。(3)我国煤炭铁路运输网络日趋均衡化。其中连接性最为均衡,其次是时间距离和空间距离。(4)煤炭下水港中,区位是决定可达性优劣的关键因素。影响煤炭铁路运输网络可达性的因素,既有来自铁路内部的因素,也有来自铁路外部的因素。内因包括煤运铁路的等级与技术标准,铁路客运需求与煤炭运输的矛盾,铁路自身管理体制等,外因包括煤矿生产量消费量及其空间格局的变化,国家对铁路建设运营政策的调整等。根据上述影响因素,探讨煤炭铁路运输网络可达性演变的机制,包括原动力——煤炭生产格局的变化;推力——即铁路投资加大使路网结构不断完善;支撑力——科技使铁路运输设备的性能不断提升,以及铁路运输管理体制不断创新;压力——客运需求,以及其他一些人为因素等四种。对于客货分线运输,提出郑西、京沪、石太、胶济等四种模式,其中胶济和石太模式对提高煤矿可达性最有利,京沪模式兼顾长途客运与煤炭运输,郑西模式对提高煤矿可达性有限。根据《中国铁路中长期规划》对2020年我国大型国有重点煤矿和煤炭铁路运输网络可达性分别进行预测。与2011年相比,2020年我国大多数大型国有重点煤矿可达性得到优化,西北东部的煤矿可达性提升最为明显,是因为新建跨区域煤炭运输专线,完善区域内部煤炭运输铁路网,其次是新疆地区。总体看,2020年我国煤炭铁路运输网络可达性得到优化,西北地区和福建地区可达性提升较为明显,西南和东北地区的煤运铁路网络可达性提升有限。而随着机车长交路的推广,各区域的连接性差异缩小最为明显。根据前述研究的结论和预测结果,对我国煤炭铁路运输网络可达性提出以下建议:首先,继续完善优化煤炭铁路运输网络,近期应重点建设西北东部和新疆地区的煤炭铁路运输网络以适应这两个地区日益增长的煤炭运输需要。其次,坚持“客货分线”,完善我国客运专线网络,优化客运组织,为煤炭列车腾出更多运行空间。再次,继续推广煤炭列车直通运输和机车长交路,开展国铁和企业煤炭铁路联运。最后充分利用煤炭列车的回空车,开展“钟摆式”运输。

【Abstract】 China is abundant in coal resources, and coal has been the main energy consumption for a long time. However, the coal production pattern deviates from the consumption pattern severely, which gives rise to high-intensity and large-scale flow of coal resources. Railway is the primary means of coal transportation, but the increasingly growing coal resources flow results in longer and longer coal transportation distance, as well as larger and larger traffic volume. China’s coal railway transportation network has been through thirteen decades of development, and as a result, tremendous breakthrough has taken place in the density of road network, transportation equipment, as well as the operations management, forming six regional coal railway transportation network, including northeast, north China and east part of northwest, east China, middle of south and southern part of China, southwest, and Sinkiang. However, China’s rail tracks is short in mileage and uneven in road network distribution, with few railroad transportation networks between the regions, low railway technology, mixed transportation of passenger and freight train, variety of freight categories, and huge transportation pressure.Under such a circumstance, three time nodes are selected in this paper, namely the fifth national railway speed increase in2004, the sixth railway speed increase in2007and the preliminarily formation of China’s high speed railway in2011, for studying on the reachability of large-scale key mines in China and the reachability evolution of coal railway transportation network in China respectively, discussing the development mechanism and proposing optimization suggestions.In this paper, the reachability development of78national key coal mines in China is studied with grid method, and according to the results, the reachability distribution of key large-scale mines in China is related to the position of coal mines and railway network, with strong traffic directivity and obvious differences. Regions with good reachability are near the key large-scale national coal mines. From2004to2011, the time distance of Zhejiang, Hubei, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Baicheng in the west of northeast China, Da’an was shortened, with good reachability. However, reachability of the west part in Sinkiang and Tibet is not optimized. Grid method only studies the time distance of any point to the nearest target point through the transportation network, but in practice, coal transportation conditions of’seeking far and neglecting what lies close at hand’ spreads widely. Studies on the reachability based on ’human’ displacement give few considerations to the transfer, but it shall be considered in the coal transportation, and this is the deficiency of grid method in studying the reachability of coal transportation. Consequently, in this paper, distance method is adopted, and the reachability development of large-scale key coal mines is studied with the shortest spatial distance, weighted transit time and connectivity. Among the three characteristic years, coal mines in Henan always have a best shortest spatial distance, which is in circular distribution, with gradually decreasing reachability level. The reachability differences of southwest coal mine is shortened at first, and there are no obvious changes, while there are no obvious changes in the spatial reachability of northeast coal mine, suggesting that the coal transportation network pattern and coal mine location is the leading influencing factors of shortest spatial distance. The weighted average transportation time distance contour line of year2004is closed circle, while2007became’C type, opening to the East China, and2011became closed circle again. The weighted average transport time in southwest region, east Gansu and northeast Inner Mongolia is relatively long, with poor availability, but the difference of weighted transport time between north Inner Mongolia and Erdos mines gradually decrease, and the time reachability is balanced. The most primary cause for the changes in time reachability lies in the transition of China’s railway construction and operation policies from existing line to passenger and freight separated lines. Owing to the optimization of locomotive routing, the connectivity contour line gradient decreases, suggesting that the connectivity difference of large-scale state-owned coal mine is declining.The reachability evolution characteristics of coal railway transportation network is analyzed with the shortest spatial distance, minimum time distance, connectivity and reachability coefficient by taking the marshalling station and coal water port involving the coal transportation in railway network as the nodes. According to the results:(1). From2004to2007, by transforming the existing railways simply and improving the highest running speed of the train, it not only failed to reduce the journey of coal transportation, but also lowered the time reachability in north China, north part of east China and south China due to the addition of high-class passenger trains.(2). The spatial distance reachability occurs in a center-periphery pattern with north of Zhengzhou as the center; the core of the layer of time-distance reachability experiences displacement and deformation, for instance, it was circular with north of Fuyang as the core in2004, while it was stretched in long and narrow shape in2007, and it was expanded in oval shape in2011:the core layer of the connectivity expands in north and south direction in2004, while it became the’L-shape’extension in2007, and ’cross-shape’ in2011;(3). China’s coal railway transportation network grows balanced day by day, and its connectivity is the most balanced, and then it is the time distance and spatial distance.(4). In the coal water port, location is a crucial factor determining the reachability.Factors influencing the coal railway network reachability consist of the internal factors of railway and external factors of railway. The internal causes contain the level and technical standards of coal railway, contradictions between the passenger rail transport and the coal transportation, management system of railway, etc. while the external causes contain the changes in production capacity and coal consumption, adjustments in the policies of railway construction and operation policies, etc. According to the above influencing factors, the mechanism of reachability evolution of coal railway transportation network is discussed, including motive power-changes in the coal production pattern; pushing force-namely constant perfection of railway network by increasing the investment; support force-constant improvement of the performance of railway transportation device with science and technology, as well as the constant innovation of railway transportation management system; pressure passenger transport demands, as well as some human factors, etc. as for the transportation of passenger and freight separated line, four modes are proposed, namely Zhengzhou-Xi’an, Beijing-Shanghai, Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan, as well as Jinan-Qingdao railway. In which, Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan and Jinan-Qingdao railway are the most favorable for improving the reachability of coal mine, Beijing-Shanghai railway considers both the long-distance passenger and coal transportation, while Zhengzhou-Xi’an railway is limited in improving the reachability of coal.According to the Medium and Long-term Planning for Railways in China, China’s large-scale national coal mines and reachability of coal railway transport network in2020are predicted respectively. Compared to2011, the reachability of most large-scale coal mines will be optimized in2020, and the improvement of coal mine reachability in the east of the northwest is the most evident, owing to the newly-built cross-regional coal transport special railway line, as well as the perfection of internal coal transportation railway network, and then it shall be Xinjiang region. Generally, the reachability of coal railway transportation network in2020will be optimized, and the improvement of reachability in northwest region and Fujian area is evident, while that in southwest and northeast region is relatively limited. With the promotion of long locomotive routing, the connectivity difference of each region is narrowed evidently. According to the conclusion of the previous studies and the prediction results, the following suggestions are proposed for the reachability of China’s coal railway transport network:firstly, the coal railway transportation network shall be perfected and optimized constantly, and recently, attention shall be paid to the construction of coal transportation network in the east part of northwest region and Xinjiang region for adapting to the increasingly growing demands for coal transportation. Secondly, it shall stick to the ’passenger-freight separated line’, perfect the passenger special line network, optimize the passenger transport organization, and make room for more operation space for the coal trains. Furthermore, it shall continue to promote the coal train transportation and locomotive routing, and launch the joint operation of national railway and enterprise coal railway. Finally, it shall make full use of the returning empty coal train, and launch ’pendulum model’transportation.


